What does the "OG" stand for?

it's just about as stupid as the chemdawg/chemdog thing. Grown with chems it's chemdawg, without, chemdog. Fuck me stupid. Thanks jason king for spreading that rumor
Oh fuck! Look at the trichomes on that leaf at the very left bottom of the last picture. Omg didn't even notice til now.
Took those pics at the other pad this morning, couldn't wait til lights went out:-(

100 gms per pot? looks nice!
I really had a good laugh the other day. My brother asked what the OG in OG Kush stood for. I did not know and told him some say "organic grown" or "ocean grown". I lean to thinking it means "organic grown". The funniest thing was his reply, he said he thought it meant "Ontario Grown". We all had a great laugh at that.

Anyone have any other ideas on what OG stands for.
Oscar, Grouch.
i feel the same way about the ocean grown thing, sounds like a bunch of internet tall story non sense to me, sorry dr. who, lol.

No regrets sir! No problem....Kinda thought you may have heard more about it my way...Still, for the most part, those involved aside, they could have named it for many things....The Ocean Grown is just one I hear repeatedly from the area of origin. Has to do with the story of why/where it came from.....
Legend also has it that the "ghost" is an early result of the project.....Who knows, none of us were there! Rumors abound in this weed world eh?