little flying bugs?


Well-Known Member
dont know if there is a correlation, but since i started using molasses, ive noticed little black bugs that are flying around. should i even be concerned? its not a sign of future pest problems is it?


Well-Known Member
Yes. You should always be concerned with bugs if it's in a contained system. IE in your home. I take it you are growing in dirt? Most of the time it's nats I believe. Their eggs are in the soil of some mixes. Here's what I did that cut it down pretty good. Small bowl in the center of about 6 plants. I did not measure any thing just kind of dropped equal amounts of each. About 1/4 cup. Of Honey, vinger and dish soap. Not sure of why the bugs like to go to it, but they do. It got about 99% of all my little nats. It works fast. 1 day and most were gone.


Active Member
i have 1 product that WILL! kill those pesky gnats.. its called "fine sharp sand" u can get from any DiY store... just water ur plants and then put an inch layer of sand on ur soil... after 3 days all the gnats and larve/eggs will be dead...


Well-Known Member
Yes. You should always be concerned with bugs if it's in a contained system. IE in your home. I take it you are growing in dirt? Most of the time it's nats I believe. Their eggs are in the soil of some mixes. Here's what I did that cut it down pretty good. Small bowl in the center of about 6 plants. I did not measure any thing just kind of dropped equal amounts of each. About 1/4 cup. Of Honey, vinger and dish soap. Not sure of why the bugs like to go to it, but they do. It got about 99% of all my little nats. It works fast. 1 day and most were gone.
easy enough solution. ill give it a try


Well-Known Member
stop watering so often, let the soil completely dry before watering again and the gnats will disappear. Did you get that dolomite lime yet?


Well-Known Member
stop watering so often, let the soil completely dry before watering again and the gnats will disappear. Did you get that dolomite lime yet?
no i am skipping on the lime unless i need it at this point. the hydrated stuff fucked my plants up too much. im only going to supplement when things take a dire turn.


Well-Known Member
these gnatts suck. so far i have dried my soil out completely, put beer in bowls around the plants. now my grow stinks like spilt beer in the hot sun. ive sprayed with shultz houseplant and garden spray. its made from crysanthemums and its working good so far. the plants are actually thriving with it. but i still have gnatts. im starting to think there is no solution to 100% get rid of em. when i start my grow next time. im cleaning it top to bottom with bleach. then im gonna bake the soil before i use it. its the only way i see these bastids being gone.


Well-Known Member
easiest fix for fungus gnats.. put about 1" of sandbox sand on the surface of the soil.. they cannot get in and out of the soil then because the sand is too fine.. works like a charm and you dont have to spray chemicals near the girls... sand is hella cheap too.. menards, home depot, lowes all carry it for 3 bucks or so a bag. cant beat that price and effectiveness :)


and then after applying sand how do i water them with sand on the top ??
when i see these flying bugs i just smush them with ma fingers. it works but their is too many of them ima try putting oil and soapy water in a small cup and just leave it in the soil. I will only spray the leaves with water


Active Member
Hey man il Give you my lil tip that i use for fruit flys it should work the same also i love going king kong and squishing them ahaha :leaf:

anyways what you do is get a jar u wont give a shit about get a peace of fruit and sum vinegar drop them into the jar then find a sheet of papper make it into a cone shape put the small end down in the jar tape around it so there no way in or out but the the lil hole. most of them will go inside the jar and for some reason they dont no how to leave it so after u se a them all in there justt chuck it or shake it up and then clean it

good luck! i no the fealin i still havent got rid of all them spider mites but there going away :)


I started doing a boiling water flush insted of baking my dirt. I take a big pot fill it with dirt and pour boiling water through it then let it cool and dry for a day befor i use it. It seems to work so far. I hate those little flying fukkers. Water just goes right through the sand

Earl Webster

New Member
I have little white bug what's the best way to get rid of them I see there's a lot of ways to get rid of them what's the best way