What the F... Happened

You have progressive blinders on just like the rest of the lost souls. You fail to see the big picture and focus on what you feel is comfortable to spew. You can go fuck yourself as well. Just another lost soul! Lost in your own reality.
Do you like being lied to? Republicans sure do. Fuck off with all this "both parties lie to us" shit. They don't.

They don't unless you think as Gingrich does: that "feelings > truth" Too funny thatl
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So, tell me, what do you expect from Donald Trump over the next four years. What would make his term a success in your view? What would make you turn against him?

What do I expect from Trump? The same thing I suspected would happen from previous presidents on both sides of the corruption machine. More corruption, lies, propaganda, deception and power grabbing. More nails in the coffin of our self destruction as a nation. He is no better or worse than any of the others corrupt criminals we have dealt with over the last several decades. When he leaves office their will be another corrupt criminal to replace him from either side I suspect.
My post probably didn't come out the way that I intended as much as the way I feel,the point I was trying to make was that these politicians are no different than you or I so how can they have so much power to make such decisions when they are so easily persuaded by greed, fame,or whatever they are human, as for the freedom I have lost,I don't think that I have lost much that I would start a revolt over it,as an example last night Xmas I'm driving home from my parents around 7 PM and the police are stopping traffic looking for DUI I hadn't been drinking and nothing to the casual observer would ever think I was but I have to exit the vehicle so they can look show them ID and insurance then I'm sure they run me for warrants I don't think I deserve that or do I deserve having a drone lighting up my house at 3AM scaring the shit out of my wife and kids,I wonder whose bright Idea that was I know I didn't vote for that did you?I doubt it, Please don't take my post for more than what my wife calls the muses of a rambling on old man but that is how I feel more and more as this goes on.
What do I expect from Trump? The same thing I suspected would happen from previous presidents on both sides of the corruption machine. More corruption, lies, propaganda, deception and power grabbing. More nails in the coffin of our self destruction as a nation. He is no better or worse than any of the others corrupt criminals we have dealt with over the last several decades. When he leaves office their will be another corrupt criminal to replace him from either side I suspect.
Ok, so you just think everybody is corrupt and not worthy of leading this country. And so, you cede power to a voting block who put Trump in power.

And so, you were shagged.
Do you like being lied to? Republicans sure do. Fuck off with all this "both parties lie to us" shit. They don't.

They don't unless you think as Gingrich does that "feelings > truth" Too funny thatl

And so, you were shagged.[/QUOTE]
Voting block representative of all parts of our social makeup. Yes I will accept it just like I would have accepted any other winner of the presidential election. I don't have to agree with who wins but I do have to at least give them the chance to fuck up like all the others. I don't focus and listen to anyone side. Both sides are full of shit. I don't base my opinions solely on what I hear and see in the media. I base my opinions on history, research, facts and common sense. I am not a right or left winger. I am not a progressive. I am a man who fought for this country just to see it falling apart before my very eyes.
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Do you like being lied to? Republicans sure do. Fuck off with all this "both parties lie to us" shit. They don't.

They don't unless you think as Gingrich does that "feelings > truth" Too funny thatl
fact-checking is in the process of being widely discredited.
Voting block representative of all parts of our social makeup. Yes I will accept it just like I would have accepted any other winner of the presidential election. I don't have to agree with who wins but I do have to at least give them the chance to fuck up like all the others. I don't focus and listen to anyone side. Both sides are full of shit. I don't base my opinions solely on what I hear and see in the media. I base my opinions on history, research, facts and common sense. I am not a right or left winger. I am not a progressive. I am a man who fought for this country just to see it fall apart before my very eyes.
I find it very funny that people like you can't remember what Trump said during the election or his long history of draft dodging, racist actions, cheating contractors after they completed work, wife rape, sexual predatory practices, union busting, dictator cock sucking, bankruptcies and a consistently odious practice of suing or intimidating anybody who speaks truth against him. Dude, this list is not "media lies". It's truth and you conveniently forgot about it. There is absolutely no reason to think that Trump is going to fuck up, I think his objectives are different from yours. Trump will solidify the rule of the wealthy elite and doesn't care one bit about the economy or little people.

