Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


Well-Known Member

Looping the hate. Way to go sport.

View attachment 3856860
you sure are worried about ad hominems for a pedophile who voted for a guy who couldn't stop demeaning people based on their race, or ethnicity, or nationality, or religion, or even their disability.

i'm getting the feeling that your concern about ad hominems is not sincere, but rather that you are just a complete pussy.

a lonely old pedophile who will die alone. sad.


Well-Known Member
you sure are worried about ad hominems for a pedophile who voted for a guy who couldn't stop demeaning people based on their race, or ethnicity, or nationality, or religion, or even their disability.

i'm getting the feeling that your concern about ad hominems is not sincere, but rather that you are just a complete pussy.

a lonely old pedophile who will die alone. sad.
Hurling insults. Looping hate. Slinging ad hominem's. Assigning epithets. You don't have much of a filter. Your posts are self important. Like Ned Beatty in The Shooter.



Well-Known Member
Hurling insults. Looping hate. Slinging ad hominem's. Assigning epithets. You don't have much of a filter. Your posts are self important. Like Ned Beatty in The Shooter.

View attachment 3856867
i'm just giving you what you voted for, pedo.

by the way, i took the liberty of giving you the nickname "arctic spaghetti noodle" since it is more fitting for an impotent old shit heel like yourself.

i'm sure you don't mind. again, you voted for that kind of thing.


Well-Known Member

At eight weeks a majority of the pistils are straw color, some darker. Fan leaves are yellowing and withering. Small leaves in the buds still look fairly good. Calyxes are noticeable to me now. This plant seems to be "dying" more than maturing. I'm envious of the harvests I see with the plant still looking vibrant, healthy, green. I'm seeing more crystals develop and to my eye, with a loupe, they are still clear. I think at this point it will be a compromise between the plants health/dis-ease and maturity for a harvest time. It's coming soon I think. I've found it simple to veg healthy and challenging to flower healthy.


Well-Known Member
Lmao, didn't you just say the other night you can get laid anytime you want, hehehe. This was four years ago, I bet you can't even see your dick by now.

Have hallway sex occasionally. Actually said no to a delivered booty call tonight. Haven't had one of those in a very long time. I was fine with the call but she wanted it all. And that honey was gonna be sticky, messy with no way to keep it clean. No was my most correct response. In my youth I was handy with the lasses. Now I find, not horny, not lonely. I remember when I could fuck all night. Now it takes me all night to fuck.


Well-Known Member
I was so near afternoon delight today. She was tall, had on heels, green eyes, legs that I like- feet on one end, fanny on the other, smelled like spring rain, we were connecting, sharing a moment of possibilities. I asked, she said no!
Getting to the good stuff now lol, Rejected.


Well-Known Member
Buck how many doors did you knock on. A shitload right. Probably invested a lot a time and energy too. Donations perhaps also. That's democracy in action, skin in the game. It's admirable. I and many like me did the same thing too albeit for HRC's opponent. You know why. Your behavior on this site is similar to what we were seeing from the DNC. Oh and HRC was largely perceived as corrupt and static. We wanted change. Stay bubbled my friend.


Well-Known Member
I came to this site and read. Read a lot. From that I've learned to grow. Many good folk gave me ideas. I'm grateful for the grow knowledge I learned here. Not fond at all of the liberal politics though.

I've worked 8 of the last 10 Christmas's. Sometimes because I volunteered for call-out duty. Others I'm called because the crew needs help. It feels good to help folks when they need it most. I don't relish the disruption to our family time but it comes with my career and we all seem to share the misery fairly.