What the F... Happened

But we can certainly guess with some accuracy based upon his cabinet nominations. Richest EVER. So I'm thinking they'll drain the swamp, all right- everyone who isn't rich enough o cash in is getting drained out.

Stop with the 'you don't know what he's gonna do' schtik, because the handwriting is plain- the only ones who refuse to read it are people like yourself, desperately trying to convince yourselves that you didn't make a horrible mistake in the election.

To borrow a phrase from @Fogdog ;

YOU GOT SHAGGED. At least man up and admit it.
" desperately trying to convince yourselves that you didn't make a horrible mistake in the election."

Voting for Trump or Clinton were both horrible choices: However; I commend you for voting regardless of who you voted for. Shame on you for cowardly slamming anyone for voting for either candidate. You have no right nor does anyone else to condemn anyone for their vote regardless of who they voted for. Your comments and understanding of our rights to vote must mean everyone has to vote for your candidate or they are a loser? Hense a previous post you denounce as non-sense--->

"All that matters is your political agenda," overwhelming truth to how we communicate our politics,"....fact!
" desperately trying to convince yourselves that you didn't make a horrible mistake in the election."

Voting for Trump or Clinton were both horrible choices: However; I commend you for voting regardless of who you voted for. Shame on you for cowardly slamming anyone for voting for either candidate. You have no right nor does anyone else to condemn anyone for their vote regardless of who they voted for. Your comments and understanding of our rights to vote must mean everyone has to vote for your candidate or they are a loser? Hense a previous post you denounce as non-sense--->

"All that matters is your political agenda," overwhelming truth to how we communicate our politics,"....fact!

To borrow a phrase from @Fogdog ;

YOU GOT SHAGGED. At least man up and admit it.


Quoting a person that seems to be pretty intelligent and uses it to persecute, belittle, degrade and down right condemn anyone who does not agree with him.Wow...maybe I gave you too much credit. He also spends the majority of his time condemning everyone who voted for Trump. As intelligent as he appears to be he should research our voting rights as well.

Hence my previous post you denounced as nonsense:

"Didn't even take the time to read through exactly what is being posted here," assuming I am a Trump supporter," in which I never claimed and am not....fact!
"facts on the big picture". Both sides are just as corrupt as the other....fact!
"All that matters is your political agenda," overwhelming truth to how we communicate our politics,"....fact!
"an already failed system," Thanks to Republicans and Democrats......fact!
"It speaks volumes also to see that your argument always ends up the same: belittling, name calling and personal attacks at those that don't agree with you," Absolute"....fact!
"The only credibility you have at this point is with your like minded haters" Again....fact!
I am pretty sure I do. You can correct me if I am wrong. You posted "Go suck George Orwell's dick,". Did I not get that right? So how does that in anyway add to any type of argument, rebuttal or discussion?

No, you didn't get the reference. Apparently doing so requires this thing called an 'education', which happened during that useless time between weight lifting class and lunch in high school... which you used as nap time
" desperately trying to convince yourselves that you didn't make a horrible mistake in the election."

Voting for Trump or Clinton were both horrible choices: However; I commend you for voting regardless of who you voted for. Shame on you for cowardly slamming anyone for voting for either candidate. You have no right nor does anyone else to condemn anyone for their vote regardless of who they voted for. Your comments and understanding of our rights to vote must mean everyone has to vote for your candidate or they are a loser? Hense a previous post you denounce as non-sense--->

"All that matters is your political agenda," overwhelming truth to how we communicate our politics,"....fact!

OF COURSE I have the right to hold you accountable for your vote! What a stupid fucking idea to say I can't!

Classic right wing bullshit; 'don't hold us accountable for how shitty our candidates are!'

To borrow a phrase from @Fogdog ;

YOU GOT SHAGGED. At least man up and admit it.


Quoting a person that seems to be pretty intelligent and uses it to persecute, belittle, degrade and down right condemn anyone who does not agree with him.Wow...maybe I gave you too much credit. He also spends the majority of his time condemning everyone who voted for Trump. As intelligent as he appears to be he should research our voting rights as well.

