What does Russia have on Trump?


Well-Known Member
What VA issues do you wish he address. What regulations do you want to see reduced ? You pretty vague with your answers, except for the wall in which he is backtracking already. You want to be tax to pay for the wall ?
Trump was pretty clear about the WALL of which he re-iterated today. He doesnt want to wait a year and a half to finish the negotiations with Mexico, he wants to start building ASAP. Not exactly sure where he is backtracking on that.

Yes, I will be happy to be taxed to pay for the wall. You act like this is a new thing. Congress already authorized payment for 700 miles of border wall about 10 years ago.

I want veterans to be able to get the care they were promised when they signed up. Not the fraudulent and criminal activity that has gone on during Obama's term in office of lying about service levels to ensure financial bonuses.


Well-Known Member
Trump was pretty clear about the WALL of which he re-iterated today. He doesnt want to wait a year and a half to finish the negotiations with Mexico, he wants to start building ASAP. Not exactly sure where he is backtracking on that. Wow you are dumber than I first thought...and that was already pretty fuckin dumb. Yeah dude stay single. If married, your wife would take you for EVeryThinG...she certainly would not stay for long

Yes, I will be happy to be taxed to pay for the wall. You act like this is a new thing. Congress already authorized payment for 700 miles of border wall about 10 years ago. having the authorization is not the same as having the funds. I would prefer my taxes to be placed elsewhere. Why do you hate Mexicans so much. They that horrible in Arizona ?

I want veterans to be able to get the care they were promised when they signed up. Not the fraudulent and criminal activity that has gone on during Obama's term in office of lying about service levels to ensure financial bonuses.Awwwww so now you care about us Vets. How much last year did you give to the Vets...don't answer just keep it to yourself:roll:
you also did not cover what regulations you wanted removed or Fox did not tell you which yet
reply in the red


Well-Known Member
Trump was pretty clear about the WALL of which he re-iterated today. He doesnt want to wait a year and a half to finish the negotiations with Mexico, he wants to start building ASAP. Not exactly sure where he is backtracking on that.

Yes, I will be happy to be taxed to pay for the wall. You act like this is a new thing. Congress already authorized payment for 700 miles of border wall about 10 years ago.

I want veterans to be able to get the care they were promised when they signed up. Not the fraudulent and criminal activity that has gone on during Obama's term in office of lying about service levels to ensure financial bonuses.
You want to be taxed to build a wall to keep all the farm workers away & drive the price of food up? Thanks!o_O


Well-Known Member
i did when i voted for clinton.
Not me, but I did it anyhow. She's a decent enough sort and certainly fastidious (and awkward), but I'm not her biggest fan.

As I said months ago, though; to prevent the Drumpf from getting in I'd have kissed her feet and let her grind on my face, sigh.


Well-Known Member
Trump was pretty clear about the WALL of which he re-iterated today. He doesnt want to wait a year and a half to finish the negotiations with Mexico, he wants to start building ASAP. Not exactly sure where he is backtracking on that.

Yes, I will be happy to be taxed to pay for the wall. You act like this is a new thing. Congress already authorized payment for 700 miles of border wall about 10 years ago.

I want veterans to be able to get the care they were promised when they signed up. Not the fraudulent and criminal activity that has gone on during Obama's term in office of lying about service levels to ensure financial bonuses.
th (6).jpg


Well-Known Member
You want to be taxed to build a wall to keep all the farm workers away & drive the price of food up? Thanks!o_O
No, I want the farm workers to come here on visa then go home... That is why it is called seasonal labor.

Trump said there would be a big door so I though you would have figured that part out. My bad....


Well-Known Member
No, I want the farm workers to come here on visa then go home... That is why it is called seasonal labor.

Trump said there would be a big door so I though you would have figured that part out. My bad....
The amount of stupid that comes out of your mouth is astounding. Will Trump fit them GPS dog collars to keep track of them and make them go home after harvest?