Russia didn't do it


Well-Known Member
The butthurt is large in this one....
Why ???? You are the fool at around 50 still trying to figure out what you are going to do in life ?
So mad that Obama was President that you voted for a fool who will not put any policies in place that will help you. What type of health insurance do you have ? How do you expect to make more that 45k a year ? Why won't women ever call you back after the first date ?


Well-Known Member
Your conclusion is that I am clueless because I dont choose to detail exactly what regulations I want trump to remove?

You asked me what I wanted from Trump. I answered you question. Somehow, because I dont have exact details about which regulations suddenly you have succeeded at something? Is this why you spend hours upon hours on the internet, cause you want to win??

Trump is going to spend a number of hours if not days completely erasing Obama's presidency with his pen and his phone. It is very likely that almost all of Obama's executive orders will be reversed in the first week of Trump's presidency. I dont know every little detail of those hundreds of executive orders and I dont care. What I do know is that they will be gone and the regulatory burden will be removed from business owners causing economic development.

How many jobs has Trump saved or created already? He isnt even in office yet... I think we have somewhere between 1 and 2 million jobs promised and tens of billions of dollars of investment pledged in America. Now that is some shit right there.... Just wait until he actually takes the presidency.

Run off and tell your wife you won at the internet!!
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink


Well-Known Member
Why ???? You are the fool at around 50 still trying to figure out what you are going to do in life ?
So mad that Obama was President that you voted for a fool who will not put any policies in place that will help you. What type of health insurance do you have ? How do you expect to make more that 45k a year ? Why won't women ever call you back after the first date ?
I made over 45K last year and that was only 10 months in business. I expect to continue making much more in home inspection and real estate investments.

You are a little boy who married a woman to be his mom and now she wont let you ride motorcycles so you lie to her and spew hate on an internet website... Yeah, you are happy!!!


Well-Known Member
I hear Trump is into the pee pee. I guess that is after he grabs them by the pussy and moves on them like a bitch.
Obama was so damn classy now we in the error of straight up nasty
So, you bought into the completely fake news too?? CNN stock tanked, they admit they got taken in a lie started on 4chan and escalated by democrat operatives. However, just like those japanes soldiers stuck on islands in the pacific you will still be parroting the piss story 4 years from now. And I will mock you every time you do it....



Well-Known Member
I made love to over 300 sewer rats last year. I expect to drink 20 cans of generic Coke Zero today, thanks to a recent sale at Walmart. I've not been able to support myself in YEARS -- thanks, taxpayers!

You are a little boy who married a woman to be his mom and now she wont let you ride motorcycles so you lie to her and spew hate on an internet website... Yeah, you are happy!!!
Reported for using a highly offensive racial slur. Burn to death, nazi filth.


Well-Known Member
I made over 45K last year and that was only 10 months in business. I expect to continue making much more in home inspection and real estate investments.

You are a little boy who married a woman to be his mom and now she wont let you ride motorcycles so you lie to her and spew hate on an internet website... Yeah, you are happy!!!
So, you bought into the completely fake news too?? CNN stock tanked, they admit they got taken in a lie started on 4chan and escalated by democrat operatives. However, just like those japanes soldiers stuck on islands in the pacific you will still be parroting the piss story 4 years from now. And I will mock you every time you do it....

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Use more !!!!exclamation points!!!! sweetie.


Well-Known Member
So, you bought into the completely fake news too?? CNN stock tanked, they admit they got taken in a lie started on 4chan and escalated by democrat operatives. However, just like those japanes soldiers stuck on islands in the pacific you will still be parroting the piss story 4 years from now. And I will mock you every time you do it....


Links, cause that's not what fox news is saying, hmmm.


Well-Known Member
Why would I care what any single news outlet said?

'James Clapper, the outgoing director of national intelligence, assured Trump that the leaks to CNN and other media outlets did not come from any of the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies he oversees.

Clapper also underscored that the unverified “blackmail dossier” published by BuzzFeed “is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product.”

Clapper’s assertion appears to contradict the reporting of CNN, BuzzFeed, the New York Times, the Washington Post and other liberal mainstream media, which swore up and down that the leaks came directly from sources at the CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies.

