What the F... Happened

we've already known that fake news kills.


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damn, you are quick. Yep, just like shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, some fake news intimidates, menaces or endangers innocent people. No reason why fake news should be given a free pass. Yelling fire in a crowded theater is not free speech and neither should the pizzagate propaganda be viewed as free speech.
damn, you are quick. Yep, just like shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, some fake news is deliberately written to intimidate, menace and endanger innocent people. No reason why fake news should be given a free pass. Yelling fire in a crowded theater is not free speech and neither should the pizzagate propaganda be viewed as free speech.

homicidal neo-nazis like @choomer thinks this is legitimate news though.

Screenshot 2016-12-27 at 4.07.01 PM.png
You are confused about this. The polls published by the big news stations had the election being very close. Trump was projected to have 30% to 40% chance of winning. Events with those kind of odds happen quite often -- about 30%-40% of the time.

Many people, both in media and average joe on the street types looked at the stat line and saw Clinton called the winner. They were confused about what the pollsters were saying, just like you are. This isn't fake news, however. It's just that most people don't understand these kinds of statistics.

That said, if you insist on using the argument that big dog news stations called the election for Hillary by big margins as justification to claim they were biased then you are basing it on a truthy "sounds true but is not" argument that the right have stupidly wedded themselves to. Of course, your leaders hate the media because those leaders lie all the fucking time -- they have to because the truth is they are all about enriching the super rich elite and that wouldn't sell very well. The truth keeps disagreeing with their propaganda And so, they use lies like the one you parroted to claim the media is the one that lies.

Not saying everything the big dog media outlets say is true. Just saying that they are much more trustworthy than the right wing propaganda outlets (Fox, Breitbart, etc.) or most GOP leadership.
Nate Silver was the most conservative pollster in regards to not thinking Hillary had guaranteed wins, and he gave Trump the 30-40% change you are speaking of immediately preceding the election. However even his estimates were much farther off even 1 week before the election. That's Nate Silver, who gave Trump higher amounts of winnings compared to most other pollsters. Other pollsters were having Hillary win at even up to 95% + Big news stations did not have the election as being very close.

Remember this map?

Who are my leaders lol? "sounds true but is not" seems like another way of saying false news?

People watch news that they think is objectively aligned with their own viewpoints. Those stations goal is to sell advertisements so you buy products. Basically news either has to be selling advertisements, or somehow sponsored/funded by other organizations who probably have their own agenda and content criteria.
Fake news is dishonest made up shit that is written purposely. It comes with no warning labels and presents itself as truth when it is actually a deliberate lie. Writers of fake news have gotten very good at writing lies that draw people's interest so that they will go viral. It costs nothing to produce and distribute too.
I agree with you here!
Also instances like the pizzagate investigator-thug who menaced a counter worker at the business implicated in the fake story puts the lie to this as a harmless development. That incident was a near-miss but the next incident might not be. In this way, fake news is similar to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. There are laws against that and I see no reason why we shouldn't have laws to prevent intimidation, threats and the potential harm of victims of a fake news story.
How about the fake news stories that white cops declared open season and killing black people on site? I remember in Dallas a lot of lives were ruined by the BLM shooter and then other copycat incidents in the days that followed earlier this year.

See how you only give examples of "fake news" that benefit your own viewpoints and biases? So its not that you want to ban "fake news," its that you want everyone else to think like you do.
How about the fake news stories that white cops declared open season and killing black people on site?

that's statistically true.

I remember in Dallas a lot of lives were ruined by the BLM shooter

except he wasnt with BLM.

you only give examples of "fake news" that benefit your own viewpoints and biases

factually incorrect.

you want everyone else to think like you do.


every sentence you just typed was a lie, you racist hick.

tell us more about how "illegal aliens are destabilizing the nation", you bigoted shithead.
I agree with you here!

How about the fake news stories that white cops declared open season and killing black people on site? I remember in Dallas a lot of lives were ruined by the BLM shooter and then other copycat incidents in the days that followed.