White middle class conservative voters don't remember his promises or more than likely don't care. I recognize their right to vote for a man who promises them that he will return the country to a society that elevates the status of the white man above all others. I accept that they prevailed this election. But you know that Trump lied to them. It shows in his choice of cabinet. Trump's choices indicate he plans to elevate the wealthy elite above all others, forever. If you voted for him or sat on the sidelines this election, you failed to prevent him from building the worst kleptocracy ever in this country's history.

You were shagged.
Voting block representative of all parts of our social makeup. Yes I will accept it just like I would have accepted any other winner of the presidential election. I don't have to agree with who wins but I do have to at least give them the chance to fuck up like all the others. I don't focus and listen to anyone side. Both sides are full of shit. I don't base my opinions solely on what I hear and see in the media. I base my opinions on history, research, facts and common sense. I am not a right or left winger. I am not a progressive. I am a man who fought for this country just to see it fall apart before my very eyes.
I find it very funny that people like you can't remember what Trump said during the election or his long history of draft dodging, racist actions, cheating contractors after they completed work, wife rape, sexual predatory practices, union busting, dictator cock sucking, bankruptcies and a consistently odious practice of suing or intimidating anybody who speaks truth against him. Dude, this list is not "media lies". It's truth and you conveniently forgot about it. There is absolutely no reason to think that Trump is going to fuck up, I think his objectives are different from yours. Trump will solidify the rule of the wealthy elite and doesn't care one bit about the economy or little people.

White middle class conservative voters don't remember his promises or more than likely don't care. I recognize their right to vote for a man who promises them that he will return the country to a society that elevates the status of the white man above all others. I accept that they prevailed this election. But you know that Trump lied to them. It shows in his choice of cabinet. Trump's choices indicate he plans to elevate the wealthy elite above all others, forever. If you voted for him or sat on the sidelines this election, you failed to prevent him from building the worst kleptocracy ever in this country's history.

You were shagged.[/QUOTE]
LMAO!...Wow talking points straight from the Clinton campaign...awesome!. No I remember all the Trump shit. I also remember all the Clinton shit. I also remember all of the underhanded despicable bullshit going on from both sides, the media and their surrogates in plain view and behind the scenes. I am glad you have taken a position and stand firm in your believes. I have done the same. I noticed you have not mentioned the Clintons or their position within the Washington corruption machine.....interesting. One sided as usual but worth noting. Would we as a nation been better off if Clinton had been elected? I know your answer of course. My answer is the Clintons are disgusting corrupt fucks just like the rest who inhabit Washington DC and would have used the office for personal gain and democratic party power playing just like Trump and the republican party will undoubtedly be doing. So my opinion is the same. It makes no difference who got elected. Both sides will continue to do what they have done for decades. Chip away at the very fabric of this nation in the name of: power, party and greed!
LMAO!...Wow talking points straight from the Clinton campaign...awesome!. No I remember all the Trump shit. I also remember all the Clinton shit. I also remember all of the underhanded despicable bullshit going on from both sides, the media and their surrogates in plain view and behind the scenes. I am glad you have taken a position and stand firm in your believes. I have done the same. I noticed you have not mentioned the Clintons or their position within the Washington corruption machine.....interesting. One sided as usual but worth noting. Would we as a nation been better off if Clinton had been elected? I know your answer of course. My answer is the Clintons are disgusting corrupt fucks just like the rest who inhabit Washington DC and would have used the office for personal gain and democratic party power playing just like Trump and the republican party will undoubtedly be doing. So my opinion is the same. It makes no difference who got elected. Both sides will continue to do what they have done for decades. Chip away at the very fabric of this nation in the name of: power, party and greed!

Again, you are equating a list of facts with the laundry list of right wing made up shit that the GOP used to help turn the election to vote in the least prepared man ever to be POTUS.