“I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security,” Clapper wrote. “I emphasized that this document is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC.”'


Well-Known Member
I made over 45K last year and that was only 10 months in business. I expect to continue making much more in home inspection and real estate investments.

You are a little boy who married a woman to be his mom and now she wont let you ride motorcycles so you lie to her and spew hate on an internet website... Yeah, you are happy!!!
I married a beautiful woman to be my Queen as most Kings do. Very happy !!!!!
So now you are into real estate. Too funny you.
Lets see
Master Data Entry Hacker
Factory owner selling exclusively to the government
Quality Assured Sparkling Service pool cleaner...with the motto " We drink the pool water to show how clean"
Top Flight Home Inspector...with the potential of earning 288k a year
Now we have NLXSK1 real estate investor AKA Baby Trumping


Well-Known Member
Why would I care what any single news outlet said?

'James Clapper, the outgoing director of national intelligence, assured Trump that the leaks to CNN and other media outlets did not come from any of the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies he oversees.

Clapper also underscored that the unverified “blackmail dossier” published by BuzzFeed “is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product.”

Clapper’s assertion appears to contradict the reporting of CNN, BuzzFeed, the New York Times, the Washington Post and other liberal mainstream media, which swore up and down that the leaks came directly from sources at the CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies.

“I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security,” Clapper wrote. “I emphasized that this document is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC.”'

Trump lied about what was in the dossier, period. He does not respect you.


Well-Known Member
Links, cause that's not what fox news is saying, hmmm.
Donald Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any president-elect in two decades


Twitter is drowning in a #goldenshower


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Well-Known Member
Why would I care what any single news outlet said?

'James Clapper, the outgoing director of national intelligence, assured Trump that the leaks to CNN and other media outlets did not come from any of the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies he oversees.

Clapper also underscored that the unverified “blackmail dossier” published by BuzzFeed “is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product.”

Clapper’s assertion appears to contradict the reporting of CNN, BuzzFeed, the New York Times, the Washington Post and other liberal mainstream media, which swore up and down that the leaks came directly from sources at the CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies.

“I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security,” Clapper wrote. “I emphasized that this document is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC.”'

Wrong, clapper confirmed all of their reporting, dumb dumb.


Well-Known Member
I married a beautiful woman to be my Queen as most Kings do. Very happy !!!!!
So now you are into real estate. Too funny you.
Lets see
Master Data Entry Hacker
Factory owner selling exclusively to the government
Quality Assured Sparkling Service pool cleaner...with the motto " We drink the pool water to show how clean"
Top Flight Home Inspector...with the potential of earning 288k a year
Now we have NLXSK1 real estate investor AKA Baby Trumping
Same pussy for the rest of your life... Yeah, it gets old after a few years much less a few decades but I expect you to lie to me since you lie to your wife.

I have been investing in real estate for years. I currently have one rental property and want to expand that. I would rather get passive income from rentals rather than dirty laundry.

I have the potential of earning whatever I want to in life. As a fellow business owner I would expect you to understand that. Strange how it escapes you.

Tell me again how happy you are!!


Well-Known Member
Same pussy for the rest of your life... Yeah, it gets old after a few years much less a few decades but I expect you to lie to me since you lie to your wife.

I have been investing in real estate for years. I currently have one rental property and want to expand that. I would rather get passive income from rentals rather than dirty laundry.

I have the potential of earning whatever I want to in life. As a fellow business owner I would expect you to understand that. Strange how it escapes you.

Tell me again how happy you are!! you view marriage as the same pussy for the rest of your life. Sad little guy you are. The wife and i are over two decades strong. and no it does not get old after a few years. Maybe you should try fucking other women besides hookers and whores.

I also have a rental property, but I don't consider myself a real estate investor. Just a guy who moved out of his first home and upgraded. I luckily now have tenants who pay rent on time after ones who don't. more hassle than worth.

You have as much potential as your business will allow. Home Inspecting will only allow so much. Only so many homes need inspecting and then we have a thing called competition, so no you don't have the potential of earning what ever you want.
I want a million dollar a year business net. Not happening with my business model