I just ran across these in my house... It doesn't seem like the covers come off or maybe these are different... Will something like this work for keeping a mother... how many would I need.. any better alternatives in the bulb form from Home Depot stores... I'm going to have her on my outside patio and don't have much room for a larger lighting system.. I only have about A2 foot by 2 foot area so anything that I can make the most efficient out of that area I would build or put together if you have a better idea
With some lights it's very easy to get the cover off.
Otherwise you'll need cutting pliers or a hacksaw. (Hacksaw can get some of the plastic on the leds which isn't ideal)
It also works with the diffuser still on, just not as great.
I guess 80 watts should be enough to maintain a mother plant.
It depends on how many clones you want every so many weeks.
80 should easily handle 5 clones every 6 weeks.