Hence my previous post you denounced as nonsense:

"Didn't even take the time to read through exactly what is being posted here," assuming I am a Trump supporter," in which I never claimed and am not....fact!
"facts on the big picture". Both sides are just as corrupt as the other....fact!
"All that matters is your political agenda," overwhelming truth to how we communicate our politics,"....fact!
"an already failed system," Thanks to Republicans and Democrats......fact!
"It speaks volumes also to see that your argument always ends up the same: belittling, name calling and personal attacks at those that don't agree with you," Absolute"....fact!
"The only credibility you have at this point is with your like minded haters" Again....fact!

You have no credit, nevermind credibility, to give anyone.
The trend in the graphic was quite clear; the fascists lie much more than their imitators.

Neither party is interested in the middle class anymore, they're both fighting for the hearts and minds of the donor class, the rest of us be damned.
I'm not sure when people weren't lied to by their governments. The following is a good description regarding the behaviors of both parties towards the chase for campaign money and personal reward for party leadership by selling access and influence in the making of laws:

Both parties are in thrall to what our great-grandparents would have called the Money Power. One party is furtive and hypocritical in its money chase; the other enthusiastically embraces it as the embodiment of the American Way.

The following extract from the same article describes what I see as the main objective of Trump and the GOP-controlled congress:

The objective of the predatory super-rich and their political handmaidens is to discredit and destroy the traditional nation state and auction its resources to themselves. Those super-rich, in turn, aim to create a “tollbooth” economy, whereby more and more of our highways, bridges, libraries, parks, and beaches are possessed by private oligarchs who will extract a toll from the rest of us.

So, yes, the Democratic Party leadership is venal and serve the wealthy. But the two parties are not "equal and the same" in their corruption as @dargd1 moronically claims. The difference is Democratic Party leaders "serve" rather than "belong with". I'm not saying this is acceptable, I'm just saying there is a difference. The super rich has not yet created a stable "tollbooth" economy. The next four years may see them achieve this. I don't look to the party of the super wealthy to stop them. The party of their servants is the only one at this time that has a chance of doing so.

We have some good congressmen from Oregon, Colorado and others who I think are worth supporting. To be a nihilist and sit on the sidelines like @dargd1 would have us do or worse to vote FOR the super rich is to cede control.

and submit to being shagged.
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Shit, I've been saying this since the Reagan administration. Glad to see you catching up.
LOL....At least you recognize what several others on here deny.
OF COURSE I have the right to hold you accountable for your vote! What a stupid fucking idea to say I can't!

Belittling, degrading, abusing, coercing, suppressing anyone for their vote regardless of who they voted for is not holding them accountable for anything. It might make you and others feel superior or better, however; it never has changed minds, solved problems or convinced anyone to move in a different direction. All it does is continues to cause useless and needless arguments...kinda like what we are doing in this thread......lol
OF COURSE I have the right to hold you accountable for your vote! What a stupid fucking idea to say I can't!

Classic right wing bullshit; 'don't hold us accountable for how shitty our candidates are!'

Classic right wing bullshit? Stupidity is the belief that you have the right to condemn anyone for their vote regardless of who they voted for. Stupidity is the belief that either candidate was a good choice....Stupidity is not voting and expecting a different outcome. Stupidity is believing that you are going to change the minds of anyone by belittling and condemning them. Stupidity is thinking that one party is better than the other as it relates to corruption and who will make a positive change in this country. You and others are not holding anyone accountable for anything. All you are doing is venting your frustration and belittling bullshit for getting your asses kicked in this election.
If you spent more time constructively debating issues instead of the constant fuck you mentality you might even change a mind or two.
To borrow a phrase from @Fogdog ;

YOU GOT SHAGGED. At least man up and admit it.


Quoting a person that seems to be pretty intelligent and uses it to persecute, belittle, degrade and down right condemn anyone who does not agree with him.Wow...maybe I gave you too much credit. He also spends the majority of his time condemning everyone who voted for Trump. As intelligent as he appears to be he should research our voting rights as well.

