My First Atempt This Year


Well-Known Member
i have had a few small scale grow rooms over the past couple of years. this is the first plant i have grown this year and also the first attempt at topping and splittin my plant.

the plant is a little over 2 months old, it was topped 2 weeks into vegetative growth. it is now about 2 feet tall and is going into the flowering cycle.

i have been keeping the fan leaves trimmed so that the secondary nodes have been able to streatch perty far. i have been tying down all of the lower branches so that they grow more outwards so they are like more tops.

i havnt been using n e newts and i water 2 times a day, once when i turn on my light and once when i turn it off, i have flushed it once in the first month after a transplant and then once right befor i switched over to flowering.

i have been using a floodlight with a halogen bulb and its worked great, but do i need n e other kind of light for flowering or will the same light work too?

i could use any and all constructive critiism. thanks and happy growing!




Well-Known Member
well it looks that way because i have cut off all the fan leaves and yea i have had the light a little farther away than i would like sometimes but it isnt as bad as it looks. its just a cheap flood lamp with ahalogen bulb in it. i also have a flourescent light i was thinking about throwing in there next to it too... would that be better?


Well-Known Member
well i have been experamenting and i probly wont do that again but when u cut a few off durring the flowering stage it concentrates the growth on the buds, kinda like a hormonal inbalance u can use to ur advantage.


Well-Known Member
If you cut the leaves off it's going to concentrate on trying to grow new leaves, and then not have enough to absorb enough light to grow properly.


Well-Known Member
ive heard different from alot of people. and books. but yea i see how it would do that durring the vegetative growth period but i just switched to flowering, but idk im just kinda experamenting with this one plant. but thanks.


Well-Known Member
ive heard different from alot of people. and books. but yea i see how it would do that durring the vegetative growth period but i just switched to flowering, but idk im just kinda experamenting with this one plant. but thanks.
Dude, the leaves convert light into energy for the plant. The plant then takes that energy for bud production. Cutting off the fan leaves is like putting it on a diet. You are cutting off the food source for your buds!!!!


Well-Known Member
im sorry, im just kinda new and trying shit on one plant. i didnt cut off all the leaves and i know i didnt have shit for light... i only ended up getting about 3 8ths probly less. im on my way tho got some good lights and i aint gooing to fuck with n e thing this time.


Active Member
get some proper equipment...use nutes, water less..Light is only intense for so long like 1.5ft-2ft so stretch is NOT good your going to heave weak penetration for your buds. leave all leafs on the plant also and instead of topping try some LSt(pinching)..the list goes on