Hooray for Global Warming!


Well-Known Member
Initially global warming has some good points but a lot worse is sure to follow.

I cant believe there seems no end to the increase in pollution and such.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
one good thing about all these green hose gasses it raises the co2 will bulks up plants. its a good thing until the co2 get to high then there is a serious issue out doors with a natural grow depending on only rain and natural nutrients . the plants grass trees so on right will get to big to fast from the co2 and not have enough water or nutrients from the ground . all this shit is made to grow off lower co2 higher co2 will cause every thing sooner or later dye and not replace it self . and in 50 years experts ,expect many species of animal birds bugs so on to be unable to survive . people have already causes our own deaths in the next 200 years from burning fossil fuels according to experts . it we stopped burning every thing 100 % the ice still would melt and at least get a climate shift . last year here in michigan it was very hot used to only get this hot for a week a year . it was 99f and 95humidity entire month very bad for crops loose buds lol . and we just hit a heat record last week was 55f expose to be in the 30f for a day. some crazy shit is up with the climate shift right now


Well-Known Member
one good thing about all these green hose gasses it raises the co2 will bulks up plants. its a good thing until the co2 get to high then there is a serious issue out doors with a natural grow depending on only rain and natural nutrients . the plants grass trees so on right will get to big to fast from the co2 and not have enough water or nutrients from the ground . all this shit is made to grow off lower co2 higher co2 will cause every thing sooner or later dye and not replace it self . and in 50 years experts ,expect many species of animal birds bugs so on to be unable to survive . people have already causes our own deaths in the next 200 years from burning fossil fuels according to experts . it we stopped burning every thing 100 % the ice still would melt and at least get a climate shift . last year here in michigan it was very hot used to only get this hot for a week a year . it was 99f and 95humidity entire month very bad for crops loose buds lol . and we just hit a heat record last week was 55f expose to be in the 30f for a day. some crazy shit is up with the climate shift right now
No measurable rain here for four months and all my blueberry bushes died even though I watered them. Good thing I didn't bother to plant vegges


Well-Known Member
Humans don't deserve to survive the eco flush if it happens as we brought it on. Luckily the smaller life organisms will be able to adapt or come up with a new plan and life will continue, hopefully next time with an ''intelligent'' species at the end.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
i think after were all wiped out in a few hundred years if the earth is not hit by giant rocks in space . actually if your watching space news you know our system is being pulled into a deadly path of planet killer rocks from if i understand gravity from planet x . there were 2 of nasa space travelers that both went into a comas that talked about earth and planet killers . i wonder what happened there ?? hmmmmm . if no giant rocks smash into the earth in the next 4 years were working on some robots that we can control remotely drill into these and steer them clear from the earth cost is in the billions . ok if they all miss in 200 years the planet may be able to clean it self again so life can restart . i dont totally understand all what i hear so dont quote me or trust my information . so before the moderators move this posting its all plant related . giant rocks and ozone global warming all will kill cannabis plants lol .


Well-Known Member
Humans don't deserve to survive the eco flush if it happens as we brought it on. Luckily the smaller life organisms will be able to adapt or come up with a new plan and life will continue, hopefully next time with an ''intelligent'' species at the end.
We humans are like roaches; it's almost impossible to kill ALL of us.

Case in point; about 70,000 years ago there was a Supervolcano in
Indonesia. Mitochondrial DNA analysis has shown that most proto humans died, and the rest interbred about that same time... ..but not ALL of us.

Soon it will be possible to grow enough food to feed at leat one person full time from a shipping container, if not a small family. That shipping container can then be sealed against the elements and transported literally anywhere; the Arctic, underground, underwater, even into space.

Indoor gardening technology holds the promise of feeding our future diaspora as we finish destroying the planet that whelped us.

If we can make chips and drivers as robust as the plants we grow with them, we will have created a new opportunity for ourselves to survive wherever we can find the necessary raw materials.


Well-Known Member
i think after were all wiped out in a few hundred years if the earth is not hit by giant rocks in space . actually if your watching space news you know our system is being pulled into a deadly path of planet killer rocks from if i understand gravity from planet x . there were 2 of nasa space travelers that both went into a comas that talked about earth and planet killers . i wonder what happened there ?? hmmmmm . if no giant rocks smash into the earth in the next 4 years were working on some robots that we can control remotely drill into these and steer them clear from the earth cost is in the billions . ok if they all miss in 200 years the planet may be able to clean it self again so life can restart . i dont totally understand all what i hear so dont quote me or trust my information . so before the moderators move this posting its all plant related . giant rocks and ozone global warming all will kill cannabis plants lol .
You're absolutely right; you don't understand this at all. I suggest more study.

Start here;
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Well-Known Member
As the ice thaws, massive amounts of CO2 will be freed up from exposed and oxygenated peat bogs that have sequestered that carbon for many many years. There is more carbon under our feet from the days of the dinos (or slightly later) than most realize.


Well-Known Member
As the ice thaws, massive amounts of CO2 will be freed up from exposed and oxygenated peat bogs that have sequestered that carbon for many many years. There is more carbon under our feet from the days of the dinos (or slightly later) than most realize.


Well-Known Member
The government want us to believe its the cars, cows, industry, whatever that caused this.

Do knowone think the 1,500 nuclear bombs that have been detonated during testing could have anything to do with it.....

No way right


Well-Known Member
The government want us to believe its the cars, cows, industry, whatever that caused this.

Do knowone think the 1,500 nuclear bombs that have been detonated during testing could have anything to do with it.....

No way right
Hasn't been that many nuclear tests by a factor of ten, and most were underground.

Beyond that, it isn't the heat that causes climate problems with nuclear war; it's all the dust tossed into the stratosphere, much like a big volcano. Only radioactive and will give you exotic cancers to die young from.