1st Blow to Women's rights


Well-Known Member
Abortion is murder.
then don't do it if that's what you believe, but you need to accept that most people do not agree. legal Abortions save lives...."According to WHO and Guttmacher, approximately 68,000 women die annually as a result of complications of unsafe abortion; and between two million and seven million women each year survive unsafe abortion but sustain long-term damage or disease (incomplete abortion, infection (sepsis), haemorrhage, and injury to the internal organs, such as puncturing or tearing of the uterus). They also concluded abortion is safer in countries where it's legal, but dangerous in countries where it's outlawed and performed clandestinely"o_O


Well-Known Member
Repeatedly fucking girls on deppo after getting abortions for girls who got preg on deppo seems pretty dumb.

I guess paying 500 dollars was worth it to him considering he wanted to live without responsibility a child brings. Although most people would just take better percautions with their dick and the women they choose to stick it in.

4 times. That is how little he thinks of sex and kids. All about pleasure without consequences.

Damn. I dont have pity for that. I never will. Half the US is brianwashed to think that shit is normal but wtf happened to common sense and your conscience?


Rant over.
When have you ever stopped ranting?

Nobody asked for your pity dipwad.

You Evangelists are a canker sore on humanity. Fat, not paying taxes, not doing anything important -- and yes, I'm saying raising your kid is not important -- literally billions of people are doing the same thing. Most of whom are doing much more than that. You sit there looking more like Jabba-the-Hut than anything else and claim superiority. The only thing you are superior to is the cockroaches living under your kitchen cabinets.

After going through the bible, picking and choosing what you want to follow, you are half-Christian anyway. An apostasy. You should kill yourself.



Well-Known Member
I've come to a conclusion about this.

Have you noticed it's only Republican "40 year old virgins" like analexcessgay that want to defund women's health?

Probably cos they've never made sweet, sweet love to a women so a potential pregnancy isn't an issue for them.

These people are pro-life until the child is born then they don't give a shit about them.

RetardCuckMorons can be shortened to "Republican"


Well-Known Member
I've come to a conclusion about this.

Have you noticed it's only Republican "40 year old virgins" like analexcessgay that want to defund women's health?

Probably cos they've never made sweet, sweet love to a women so a potential pregnancy isn't an issue for them.

These people are pro-life until the child is born then they don't give a shit about them.

RetardCuckMorons can be shortened to "Republican"
It's rediculous that there's actually a person who feels it is their right to deny someone a necessary medical procedure.
It's all semantics talking bullshit about when the fetus becomes a person and murdering babies. Legal abortion saves lives. But they don't care about that when they can sit on their republican holy seat of judgment and look down their noses at people who need this procedure.
Fuck off you pro life assholes; pick a more humanistic view of the world because right now you're failing at being people.
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Well-Known Member
There is no down side, a fetus is not a person. It's a hypothertical person, sure. But not a fucking person.
These pro life assholes don't spend much time talking about child welfare cases, child abuse cases, or anything that happens to a child after it leaves the womb. Apparently the "life of a child" is only important to them during incubation; and after that it's no longer their concern.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I don't like the move to defund abortions. I think they are the best thing for those in poverty. We don't need more children born into sub standard conditions and living off of tax payer money.
I sometimes wonder if the republicans think that more people = more tax income is the case no matter what. And they don't realize 90% of the new population will most likely pay less in taxes than the Gov. services they use.
I think it should be provided to people under a certain income limit.


Well-Known Member
Planned parenthood has nothing to do with 'women's rights". Planned parenthood is all about eugenics. Just a LITTLE bit of prodding around the googlesphere will show its founder a racist eugenecist. That's why you only see these places in or near the ghettos.
and a little bit more googling will show you that the smear campaign on Margaret Sanger is unfair and inaccurate. Republicans realized that their supporters are only as smart as the first page of a google search - so dumb that they only need to skew the first eight to ten entries on any topic. Payback for Santorum I guess.


Well-Known Member
I don't like the move to defund abortions. I think they are the best thing for those in poverty. We don't need more children born into sub standard conditions and living off of tax payer money.
I sometimes wonder if the republicans think that more people = more tax income is the case no matter what. And they don't realize 90% of the new population will most likely pay less in taxes than the Gov. services they use.
I think it should be provided to people under a certain income limit.
They are the best things for individuals that feel they need one. I don't believe if you're poor you shouldn't have children. I believe if you don't want children, you shouldn't have children.


Well-Known Member
and a little bit more googling will show you that the smear campaign on Margaret Sanger is unfair and inaccurate. Republicans realized that their supporters are only as smart as the first page of a google search - so dumb that they only need to skew the first eight to ten entries on any topic. Payback for Santorum I guess.
Yes, cause we all know that google is a reliable research tool... ROLFMAO!!!

She helped kill a ton of black babies... give her the nobel peace prize if you like.