What the F... Happened

You call this a rebuttal? Of what, exactly? This is nothing but mush; there's no discussion here, nothing relating to facts at all.

A fifth grader can wrote a stronger argument for Santa Claus than you have for... whatever it was.

This is not a rebuttal, argument or discussion. It is my mush "observation and opinion." But within my mush is fact.

"Didn't even take the time to read through exactly what is being posted here," assuming I am a Trump supporter," in which I never claimed and am not....fact!
"facts on the big picture". Both sides are just as corrupt as the other....fact!
"All that matters is your political agenda," overwhelming truth to how we communicate our politics,"....fact!
"an already failed system," Thanks to Republicans and Democrats......fact!
"It speaks volumes also to see that your argument always ends up the same: belittling, name calling and personal attacks at those that don't agree with you," Absolute"....fact!
"The only credibility you have at this point is with your like minded haters" Again....fact!
This is not a rebuttal, argument or discussion. It is my mush "observation and opinion." But within my mush is fact.

"Didn't even take the time to read through exactly what is being posted here," assuming I am a Trump supporter," in which I never claimed and am not....fact!
"facts on the big picture". Both sides are just as corrupt as the other....fact!
"All that matters is your political agenda," overwhelming truth to how we communicate our politics,"....fact!
"an already failed system," Thanks to Republicans and Democrats......fact!
"It speaks volumes also to see that your argument always ends up the same: belittling, name calling and personal attacks at those that don't agree with you," Absolute"....fact!
"The only credibility you have at this point is with your like minded haters" Again....fact!

No facts in there at all, just foaming at the mouth.

What I find sad and disturbing is that you no longer know the difference, if indeed you ever did.
Da fuk is that even supposed to mean in this context?

You aren't making any points to deny!
None that you acknowledge. Because you disagree or refuse to acknowledge them doesn't make them any less accurate. It just means you see things differently. And you have the right to disagree.
None that you acknowledge. Because you disagree or refuse to acknowledge them doesn't make them any less accurate. It just means you see things differently. And you have the right to disagree.

Stop trying to tell me about me you have no basis whatever for such an analysis. I want to know if you have anything at all to say.

Magic 8 ball says, 'all signs point to no'
Stop trying to tell me about me you have no basis whatever for such an analysis. I want to know if you have anything at all to say.

Magic 8 ball says, 'all signs point to no'
In your mind there may be no basis but in reality the facts posted above are facts. Whether you agree or not is immaterial. " I want to know if you have anything at all to say." that is kinda silly. Everyone has something to say from time to time. I get it though. That is your way of marginalizing what I have posted. Magic 8 balls are not a really good way of confirming your reality though...just sayin!
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Stop trying to tell me about me you have no basis whatever for such an analysis. I want to know if you have anything at all to say.

Magic 8 ball says, 'all signs point to no'
You just keep shaking that magic 8 ball,,,,,The rest of us will move on with life!

The election is over, and trump isnt in office yet, so no predetermining what job he is not doing yet!

But im sure your magic 8 ball already told you that, if not I would take it back to hasbro and get your cash back,,,,,maybe try some of them fortune readers that advertise on cnn!

Better luck next time!

In your mind there may be no basis but in reality the facts posted above are facts. Whether you agree or not is immaterial. " I want to know if you have anything at all to say." that is kinda silly. Everyone has something to say from time to time. I get it though. That is your way of marginalizing what I have posted. Magic 8 balls are not a really good way of confirming your reality though...just sayin!

More fluff. It sounds like you're disagreeing but you haven't specified... anything, really. Most sentences have objects.

George Orwell would be proud of your doublespeak, sounding indignant yet saying nothing.
More fluff. It sounds like you're disagreeing but you haven't specified... anything, really. Most sentences have objects.

George Orwell would be proud of your doublespeak, sounding indignant yet saying nothing.
Your continued denial of the facts do not make them any less relevant. Doesn't matter how you try to spin it.
So your saying you are right and the millions that voted to not let the clintons fuck up our country any longer are all losers?

Take a look in the mirror and stick your index finger out and your thumb out and put it on your forehead (foreskin lol) and you will see who the loser is!

Don't like hearing people calling Limbaugh and his ilk propagandists? Too bad. That's what the word means. If you don't like hearing it, maybe you should retreat to a conservative safe space like Stormfront. LOL

You were shagged.
You just keep shaking that magic 8 ball,,,,,The rest of us will move on with life!

The election is over, and trump isnt in office yet, so no predetermining what job he is not doing yet!

But im sure your magic 8 ball already told you that, if not I would take it back to hasbro and get your cash back,,,,,maybe try some of them fortune readers that advertise on cnn!

Better luck next time!


But we can certainly guess with some accuracy based upon his cabinet nominations. Richest EVER. So I'm thinking they'll drain the swamp, all right- everyone who isn't rich enough to cash in is getting drained out.

Stop with the 'you don't know what he's gonna do' schtik, because the handwriting is plain- the only ones who refuse to read it are people like yourself, desperately trying to convince yourselves that you didn't make a horrible mistake in the election.

To borrow a phrase from @Fogdog ;

YOU GOT SHAGGED. At least man up and admit it.
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Yes, it's an imperfect world. Damn shame that.

The trend in the graphic was quite clear; the fascists lie much more than their imitators.

Neither party is interested in the middle class anymore, they're both fighting for the hearts and minds of the donor class, the rest of us be damned.
You don't even know what I'm referring to, do you?
I am pretty sure I do. You can correct me if I am wrong. You posted "Go suck George Orwell's dick,". Did I not get that right? So how does that in anyway add to any type of argument, rebuttal or discussion?
Trump being elected is the result of years of educational neglect in this country. After all, what kind of powerful country would want its citizens to possibly get smarter than the system that works them? That wouldn't be any good because it would lead to too much individualism and eventually anarchy would result....no one would want to follow and everyone would be as good a leader as anyone else -except that there would be no followers. All countries need followers. All followers need a leader. The less-educated the general populace is, the more willing they are to be led...because they don't understand anything other than the rudiments of life -like work. So, when someone comes along and says they will provide work for all the people who are out of work and have no ability to work for themselves, then those people listen and respond. Of course, it doesn't have to be true. That person just needs to make the claim that they will provide these things. It doesn't have to really happen. It's sending the message of faith.

Let's face it....most of this country believes that there is a man who lives in the sky somewhere and is in charge of us all. And if we, as a country, base our understanding of life with that as the core, then why be so amazed that Don Trump can be elected the president of America? Most of the people in America (and the world, for that matter) are waiting for Jesus to return and save them and take them to the REAL reward...so, why care about what happens in the here and now? Even if we fuck up here on earth, it won't matter because the faithful will be taken up to Heaven and that's when we ALL will have everything.....

The dumb people aren't in trouble....It's the SMART people who are in trouble!

I think Donald Trump and Jesus are both great leaders for about 50% of the country....but the other 50%? -not so much.
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"Neither party is interested in the middle class anymore, they're both fighting for the hearts and minds of the donor class, the rest of us be damned."

Finally a recognition of truth!