Young black males and public education.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you were aware that you had to pay property tax when you bought a home. YES
You then proceeded to buy a home.
No one forced you to buy home.

Your "logic"...

You were born on a plantation. Your parents were slaves. Therefore you agreed to be a slave.


Well-Known Member
So what you're saying is a "contract" can be valid if one party was placed under duress ?

So, if I showed up at your house and grabbed your scrawny neck with my powerful arms and dunked your head under water until you "agreed" to something you preferred not to do, that our "agreement" is valid ?
Scrawny neck?

Powerful arms?





Well-Known Member
Your "logic"...

You were born on a plantation. Your parents were slaves. Therefore you agreed to be a slave.
What is your logic when you are issued a social security number and use it. What about the logic of signing for your kids to also have a ss#.
How will you file next year for taxes ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What is your logic when you are issued a social security number and use it. What about the logic of signing for your kids to also have a ss#.
How will you file next year for taxes ?

Logic and government institutions are dissimilar. Your argument is a contradiction and is sort of premature prima facie.
Here let me rebut it...

Government purports to be an institution which protects people from other people who coerce them, yet any government which does not claim it's members, citizens, subjects, serfs , etc, thru an explicit individual voluntary process, MUST have gained dominance thru an involuntary process.

If you force an involuntary relation on others, you are engaging in applying coercion, which hardly makes that entity able to PROTECT others from coercion.

I do not carry a slave card...I burned it years ago when I ran away from the plantation.


Well-Known Member
Logic and government institutions are dissimilar. Your argument is a contradiction and is sort of premature prima facie.
Here let me rebut it...

Government purports to be an institution which protects people from other people who coerce them, yet any government which does not claim it's members, citizens, subjects, serfs , etc, thru an explicit individual voluntary process, MUST have gained dominance thru an involuntary process.

If you force an involuntary relation on others, you are engaging in applying coercion, which hardly makes that entity able to PROTECT others from coercion.

I do not carry a slave card...I burned it years ago when I ran away from the plantation.
How will you file next year ? How many will you claim ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Scrawny neck?

Powerful arms?




I'm glad you liked that.

Yet the point I made, I notice you've run away from it. So does any government have a moral right to do things which would be wrong for you or I to do, pencil neck?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you liked that.

Yet the point I made, I notice you've run away from it. So does any government have a moral right to do things which would be wrong for you or I to do, pencil neck?
If you don't like the Govt then either run yourself or vote for someone to change it.

Until then stfu and pay the taxes because... yes! They do currently have the right to tax you, go read the Constitution.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You didn't make a point. You agreed to pay taxes willingly. You could of just rented

No, I didn't agree. You assume because a thing exists and people comply with it, that they "agree" with it also. You neglect to consider the attendant duress (threats for noncompliance) which makes it not really an agreement.

The question you are either ignorant of or are intentionally avoiding is, where does the right to hold a persons home ransom come from ? Do you have that right or do I have that right? The answer is obviously, no. Then we can't possibly grant that "right" to anyone or group of people if we don't hold that right ourselves can we? So where does it come from if no person has that right in the first place?

I bet you will either not reply or avoid the question. I'd bet your house on it. Lol.


Well-Known Member
No, I didn't agree. You assume because a thing exists and people comply with it, that they "agree" with it also. You neglect to consider the attendant duress (threats for noncompliance) which makes it not really an agreement.

The question you are either ignorant of or are intentionally avoiding is, where does the right to hold a persons home ransom come from ? Do you have that right or do I have that right? The answer is obviously, no. Then we can't possibly grant that "right" to anyone or group of people if we don't hold that right ourselves can we? So where does it come from if no person has that right in the first place?

I bet you will either not reply or avoid the question. I'd bet your house on it. Lol.
when you signed.. you agreed. consented. just like when you signed up here. you agreed to the terms and conditions. if you dont agree with it now. sell your place and go

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
when you signed.. you agreed. consented. just like when you signed up here. you agreed to the terms and conditions. if you dont agree with it now. sell your place and go
You're half right. Rollitup "owns" this site and all of us are able to post here at their pleasure. That's because Rollitup owns this site. They aren't going to come to your house and shit on the bathroom floor if you failed to sign up or forcibly make you pay them money if you never made any agreements with them.

The foregoing can't be said about the property tax process though. Are you implying that a thing (your property) can be two opposing things at once ? That's a pretty shitty foundation to base your argument on. If YOU own something, then it is up to you disposition it, if you DON'T own isn't up to you disposition it.

I didn't think you would address the points I made in the previous post. I'll be by to collect your house tomorrow. Lol.


Well-Known Member
You're half right. Rollitup "owns" this site and all of us are able to post here at their pleasure. That's because Rollitup owns this site. They aren't going to come to your house and shit on the bathroom floor if you failed to sign up or forcibly make you pay them money if you never made any agreements with them.

The foregoing can't be said about the property tax process though. Are you implying that a thing (your property) can be two opposing things at once ? That's a pretty shitty foundation to base your argument on. If YOU own something, then it is up to you disposition it, if you DON'T own isn't up to you disposition it.

I didn't think you would address the points I made in the previous post. I'll be by to collect your house tomorrow. Lol.
youre right.. if i didnt pay my property taxes you could own my house by tomorrow. but i do, because ive agreed to pay them. your point is stupid.. "i signed the paperwork but i dont agree" well your signature says otherwise

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
can you really even say that you own your house if you are not allowed to groom 8 year old boys into giving you their consent in it?

My that's a perverted non sequitur you've vomited there Poopy Pants. I will pray to the flying spaghetti monster to forgive you.