How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

johny sunset

Well-Known Member
And which is worse?????.. the taste of your defeat at buying Lp weed..or shit.......Seems a no brainer to me Johny..spit n rinse.
you tell me I've never tasted shit before and I certainly don't taste defeat. I'm really happy with Broken Coast. They provide better cannabis at Cheeper prices then pretty much all dispensary I'm a member with


Well-Known Member
you tell me I've never tasted shit before and I certainly don't taste defeat. I'm really happy with Broken Coast. They provide better cannabis at Cheeper prices then pretty much all dispensary I'm a member with
Broken Coast has the best product out of the 4 LP's I Have used; Hate me all you want, but I can't go without


Well-Known Member
you tell me I've never tasted shit before and I certainly don't taste defeat. I'm really happy with Broken Coast. They provide better cannabis at Cheeper prices then pretty much all dispensary I'm a member with
If ya don't mind what ya paying from broken coast?


Well-Known Member
My dear friend The Hippy. As much as I am in sync with your philosophy I wish you would dial it down a bit.

I have for years tried to educate my friends on various forums about the threat of corporate takeover of the cannabis culture and also the threats to their health regarding processed foods and all the hidden poisons there.

The best we can do is show the evidence than let them figure it out on their own or they just shut down and get defensive so our message not only gets ignored but with some gets actively fought against which nullifies the message altogether and works against us.

Still a good message tho. :)



Well-Known Member
A lot of you folks have no idea of the battle that has been fought to get the re-legalization of cannabis to the point it's at now. Just the method of how it actually became illegal is unknown to the vast majority but believe me it was huge corporations in the early 1900s that pushed the gov't onto the prohibition path.

Cannabis was a commonly used part of hundreds of over the counter medications for over a century then what is now the FDA came into being as well as the early AMA to regulate doctors and mold them into what they are now. Quacks educated by Big Pharma and totally devoid of any understanding of how the human body really functions. A pill for every ill is the only thing they know and every scrip they write is another dollar in their pocket and 5 more for Big Pharma who is making billions by keeping your health "managed" but never curing your ills.

Keep choking back those Big Macs and washing them down with high fructose corn syrup sweetened cokes or even worse, Diet Coke. Big Pharma will fend off death long enough to drain your bank account then good-bye sucka, who's next! There's another sucker born every minute so they can't lose. The house always wins.

You would think that after 13 or so years of alcohol prohibition and the gangs that grew out of them that the gov't would have learned their lesson when it came to doing the same thing with pot and all other drugs demonized in our law books now but alas it was not to be. Look at what has happened since the '30s and tell me it's not a thousand times worse. Al Capone would be considered a pussy by the drug lords running things now. Gangs like the CIA, FBI etc have been the biggest dealers in the drug trade since their inceptions.

Our last PM, Herr Harper, was bought and paid for by big corporations and set up this corporate being composed of Legal Producers to usurp free growing of pot and keep it in the hands of Big Pot. Every dime you give to these greedy pricks promotes the new corporate prohibition against pot.

I realize that most people can't or won't bother growing their own and even some are trying to do that and have no easy access to pot in the interim so fall prey to the LPs. Or get sucked in there because they had to resort to a paid clinic and were sent there without their understanding of what it entailed. How f'ed is that, that you can only buy from one source?

I live way up in northern Alberta in the middle of nowhere and if I didn't grow my own would be stuck for a source of good meds too. Any street pot I've smoked in the last 30 years is total crap and tastes of pesticides and nute burn bad. Quick dried bulk pot that really deserves to be called weed.

So, if you have to, get your schwag from LPs for now but in the meantime educate yourself about the history of prohibition and the players behind the scenes and if you really have an open mind you too will find a way to not support the corporate takeover of legal cannabis.

Rant over. Please resume your regular activities and a Merry Xmas to all! :)



Well-Known Member
Can't stop...and won't
You do you, that's cool. But your constant fighting and continuation of the fights is making this less a section about patients trying to grow their own medicine and more a section about fighting. Us vs them. Bad vs good.
You have a lot of information and knowledge about growing and the system in Canada. Wouldn't it be nice if you spent some time on here sharing that information with those of us that Need it? Rather than calling us shills and stuff.
I'd like to grow. Teach me things please. Merry Christmas.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
You do you, that's cool. But your constant fighting and continuation of the fights is making this less a section about patients trying to grow their own medicine and more a section about fighting. Us vs them. Bad vs good.
You have a lot of information and knowledge about growing and the system in Canada. Wouldn't it be nice if you spent some time on here sharing that information with those of us that Need it? Rather than calling us shills and stuff.
I'd like to grow. Teach me things please. Merry Christmas.
I don't bitch on any grow issues okay ! Show me where I'm barking at anyone over a grow issue. I grow too...why would I? If your growing your not buying from an Lp so that's perfect. So that's solved now. Are you trying to make a problem?

