Need help with my jiffy pellets using for the first time?


Active Member
Hi guys i have a quick question I'm germinating in jiffy pellets right now i saw some video on youtube and the guy put a heating pad under the jiffy pellet container and put the lid on and I'm doing this right now should i keep doing this or no never used these before please help


Well-Known Member
Depends on the temp of the room your in, you dont want to cook them but also cold is no good. Moist and warm is always best. MD


Well-Known Member
75 is a good temp. It cant hurt usually only adds a couple of degrees, but keep an eye out for too much moisture build up on the top of the container.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do if you're using Jiffy pellets cut the netting off, as soon as you starting roots. The fiberglass netting on those pellets will not let your roots grow. I have tried both ways and I get much bigger yield when I cut the netting off