See how you only give examples of "fake news" that benefit your own viewpoints and biases?
Fake news is deliberately made up shit. It's nonsense. Doesn't matter which political group the news is lying about. It's all made up and all bad. And feel free to point it out if I get caught by it.

The "BLM shooter", as you put it, wasn't a fake news story. Nor were copycat incidents. At the time those happened, I didn't even see any news stories about "cops declaring open season". What I read was the Dallas cops put their lives at risk escorting BLM protesters to safety. That wasn't fake news either. Not having read about this story before, I did a quick google search. What I found was too funny. There are a few people quoted as saying this over the years. There isn't even a story to be found with people claiming this except by a newspaper quoting Philando Castile's mother after police killed him. It is the only contemporary article with this quote that I could find and it isn't fake news. You have it wrong again.

Fake news is entirely made up and nonsense. Reporting Castile's mother's statements isn't on that level.
that's statistically true.

except he wasnt with BLM.

factually incorrect.


every sentence you just typed was a lie, you racist hick.

tell us more about how "illegal aliens are destabilizing the nation", you bigoted shithead.
remember this chart that you made?


This is your brain on fake news. I think in the future you will learn not to trust the news sources so much you were listening to.

Also, police this year have killed well over double the amounts of whites compared to blacks. The Houston killing of 5 cops was a direct response from the shooter of "white police killing black people" which is the BLM top talking point. The shootings literally took place at a BLM protest

Keep burying your head in the sand, I'm sure you get a great view from there you racist.

Media was blasting Black Lives Matter music at full volume but ignores thousands of black murder victims if they aren't done by a white person or a cop every year. That's called fake news.
remember this chart that you made?


This is your brain on fake news.

no, that's an optimistic projection from when hillary was already way up in the polls and a dozen women came out to confirm his self-described method of sexual assault.

police this year have killed well over double the amounts of whites compared to blacks.

and there are 4 times as many whites in this nation, moron.


The Houston killing of 5 cops was a direct response from the shooter of "white police killing black people" which is the BLM top talking point. The shootings literally took place at a BLM protest

the shooter was not associated with BLM, you racist dipshit.

that's called a fact.

you racist.

tell us more about how "illegal aliens are destabilizing the nation".
no, that's an optimistic projection from when hillary was already way up in the polls and a dozen women came out to confirm his self-described method of sexual assault.

and there are 4 times as many whites in this nation, moron.


the shooter was not associated with BLM, you racist dipshit.

that's called a fact.

tell us more about how "illegal aliens are destabilizing the nation".
you are a racist and on welfare and most likely food stamps.
you are a racist and on welfare and most likely food stamps.

well, i guess you are done trying to spread political propaganda. onto the personal falsehoods then.

me, i will stick to asking you questions about the actual tings you have said: why do you think "illegal immigrants are destabilizing the nation", you racist little shit?
Nate Silver was the most conservative pollster in regards to not thinking Hillary had guaranteed wins, and he gave Trump the 30-40% change you are speaking of immediately preceding the election. However even his estimates were much farther off even 1 week before the election. That's Nate Silver, who gave Trump higher amounts of winnings compared to most other pollsters. Other pollsters were having Hillary win at even up to 95% + Big news stations did not have the election as being very close.

Remember this map?

Who are my leaders lol? "sounds true but is not" seems like another way of saying false news?

People watch news that they think is objectively aligned with their own viewpoints. Those stations goal is to sell advertisements so you buy products. Basically news either has to be selling advertisements, or somehow sponsored/funded by other organizations who probably have their own agenda and content criteria.
Nope. You can find an exception but for the most part, the "big dog" news stations were not giving Trump 5% chance to win. Huffington Post did. Are you calling them "big dogs"? LOL. I see them as a left wing news organ, not objective and left wing propaganda can be found there. And they sell advertising space just like everybody else.

