You actually have well thought out and presented argument.
While we may not agree, I welcome debate like this about any topic as it can help me learn and possibly change my outlook.
1.) You are correct as this is a matter of opinion the way the article was wrote. I also believe you are correct about there being no apology since Clapper didn't apologize for lying to a congressional investigative committee about mass surveillance of the American public either.
2a.) Agreed on point 1. Point 2: I'm with you as far as I wasn't happy w/ my choices either, but would vote Daffy Duck before allowing Hellery the presidency.
2b.) 16 intelligence agencies had verified WMD's. 17 intelligence agencies have alluded to (but not proven) Russia hacked the DNC and gave the emails to WikiLeaks (an organization that has a 10 yr. record of not being proven wrong in what they publish).
The amount of intelligence agencies does not make their ability to be wrong any less possible and is not a stretch IMHO.
This, in conjunction with the very recent NATO build up of troops/tanks on the eastern German border moving to Poland, will NOT make international tensions subside more quickly.
How did CNN get this information? It was not for public consumption and if the security of the intelligence agencies cannot keep such information secure why should I believe their ability to gather and collate such information into actionable intelligence is any better?
3.) I don't think private companies should be any better than gov't in the investigation of criminal activity (especially considering the amount of money it costs us both) although the opposite gets proven almost daily in many different facets.
But I also think that in a situation of this importance that the grounds/area/equipment where evidence can be found should be examined completely by the source that will furnish the state with the final "official" report.
By saying what you have, you cast doubt on your acceptance of the 9/11 official US report as many private companies have rebutted the evidence of that report.
If Dumph's server was the centerpiece of accusing a foreign power of interfering in a central piece of American gov't such as elections I would definitely expect it to be available for evidence examination as a private company doesn't have a military or economic weapons that the US has been proven to use as a hammer for every problem it sees as a nail.
4.) The evidence for that "hack" is inconclusive or we wouldn't be talking.
The evidence for collusion between the present administration, the DNC, the Clinton campaign, the MSM, and technology companies (alternate media) that has proven in their own words that they were fixing both the Democratic nomination and the presidential election, which has yet to successfully refute any of the content in them about is more important than foreign involvement, as I expect the latter and it's our responsibility to make sure they fail, but do not expect the former as it proves how sick and sad both the media and the gov't in this country (and others) are at this point and I believe enemies within are more important than enemies without.