Hence my previous post you denounced as nonsense:

"Didn't even take the time to read through exactly what is being posted here," assuming I am a Trump supporter," in which I never claimed and am not....fact!
"facts on the big picture". Both sides are just as corrupt as the other....fact!
"All that matters is your political agenda," overwhelming truth to how we communicate our politics,"....fact!
"an already failed system," Thanks to Republicans and Democrats......fact!
"It speaks volumes also to see that your argument always ends up the same: belittling, name calling and personal attacks at those that don't agree with you," Absolute"....fact!
"The only credibility you have at this point is with your like minded haters" Again....fact!
You are confused about the difference between subjective opinions and facts. You are entitled to form your opinion based upon whatever you want. Facts are verifiable and an honest person would seek facts upon which to base an opinion.

People who base opinions on lies or baseless beliefs eventually become unhinged from reality. When has a good decision ever been made that was based upon false beliefs or outright lies? I gladly challenge, belittle and mock people who spout false ideas as reasons for action. Especially people who support right wing agendas because they have become entirely unhinged from reality. What else can I say to them? The GOP was recently described by an analyst as the "Party of the Stupids". "Stupid is a stupid does", as one great philosopher said.

I'm taking difference with you because you claim that both parties are equally corrupt and there is no difference between them. The consequences of this election are now very much showing us the differences. The GOP congress is going after privatizing Medicare, Social Security, the ACA, and public education. Meanwhile, Benedict Donald is promising massive initiatives to suppress minority groups in the name of "law and order". Also saber rattling in the form of endorsing a nuclear arms race. Also breaking treaties of mutual defense with long time allies while getting cozy with dictators. Isn't this reminiscent of the actions of dictators of the past who turned nations into a police states?

you were shagged
Classic right wing bullshit? Stupidity is the belief that you have the right to condemn anyone for their vote regardless of who they voted for. Stupidity is the belief that either candidate was a good choice....Stupidity is not voting and expecting a different outcome. Stupidity is believing that you are going to change the minds of anyone by belittling and condemning them. Stupidity is thinking that one party is better than the other as it relates to corruption and who will make a positive change in this country. You and others are not holding anyone accountable for anything. All you are doing is venting your frustration and belittling bullshit for getting your asses kicked in this election.
If you spent more time constructively debating issues instead of the constant fuck you mentality you might even change a mind or two.
This is so fucking stupid.

We can freely criticize your choice, we just can't stop you from making it.
This is so fucking stupid.

We can freely criticize your choice, we just can't stop you from making it.
Is it really stupid? criticizing anyone for their vote accomplishes what? criticizing anyone's vote adds what to the debate? Nothing;
So why do it? Criticizing anyone's vote; does it really hold them accountable for anything?....No.....it just allows you to feel better about your choices....lol
Is it really stupid? criticizing anyone for their vote accomplishes what? criticizing anyone's vote adds what to the debate? Nothing;
So why do it? Criticizing anyone's vote; does it really hold them accountable for anything?....No.....it just allows you to feel better about your choices....lol

Why shouldn't we criticize somebody who voted for this leader?
Trump's Updated ISIS Plan: "Bomb The Shit Out Of Them," Send In Exxon To Rebuild
I said I don't want to really tell you, but I realized I had to because I'm getting killed by these people [in the media] who say "Trump doesn't have a plan for ISIS!"

I said no, I have a plan but I don't want to tell ISIS what it is, because I'm going to win...

People are thinking like I don't have a plan, I hate doing it. So I was on one of the shows, and I said:

ISIS is making a tremendous amount of money because of the oil that they took away, they have some in Syria, they have some in Iraq, I would bomb the shit out of them.

I would just bomb those suckers, and that's right, I'd blow up the pipes, I'd blow up the refineries, I'd blow up ever single inch, there would be nothing left.

And you know what, you'll get Exxon to come in there, and in two months, you ever see these guys? How good they are, the great oil companies, they'll rebuild it brand new... And I'll take the oil.


Dude, you were shagged.
Is it really stupid? criticizing anyone for their vote accomplishes what? criticizing anyone's vote adds what to the debate? Nothing;
So why do it? Criticizing anyone's vote; does it really hold them accountable for anything?....No.....it just allows you to feel better about your choices....lol
You've been widely disproved, discredited and shagged.
You've been widely disproved, discredited and shagged.
LOL...So.... am I supposed to be surprised. But thank you for your input. I am posting on a largely liberal viewpoint thread. It didn't start out that way but on RIU; anytime there is a political post they generally turn into the same as this one. Liberal views allowed "ONLY." anything else will be discredited.......lol