How to say no?


Well-Known Member
I started going to church a month ago mostly to get to know fellow Christians.

Within this time I've already heard two or three suggestions of getting involved/volunteering.

I know there's soon gonna come a time when they'll either start asking what kind of service I see myself doing or ask if I can volunteer.

How do I respond? I just wanted to go to church and have fellowship, and I'm afraid to make commitments like that and the vibes I'm getting from the pastors and elders that volunteer there seems like they're overwhelmed, annoyed and stuck there.
I started going to church a month ago mostly to get to know fellow Christians.

Within this time I've already heard two or three suggestions of getting involved/volunteering.

I know there's soon gonna come a time when they'll either start asking what kind of service I see myself doing or ask if I can volunteer.

How do I respond? I just wanted to go to church and have fellowship, and I'm afraid to make commitments like that and the vibes I'm getting from the pastors and elders that volunteer there seems like they're overwhelmed, annoyed and stuck there.

He roots for animals to die? Still?

Yeah, go to church or something.
usually those types of things once said are not a one off event.

I will not give him any chance of redemption, I say a lot of shit but i try nd leave family, mental health and pets out of it.
the fact it was a long standing member of outstanding character adds insult to injury, if I am recalling correct it started in one of his misogynistic threads. O.P is lame
I think you should suck the pastor off immediately. Like, get off your computer and go suck his dick right now!

Go! Why are you still reading this?
It's likely the OP is to old for this as what you suggest is only accepted from preteen males.
c2g is an old washed up kunt so are you and fuk women's rights. You're just old now Hun. Donald trump is the president. That means women are back to ground zero. All their work up until this year was for nothing. You don't get to decide what to do with your life and body. You will not have abortions or birth control. Back to the kitchen where you belong as a servant for men! And you better not have forgotten what I had said. Leaving a bad taste in your mouth the way I like. Enjoy..

Oh wait you're a male? Bahaha must be a transgender, you're not a real man.

Soommmeeeebody has a smallllll poor thing...

download (3).png

Also, reported for misogynistic and homophobic hate speech. And for being an inbred waste of DNA.
c2g is an old washed up kunt so are you and fuk women's rights. You're just old now Hun. Donald trump is the president. That means women are back to ground zero. All their work up until this year was for nothing. You don't get to decide what to do with your life and body. You will not have abortions or birth control. Back to the kitchen where you belong as a servant for men! And you better not have forgotten what I had said. Leaving a bad taste in your mouth the way I like. Enjoy..

Oh wait you're a male? Bahaha must be a transgender, you're not a real man.

you are the worst troll I have seen.

you trying to hurt me by being mean to a whole group of people? tell me more about how you get turned down by girls, and how they are so hurtful to you.

I pull girls like you haven't even seen, too bad I wouldn't even grace you with a picture.

you realise you said your sperm tastes bad right? lmao you are more fucking retarded then I would like to have to deal with.

I am so old and washed up, tell moms I said hi

you are the worst troll I have seen.

you trying to hurt me by being mean to a whole group of people? tell me more about how you get turned down by girls, and how they are so hurtful to you.

I pull girls like you haven't even seen, too bad I wouldn't even grace you with a picture.

you realise you said your sperm tastes bad right? lmao you are more fucking retarded then I would like to have to deal with.

I am so old and washed up, tell moms I said hi


c2g is an old washed up kunt so are you and fuk women's rights. You're just old now Hun. Donald trump is the president. That means women are back to ground zero. All their work up until this year was for nothing. You don't get to decide what to do with your life and body. You will not have abortions or birth control. Back to the kitchen where you belong as a servant for men! And you better not have forgotten what I had said. Leaving a bad taste in your mouth the way I like. Enjoy..

Oh wait you're a male Bahaha must be a transgender, you're not a real man.
you are the type of kid I would go to jail over bashing, keep up your hatred little man.

I am a male and I have no worries about if I like guys or girls, just to add to your fuel I actually I am straight fwiw but i have felt feels for guys and I aint worried because it doesn't hurt me.

come at me

can you even afford a bottle of vodka yet? how much you make year?

I have been trawling small dicked kids like you for over 15 years, and btw I am not even that old.

talk shit about c2g again. no need to tag the crew. they will not stand for this and neither will I.

you are a worthless little kid who hasn't even touched pussy and needs to lose some weight.

I should spam you with drug and money pics but you are not even worth it
This thing is obviously a sock/troll, yeah?

Not a very good/amusing one, but still...
he may not be.

he had serious posts in tnt, at one point in time and got laughed out because of his hatred. I even remember his appology to a few people trying to regain some type of ground.

check his post history,
I started going to church a month ago mostly to get to know fellow Christians.

Within this time I've already heard two or three suggestions of getting involved/volunteering.

I know there's soon gonna come a time when they'll either start asking what kind of service I see myself doing or ask if I can volunteer.

How do I respond? I just wanted to go to church and have fellowship, and I'm afraid to make commitments like that and the vibes I'm getting from the pastors and elders that volunteer there seems like they're overwhelmed, annoyed and stuck there.