My only issue here is when someone comes on here spouting off about how great the Lp's are. They like them, I don' it's gonna get my attention because I'm against LP anything. Anyone can say anything here..including me....and yes... I'm relentless with my criticism of LP anything.

I don't give a shit if some folks don't like my tone. I don't like them sucking off my enemy. I'm not gonna candy coat my message.

So as far as any other subject away..who cares. Sometimes I could care less on some subjects here and I don't say shit. But start prancing on the merits of Lp anything..and you and I will clash. I don't go elsewhere with this is it. So folks who don't like me not loving their LP dreams can go somewhere where they do. I'm easy to avoid. I'm sure there must be site where Lp customers talk. I don't go there and say anything. I'm here...that's it. I'm pretty easy to be rid of.

So does that clear that up for ya. Any other Q' don't seem to get it easy do you. Or are you just looking for attention. Fuck if i'm not the simplest message here I don't know who would be. Not complicated....sorry if it detract from the prancing and the pirouetting in the LP Ballet.


Well-Known Member
In between $7.75 -9/g. With free shipping they have some strains that are $9.50 but I usually go for cheaper options
maybe once youve grasp the concept of growing you'll figure it all out. Being forced with NO CHOICE to buy poisoned sprayed swhag to make meds with(oh thats right just burn it) at
8 and 9 dollar grams for something that costs pennies............... is ludicrous.. ;)
specially if you are sick , dying and have no cash,,,
bbut people like yourself DOT GET THAT
theres more but explaining it all to an idiot is far from what I feel is worth while.
cheers oh wanna =be sick growing ears!

get it chummly? Yer a grower :roll:


Well-Known Member
In between $7.75 -9/g. With free shipping they have some strains that are $9.50 but I usually go for cheaper options
How can you or most people afford those criminal prices? If I had to have my 8g/day limit that would cost me up to $2160 a month. Pretty hard to cover that on my $750/mth CPP-D I must say. I'll have to survive on no-name beans instead of my luxury Heinz Maple Syrup baked beans on toast I get on the days I can't fight the dog off for his kibble. ;)

We got a ButterBall for Xmas dinner this year so life ain't so bad.

Jah bless us, everyone!



Well-Known Member
I don't bitch on any grow issues okay ! Show me where I'm barking at anyone over a grow issue. I grow too...why would I? If your growing your not buying from an Lp so that's perfect. So that's solved now. Are you trying to make a problem?

My only issue here is when someone comes on here spouting off about how great the Lp's are. They like them, I don' it's gonna get my attention because I'm against LP anything. Anyone can say anything here..including me....and yes... I'm relentless with my criticism of LP anything.

I don't give a shit if some folks don't like my tone. I don't like them sucking off my enemy. I'm not gonna candy coat my message.

So as far as any other subject away..who cares. Sometimes I could care less on some subjects here and I don't say shit. But start prancing on the merits of Lp anything..and you and I will clash. I don't go elsewhere with this is it. So folks who don't like me not loving their LP dreams can go somewhere where they do. I'm easy to avoid. I'm sure there must be site where Lp customers talk. I don't go there and say anything. I'm here...that's it. I'm pretty easy to be rid of.

So does that clear that up for ya. Any other Q' don't seem to get it easy do you. Or are you just looking for attention. Fuck if i'm not the simplest message here I don't know who would be. Not complicated....sorry if it detract from the prancing and the pirouetting in the LP Ballet.
Fuck I need to read your messages with some K-Y, you harsh. That's just your way I get it.
It seems like if there was not all the anger, name calling, and fighting we would have much more productive discussions in here about everything. Just the way I feel about it. Like I said, you do you.

Do you see how I wrote that without calling you a bad name, which would have made you defensive? It's just nicer reading messages that are not full of hate.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
TE="johny sunset, post: 13230997, member: 512430"]In between $7.75 -9/g. With free shipping they have some strains that are $9.50 but I usually go for cheaper options[/QUOTE]
It's pretty sickening that the Gov is making money off the taxation of a product that they are also at the same time jailing people for selling. Typical hypocritical attitude I'd say. Who are the real criminals in this play?
So the tax dollars you help them make Johny also helps to jail folks selling the same plant. They jail you just as easy if you crossed them too.
How you can deal with them is just beyond me.Yup...that's the kinda system I'd like to be a part of...:spew::spew::spew::spew:
I'm glad your grow papers arrived..throw away the LP weed and grow Johny. BOYCOTT LP's

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Fuck I need to read your messages with some K-Y, you harsh. That's just your way I get it.
It seems like if there was not all the anger, name calling, and fighting we would have much more productive discussions in here about everything. Just the way I feel about it. Like I said, you do you.

Do you see how I wrote that without calling you a bad name, which would have made you defensive? It's just nicer reading messages that are not full of hate.
You got the wrong guy my friend. Sorry bout your bum though.


Well-Known Member
Also just wanted to say this is the Canadian patients section, and I am both a Canadian and a patient. I think I'm in right spot I don't feel the need to look to another website for information.