
I don't think there's anything wrong with porn

On the contrary, I think it actually helps individuals as well as society in many different ways

Although I also believe there can be a danger aspect to it, just like anything else that induces the pleasure chemicals inside the brain. Moderation is key to enjoyment.

Funny, this is one of the few jobs where women earn more than men, and yet they're shamed for it throughout large segments of society..

Given the fact that the internet is so available today, and kids will likely gain access well before they're 18, how do you think we as a society should approach the topic of porn being readily available to minors at a very young age? How do you think this might affect views on sexuality?
Ever watch a documentary on the porn industry? Horribly over-represented in sucide, drug addiction, and sufferers of child abuse and molestation.
I enjoy some porn, probably very tame by most people's standards. Yet I've never deluded myself into thinking they were really enjoying themselves and that I would ever switch lives with them.
I only watch amateur real sex porn. Mostly shit random people upload themselves on shit like pornhub. Like this is obviously some dude fucking a girl recording it with a shitty cellphone camera. Video quality isn't great it's more real. Big company porn is boring as fuck and doesn't seem real.

I know when a girl is genuinely enjoying sex and when some dude with a massive dick is just smashing the fuck out of something with no real technique it's just like ......meh.
Can we post pictures?


She's a professional, you should see her work!

Sasha Grey

You must be waaayyyy into this shit, dude. lol

When I watch porn it's almost always 'vintage' stuff. You know, the kind where the participants actually look as if they are enjoying themselves and not moaning and saying "fuck, yeah" on cue.
Not too into the overly scripted rape/degradation scenarios featuring freshly shorn junkies stretching each other's orifices in exchange for meth and a wad of $20s. ;)