But the Huffington post story about Trump having no chance wasn't fake news. It was wrong but not the same as a fake story that was just made up. Why are you so intent on mixing up the issue. The issue is that social media websites are being flooded by stories that are completely made up. Some of those stories are made up to leech advertising dollars, Some stories were made up that end up with innocent people being menaced or intimidated. Companies like Facebook see their brand being degraded by fake news and they have every right to screen out the fake stuff. Publishing deliberate lies that end up causing harm to innocent people is a concern too.

There is a financial incentive to owners of social media sites and a social reason for screening, flagging or blocking fake news. As usual, you are wrong that somehow fake news is good.

Do I understand reasons for concern that this might affect freedom of speech? Yes I do. But I think that will be decided in the courts some time soon. In any case, Facebook has the right to set policies on its site. The first amendment doesn't apply here.
Nope. You can find an exception but for the most part, the "big dog" news stations were not giving Trump 5% chance to win. Huffington Post did. Are you calling them "big dogs"? LOL. I see them as a left wing news organ, not objective and left wing propaganda can be found there. And they sell advertising space just like everybody else.

But the Huffington post story about Trump having no chance wasn't fake news. It was wrong but not the same as a fake story that was just made up. Why are you so intent on mixing up the issue. The issue is that social media websites are being flooded by stories that are completely made up. Some of those stories are made up to leech advertising dollars, Some stories were made up that end up with innocent people being menaced or intimidated. Companies like Facebook see their brand being degraded by fake news and they have every right to screen out the fake stuff. Publishing deliberate lies that end up causing harm to innocent people is a concern too.

There is a financial incentive to owners of social media sites and a social reason for screening, flagging or blocking fake news. As usual, you are wrong that somehow fake news is good.

Do I understand reasons for concern that this might affect freedom of speech? Yes I do. But I think that will be decided in the courts some time soon. In any case, Facebook has the right to set policies on its site. The first amendment doesn't apply here.
how about CNN? Are they mainstream?

538.com had Clinton at 83% just a few weeks before

NewYorkTimes ?

The point is, most people concerned about "fake news" aren't really concerned about fake news, they are specifically trying to blame Hillary's loss on fake news and are concerned about a small subset of fake news that they think changed the election. They also think that fake news sites such as Wikileaks are working with Putin and Russians to undermine US elections. There are a few other key issues like Climate Change that they are concerned about as well, but its a pretty focused attack mostly.
how about CNN? Are they mainstream?

538.com had Clinton at 83% just a few weeks before

NewYorkTimes ?

The point is, most people concerned about "fake news" aren't really concerned about fake news, they are specifically trying to blame Hillary's loss on fake news and are concerned about a small subset of fake news that they think changed the election. They also think that fake news sites such as Wikileaks are working with Putin and Russians to undermine US elections. There are a few other key issues like Climate Change that they are concerned about as well, but its a pretty focused attack mostly.
15% is still pretty good odds of the alternate result occurring. Would you get on a jet if the trip had a 15% chance of ending in a crash? I wouldn't.

You are confused about what fake news is. "CNN's election forecasts predicted the wrong winner" isn't an example of a fake news story. They had their reasons, they posted them and they didn't say Trump had no chance. They actually gave him a reasonable chance. Fake news is stuff like "The Pope endorses Hillary Clinton" or "Hillary Clinton involved in arms sales to ISIS" , both stories are examples of fake news and have zero basis in fact..
15% is still pretty good odds of the alternate result occurring. Would you get on a jet if the trip had a 15% chance of ending in a crash? I wouldn't.

You are confused about what fake news is. "CNN's election forecasts predicted the wrong winner" isn't an example of a fake news story. They had their reasons, they posted them and they didn't say Trump had no chance. They actually gave him a reasonable chance. Fake news is stuff like "The Pope endorses Hillary Clinton" or "Hillary Clinton involved in arms sales to ISIS" , both stories are examples of fake news and have zero basis in fact..

without propaganda, our racist buddy would have nothing to endlessly copy and paste to our forum.