MI new era cannabis regulations

You are right on the fact that most growers can build their own. If you look back at some other posts of mine you will see i was asking people if there was a market for someone like me to step into building grow ops for people I have done a few for people i have known for years. I was thinking of advertising for it, but I know most growers are hands on and can do most everything with YouTube if needed. So I'm unsure if it's worth the money to push something like that big or small?
In my opinion...people just getting into "the game" are a little late to the party. Anyone whose looking at this long term is in for a suprise. And the bivgest1players will get bought out by mega corporate. What you all have to remember is this whole medical and state recreational thing is jist a prelude to the big picture. Ive said it before..i will say it again...true market value once it hits ag crop status will be determined by economy of scale and that will be determined by consolidation. And it will NOT BE UNDER TOTALLY ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING NO MATTER HOW EFFICIENT THE EQUIPMENT GETS.
Ask yourself this. ...what is the point of growing dope indoors under artificial ligjting? That whole paradigm comes from the illegal black market mindset from the eighties. They developed the lighting and equipment so they could still grow and lessen the chances of getting caught and busted. Marijuana..once fully legal...is going back to where it thrives...under the big halide in the sky. And in WAY cheaper greenhouses for your high quality. And they will be MEGA farms. Its only natural that it does this...its a money thing. If any of you are making money off weed in the near future...you will be a wage slave loading kilos onto trucks at these farms and distribution complexes. Sorry but t its the truth.
How many people grow tomatos? Not many in the grand scheme of things. More of a hobby...not because they are so expensjve that its better to grow your own. No...they are so cheap...people just buy a bunch at the produce section of a local market. Marijuana....and GOOD marijauna (you artisinal or craft grown people are delusional) wil be grown (once fully.legal) on such a HUGE SCALE that the sheer volume of it will make market prices cheap as hell. Economy of scale and setprice through consolidation. It will become just another ag crop. No way in hell will people be fetching 200 bucks a pound much less 2 or 3 thousand. Lol. Thats all blackmarket price...coming from a risk/illegality mindset. The whole reason it moved indoors under expensive to run artificial lighting to begin with. Back in the early eighties. Whoever is still stuck in that mindset is screwed in the very near future.
Most will drop out before then but wait till the price of good buds is way cheaper to get in a store down the street than it is to rip 16 plants in your basement grow tent. You might rip a couple monsters in your backyard (i know i will because i cannot stop growing cannabis) but even then....who will go through the trouble? Just like tomatos...just like tomatos.
How many people grow tomatos? Not many in the grand scheme of things. More of a hobby...not because they are so expensjve that its better to grow your own. No...they are so cheap...people just buy a bunch at the produce section of a local market. Marijuana....and GOOD marijauna (you artisinal or craft grown people are delusional) wil be grown (once fully.legal) on such a HUGE SCALE that the sheer volume of it will make market prices cheap as hell. Economy of scale and setprice through consolidation. It will become just another ag crop. No way in hell will people be fetching 200 bucks a pound much less 2 or 3 thousand. Lol. Thats all blackmarket price...coming from a risk/illegality mindset. The whole reason it moved indoors under expensive to run artificial lighting to begin with. Back in the early eighties. Whoever is still stuck in that mindset is screwed in the very near future.

You are ignorant if you think high grade can be mass produced. Ask anyone from california who actually knows what they are talking about.
Especially in a state of the art climate controlled greenhouse. Any excellent cultivar can be grown to perfection if you have the kind of set ups and skilled growers that will be running them.
"high grade marijuana" = subjective
I'm a high grade marijuana grower/provider myself. I've worked in greenhouses all my life. I have several, grow year round in some sometimes. I choose to grow marijuana indoors for different reasons. Odor is one big one.

My yields are way huge outdoors compared to indoors for the sun. I love outdoor smoke for the novelty but will take my boutique style daily loved climate controlled sealed room 72 flowers any day of the year over the huge awesome plants I can get outdoors. both are great, like hydro is great to like organic is great. I love my indoor tomatoes too, but not as much as my outdoor ones. My basil doesnt care, but my beans want the sun. some things are just better grown indoors some outdoors.

High end boutique growers like myself know organic is the key, under hid lights, there just is no argument that holds up.:finger::shock:

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In my opinion...people just getting into "the game" are a little late to the party. Anyone whose looking at this long term is in for a suprise. And the bivgest1players will get bought out by mega corporate. What you all have to remember is this whole medical and state recreational thing is jist a prelude to the big picture. Ive said it before..i will say it again...true market value once it hits ag crop status will be determined by economy of scale and that will be determined by consolidation. And it will NOT BE UNDER TOTALLY ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING NO MATTER HOW EFFICIENT THE EQUIPMENT GETS.

Late to the party? Even if your grand vision for the future comes to fruition, it will likely be 20 years away. With Session's as Trump's Attorney General, Schedule 1 status will remain. As long as it is S1 - no interstate commerce, banking problems etc... Big AG not so interested.
In fact for every person who is worried about big AG taking over the business, there are hundreds more concerned about the Feds ramping up enforcement in states that have passed Medical Marijuana laws. But even if Sessions received a much needed bump to the head and moved MJ to schedule 2, it is then a state by state thing. I think even in your scenario, it is not late to the game for another decade.
Cannabis is a yearly blooming flower, we already see the effects of large greenhouse like mention in your post, the price difference between those and completely indoor at wholesale, is around 6-1000 dollar difference. The problem being, they produce so much, and the large percentage of consumers now can tell the difference. My buddy owns a shop, and that greenhouse stuff comes in from cali and colorado weekly, because there simply is not enough demand for greenhouse sun grown product.
Original point was tho, even in the greenhouse, you still need hid lighting and light deprivation, otherwise they are limited to one field crop a year. Even so, we as a country are still at least a decade away, there are just way to many industrys that depend on the substance being prohibited to let it end anytime soon. In a shit economy, even with adding new jobs and what not for the new industry, there would be millions more people out of work.
I'll put my indoor against any outdoor any day! Then I'll giggle my ass off when you tell me that's last years's crop and this year's was way better. Hell, I'd even venture to bet mine is more natural than most outdoor.

I know a Washington outdoor grower. He buys indoor once he gets paid. Plus, cloning and much of veg is done under artificial conditions.

I'll get back to ya when we get below $200 a pound as you say. I was nervous when someone said that your words were ignorant, but they are kind of right, bro. Geesh....that 200$ a lb probably won't be enough to cover transport and testing fees. It won't cover the kelp meal! Leave some smoke for the rest of us to blow, 1991! :P
Do consumers discern any difference between greenhouse & premium indoor MJ once it is an edible or extract? If not, maybe most of that will end up in the processing pipeline.
Probably, that would be the sensible thing, because of the low cost and high yield compared to indoor, but considering it is ship here and elsewhere, illegally atm..who knows.
Is there a distinct..discernible..and consistently noticeable difference in the most average of marijuana users between the very best greenhouse grown and the best grown indoors? Both using the latest technology and methods? The very best of cultivars????