When simple gun possession is a crime, you do not waste the guns on civil crime. Many many people still breathing over there who remember the big war and the disarmaments immediately before and after. Remember we are talking about a population as big or bigger than ours.Sounds like NRA bullshit. So Europe has as many or more hidden guns than us, yet nobody ever sees them and they have no crimes caused by them ...
I call bullshit
we'd also find the world hating us less. we'd discover the need for war is less. there'd be so much less bullshit in the world and we'd find out just how good life can be.
Sweden is the rape capital of the world, I bet some of those victims wish they had had a pistol.Interesting how little need some first world nations have for guns. I wonder why?
we don't have a gun problem, we have a humanity problem. places that have the least poverty and the least disparity among classes have a lot less crime and natural need for guns.
the US is like a war zone compared to a country like, say Sweden. It's natural for people to feel they need guns if they're in a war zone.
jail the real criminals and everything else starts to take care of itself.
Put Dick Cheney, both Bushes, both Clintons, Obama, the entire republican party, 3/4 of the democrat party, Rupert Murdoch, Trump and pretty much all his picks, half the supreme court, all the heads of investment banks for the last 25 years and the CEOs of a few dozen other corporations in prison, we'd find that a lot less people have or want guns.
we'd also find the world hating us less. we'd discover the need for war is less. there'd be so much less bullshit in the world and we'd find out just how good life can be.
I am amazed at how many otherwise intelligent and educated people in our country believe that the Second Amendment is not at all about having the FINAL say in any government action. Imo that is the ultimate power of the Amendment. It guarantees the right of revolution by (notionally) protecting the civil means.LOL they hate us right until they have to call us, with our guns, to save them from their tyrant du jour.
Unless you are reading Sotomayor and her take is self defense is a right of the state not the people LOLI am amazed at how many otherwise intelligent and educated people in our country believe that the Second Amendment is not at all about having the FINAL say in any government action. Imo that is the ultimate power of the Amendment. It guarantees the right of revolution by protecting the civil means.
If you believe gun owners are itching to use them on other people then that's your fallacy.Bullshit video. I care and I watched. There are a dozen counterpoint videos, too.
The whole world knows Americans are fucking gun crazy. And we want to use them. Pretty simple.
Hi their
Ok so i'm just seeing that you guys may not know you ACtually do have A GUN PROBLEM.
I talk to a lot of americans and the trust issue seems to run really deep .... it's like it's the norm for you and i'm just wondering if it's blinded you in some way that you can't see you ACtually do have serious problem.
Period wouldn't send my kids anywhere near usa just for this gun problem i'm not sure you know you really have.
Most of the blowhards I see on here talking smack about their guns couldn't hit the side of a barn from 300 yards.
They probably have bush wackers and are good maybe 100-150 if lucky.
Or. You could ignore the moron giving the finger. Not everything has to lead to puch ups and being shot at.
I know. Because I got bashed by some fucktard in high school for just looking at the guy.
I literally just turned my head to see if it was my mate heading towards me. That's it. No rude gestures. No language. Just a glance.
Next thing I know I'm being punched in the head. And thrown about the yard by some kid I don't even know.
LOL they hate us right until they have to call us, with our guns, to save them from their tyrant du jour.
You conflate gun owners with "preppers". I own guns, would like to retain that right-and-capacity, and can't give a rat's pickled haunch about surviving an imagined societal collapse.The NRA is a lobby for the gun industry. The gun / ammo manufacturers are the objective ($$); citizens are only what they parade in front of the cameras. The NRA ensures sales and profits of the gun industry. They want your money and they fan the flames of fear so people stockpile guns and ammo. Pretty freakin simple. And freakin simple folk buy it hook, line and sinker.
Remember Y2K panic? "They's comin' for ya guns." Total and complete bullshit. Another BS story that allowed the gun & ammo companies to fleece US citizens who should be spending their cash paying down debt or buying better quality food. These crazy-ass doomsday preppers are in the same boat. A little international news and it's Armageddon. Spend all the cash you don't have on freeze-dried food you can store in a hole.