Tell me, what facts are you referring to regarding Clinton's "despicable bullshit". Facts are verifiable, just saying. What I said about Trump was verified as facts. Facts should be fair game in an election. Agree that "despicable bullshit" should not be fair game or even repeated. Yet it was most certainly so when Trump and the GOP gang got involved. You know, the "feelings > facts" gang.

You were shagged.
[QUOTE="dargd1, post: 13237919, member: 947517"
LMAO!...Wow talking points straight from the Clinton campaign...awesome!. No I remember all the Trump shit. I also remember all the Clinton shit. I also remember all of the underhanded despicable bullshit going on from both sides, the media and their surrogates in plain view and behind the scenes. I am glad you have taken a position and stand firm in your believes. I have done the same. I noticed you have not mentioned the Clintons or their position within the Washington corruption machine.....interesting. One sided as usual but worth noting. Would we as a nation been better off if Clinton had been elected? I know your answer of course. My answer is the Clintons are disgusting corrupt fucks just like the rest who inhabit Washington DC and would have used the office for personal gain and democratic party power playing just like Trump and the republican party will undoubtedly be doing. So my opinion is the same. It makes no difference who got elected. Both sides will continue to do what they have done for decades. Chip away at the very fabric of this nation in the name of: power, party and greed!

Dude, you've been completely shagged. And now you are defending your rapist.

The list I gave you about Trump were undeniably true. Tell me, what facts do you recall about Clinton? Not the made up shit, but real facts.[/QUOTE]

Tell me, what facts do you recall about Clinton? Not the made up shit, but real facts.


I am not like you and others; who waste time and effort regurgitating media, campaign talking points and I gotcha moments. I don't point out talking points for or against either side. I leave that to folks like you and the hardcore conservatives. I always have and will continue to base my opinions on as I said earlier: history, research and common sense.I don't need to point out Clinton faults, just like I wouldn't waste my time pointing out Trump faults. There is plenty of evidence on the internet for all who are interested to see. Evidence of both Clintons and their Washington DC empire; and there is plenty on Trump as well. I would encourage you to research both sides and look at it with unbiased intent. But of course that would never happen because it would be boring for you...lol..It would mean you would have to acknowledge your side is just as ruthless and corrupt as the side you detest.
I learned along time ago debating either side for Washington DC is futile and a waste of time. Neither side has the ability to give credibility to the shortcomings of their respective sides. Both sides point fingers and non-stop propaganda in hopes of destroying their opponents and call them "my good friend" while they do it. And of course in forums such as this the first responses are usually the same..fuck off, fuck you, go fuck yourself etc.....when addressing folks that disagree with you. So no I don't intend to get into a long drawn out debate with you or anyone else representing either side. There is enough criminality, corruption, power grabbing, despicable behavior to go around.
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LMAO!...Wow talking points straight from the Clinton campaign...awesome!. No I remember all the Trump shit. I also remember all the Clinton shit. I also remember all of the underhanded despicable bullshit going on from both sides, the media and their surrogates in plain view and behind the scenes. I am glad you have taken a position and stand firm in your believes. I have done the same. I noticed you have not mentioned the Clintons or their position within the Washington corruption machine.....interesting. One sided as usual but worth noting. Would we as a nation been better off if Clinton had been elected? I know your answer of course. My answer is the Clintons are disgusting corrupt fucks just like the rest who inhabit Washington DC and would have used the office for personal gain and democratic party power playing just like Trump and the republican party will undoubtedly be doing. So my opinion is the same. It makes no difference who got elected. Both sides will continue to do what they have done for decades. Chip away at the very fabric of this nation in the name of: power, party and greed!
The fact that they were talking points does not make them any less true. If you were in her place wouldn't you bring them up? Are you one of these types that believe that the MSM printing what Trump is saying is unfair?

