I quoted from an article which used the word
Effectively (the word before apologize):
- : in effect : virtually <by withholding further funds they effectively killed the project>
- : in an effective manner <dealt with the problem effectively>
So I didn't add it and it was essentially correct as commentary.
2. Both dealing with "intelligence" about Russia and the elections. They deftly demonstrate that the alphabet agencies have not displayed the best judgement or investigative ability and have been that way since a little suggestion that Iraq had WMD's was gifted to Collin Powell which was LATER proven to be false and indebted both of us to the Federal Reserve for trillions.
Don't you wish we all would have been a little more critical of that information at the time?
3. Your basic premise is that a private business gets to dictate (not corroborate or verify) case, evidence, and verdict instead of the state which is supposedly making the criminal case for hacking. 3rd parties are great for verification, but not origination (unless they happen to be the investigated).
Do I think Russia (or people in Russia) did nothing to sway public opinion, both legal and illegal?
Fuck no.
They are a major world gov't and I suspect them of doing everything
history (and Snowden) has proven the US gov't to do (as with your salon post, the link to WaPo was convenient) over and over again, most recently in the Ukraine.
But there is no evidence of election machine tampering that has been found in the 3 state recount and this entire "the Russians fixed the election!" groupthink is based entirely on the unproven assumption that Assange received the DNC emails from Russia which both have denied and a 3rd party verified their statements.
Almost every other news of this type that has been publicized has been from an internal source (
from Benjamin Franklin to Edward Snowden) yet this one is a "hack" (a crack is more correct) perpetrated by a foreign state?
Any CISSP knows that the former is a lot more possible than the latter (which is why my money is on Seth Rich).
I take back my Salon post as it was a knee-jerk reaction and not warranted. That can happen with google.
At least you cite your sources which is a great deal more than a lot of others do.
EDIT: This all about how they emails were published yet no one challenges their authenticity.
I personally think the content of the emails was a lot more important than how they were released.