Hooray for Global Warming!


Well-Known Member
COULD. But no one knows, therefore not a good reason to keep polluting.

Pig farms do a lot more environmental damage than just a little excess co2, btw

True that.

But bacon taste so good. Lol

Being a good Stewart of our environment should be taught before the ABC's

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Well I for one am kind of enjoying the warm weather, still got the boat in the water and typically there would be a foot of ice :(. I guess in the whole scheme of things it's bad though right :). And yup love my bacon and beef ;).

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
We humans are like roaches; it's almost impossible to kill ALL of us.

Case in point; about 70,000 years ago there was a Supervolcano in
Indonesia. Mitochondrial DNA analysis has shown that most proto humans died, and the rest interbred about that same time... ..but not ALL of us.

Soon it will be possible to grow enough food to feed at leat one person full time from a shipping container, if not a small family. That shipping container can then be sealed against the elements and transported literally anywhere; the Arctic, underground, underwater, even into space.

Indoor gardening technology holds the promise of feeding our future diaspora as we finish destroying the planet that whelped us.

If we can make chips and drivers as robust as the plants we grow with them, we will have created a new opportunity for ourselves to survive wherever we can find the necessary raw materials.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
We the People need to pull the corporate bloodsucking vampire off the face of OUR government. When Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill and Monsanto don't have the ability to flood our political system with cash anymore, we will be able to make the necessary changes to how we as a country do things.

MOST things, in fact.


Well-Known Member
The government want us to believe its the cars, cows, industry, whatever that caused this.

Do knowone think the 1,500 nuclear bombs that have been detonated during testing could have anything to do with it.....

No way right
I blame the prohibition of cannabis and help for climate change. Think of how many thousands even millions of acres of these c02 hungry beauties they destroyed in their war on nature


Well-Known Member
I blame the prohibition of cannabis and help for climate change. Think of how many thousands even millions of acres of these c02 hungry beauties they destroyed in their war on nature
I think millions of square feet of indoor growing space dedicated to it means that cannabis still has a lot to answer for in the climate change space.


Well-Known Member
And all that indoor is consuming power, where if all of those lovely ladies were outside they would be doing the environment wonders. #thefedbroketheecosystem
With the work I'm doing, I'm trying to pull a technological innovation rabbit out of this inefficient hat, by developing ways to make it more efficient to grow indoors.

MUCH more efficient, to the point of competing with greenhouse space directly on a watts per square foot basis.

Think it can't be done? Ever tried to heat a greenhouse in winter or cool it in summer? Shit gets expensive!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I blame the prohibition of cannabis and help for climate change. Think of how many thousands even millions of acres of these c02 hungry beauties they destroyed in their war on nature
There is just so much wrong with this world that I doubt we will ever fix it much less slow the total destruction of life as we know it, not the earth it self just us lol. And I don't think we can even hope to try, world population has become way to large for the earth to sustain life with out harm. The natural ability to keep populations in check has been lost to science.....to smart for our own good some may say :).
Note to self, put phone away after vaping as it causes ramblings :(


Well-Known Member
There is just so much wrong with this world that I doubt we will ever fix it much less slow the total destruction of life as we know it, not the earth it self just us lol. And I don't think we can even hope to try, world population has become way to large for the earth to sustain life with out harm. The natural ability to keep populations in check has been lost to science.....to smart for our own good some may say :).
Note to self, put phone away after vaping as it causes ramblings :(
You're absolutely right about a lot being wrong. I disagree about the utility of trying to fix it; this rock is all we got so we better take care of it.

That said, indoor growing is how we're gonna get OFF this rock. Even astronauts gotta eat.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
With the work I'm doing, I'm trying to pull a technological innovation rabbit out of this inefficient hat, by developing ways to make it more efficient to grow indoors.

MUCH more efficient, to the point of competing with greenhouse space directly on a watts per square foot basis.

Think it can't be done? Ever tried to heat a greenhouse in winter or cool it in summer? Shit gets expensive!
Then don't put it in a greenhouse, put it in a field and grow enough to last till next season, you know, like in the olden days. People have been making huge strides in energy conservation over the last 20 years, it's all there for the masses tty, the issue is ...... it's not cost effective in the short term re return on investment. Energy prices are cheap, the cost of the damage done is not factored in so why change? I hate to say it but raising the price for power, carbon taxing, and helping people switch through grants and rebates would go along way in getting this stuff rocking.


Well-Known Member
Then don't put it in a greenhouse, put it in a field and grow enough to last till next season, you know, like in the olden days. People have been making huge strides in energy conservation over the last 20 years, it's all there for the masses tty, the issue is ...... it's not cost effective in the short term re return on investment. Energy prices are cheap, the cost of the damage done is not factored in so why change? I hate to say it but raising the price for power, carbon taxing, and helping people switch through grants and rebates would go along way in getting this stuff rocking.
That's great for hemp but top quality cannabis needs a roof of some kind. I wish I could agree with you without reservation here, but Colorado gives me lots of chances to see different grows and their results.

Outdoor will also be increasingly seeded by hemp farming going forward- and who wants to smoke 9-12 month old weed all summer until the next crop?