This sort of attitude is the biggest casualty from Trump's war on facts. Your logic is self defeating - anybody that gets into political office is automatically guilty of unspecified "corruption"? "Disgusting corrupt fucks who inhabit Washington DC?" Have you heard of pizzagate?
I am not like you and others; who waste time and effort regurgitating media, campaign talking points and I gotcha moments.

Ah, so you are just talking out of your ass. I thought so. Heavy on feeling, short on facts. And you call other people brainwashed for being informed. Your worldview is probably a sad pastiche of semi-understood headlines, viral fake news, shit overheard on street corners and prejudices given to you by your parents.
Again, you are equating a list of facts with the laundry list of right wing made up shit that the GOP used to help turn the election to vote in the least prepared man ever to be POTUS.

Tell me, what facts are you referring to regarding Clinton's "despicable bullshit". Facts are verifiable, just saying. What I said about Trump was verified as facts. Facts should be fair game in an election. Agree that "despicable bullshit" should not be fair game or even repeated. Yet it was most certainly so when Trump and the GOP gang got involved. You know, the "feelings > facts" gang.

You were shagged.

Since you're so "bound" up re color, what color are you? Are you a representative of the white privilege nuts?

Presidents aren't kings; they don't make law. People running for office make up all kinds of promises they can't possibly keep and talk all kinds of shit. Remember that "hope and change" shit you were fed 8 years ago???

Talk about gullible!
Presidents aren't kings


"Over two millenia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind. Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new king"

all hail new king trump!
Since you're so "bound" up re color, what color are you? Are you a representative of the white privilege nuts?

Presidents aren't kings; they don't make law. People running for office make up all kinds of promises they can't possibly keep and talk all kinds of shit. Remember that "hope and change" shit you were fed 8 years ago???

Talk about gullible!
I'm blue, appropriate considering the chump in chief about to wreak havoc on the working classes.

Too funny that chump's supporters are now shrieking about how we should forget campaign promises. I'm not. I completely remember Trump saying how he's going to drain the swamp. That's the first campaign pledge he went back on. Or was his back tracking about deporting illegal immigrants his first?. You guys (I can't tell the difference between a libertarian, a mindless non-voter and a republican, who all supported Trump's bid in one way or another, so I'll just lump them all together when I say "you guys") are already making excuses for the kleptocrat in chief. The thing is, Trump is absolutely going to accomplish his goals. He fucking lied to all of you and you dumbshits keep making excuses for him.

You and your conservative ilk already reconciled yourselves to Trump's failure to lead the country. The only thing the conservative right will get out of this is the repeal of Roe V Wade and a conservative supreme court that will set this country back by about a hundred years. While Trump's family will become the richest in the world. Goddammit you guys are stupid.
I'm blue, appropriate considering the chump in chief about to wreak havoc on the working classes.

Too funny that chump's supporters are now shrieking about how we should forget campaign promises. I'm not. I completely remember Trump saying how he's going to drain the swamp. That's the first campaign pledge he went back on. Or was his back tracking about deporting illegal immigrants his first?. You guys (I can't tell the difference between a libertarian, a mindless non-voter and a republican, who all supported Trump's bid in one way or another, so I'll just lump them all together when I say "you guys") are already making excuses for the kleptocrat in chief. The thing is, Trump is absolutely going to accomplish his goals. He fucking lied to all of you and you dumbshits keep making excuses for him.

You and your conservative ilk already reconciled yourselves to Trump's failure to lead the country. The only thing the conservative right will get out of this is the repeal of Roe V Wade and a conservative supreme court that will set this country back by about a hundred years. While Trump's family will become the richest in the world. Goddammit you guys are stupid.

As I thought; non stop typical bullshit. Didn't even take the time to read through exactly what is being posted here. No need too right?....No matter what; you are right and the rest of the world is wrong that is not lockstep with you. So typical it is pathetic. No need for open facts on the big picture. All that matters is your political agenda is the only viable solution to an already failed system. It speaks volumes also to see that your argument always ends up the same: belittling, name calling and personal attacks at those that don't agree with you. The only credibility you have at this point is with your like minded haters.......have fun.