Legality in Spain


Active Member

Does anyone know the real legality of mj (growing, possession, transport, sale) in SPAIN?

I have heard stories and read the "Wikipedia" article that states there is some sort of legal vacuum for "social clubs".

Is anyone here from there or knows where to direct me (my Spanish is 0 at the moment...)
You can grow. There is a visibility law (I. E it should not be visible). It's legal on your private property. But if you are growing a lot the police can come and chop it down. Then the6 let the courts argue about it with you. Worst case scenario is a fine. We got stung in Spain just before seed harvest. You can set up a club association and can grow for the members. The police can still come and chop it down and argue after. There are licenses you can get but Spain is such a backward arse place in relation to anything official I would err on the side of caution with everything you do. I.e treat it like it's illegal.
So, it's not all hugs and kisses - it makes more sense than what I have read and heard. I know how Netherlands work - the system looks in other direction, but everything is still illegal...
I live in The Netherlands and the system far from looks the other way. There are around 1200 cannabis grows.per year raided by the police. In Amsterdam they hired 2 full time employees just to take the grow rooms apart. Even if you are below 5, essentially you are still not allowed to grow under lights.
I live in The Netherlands and the system far from looks the other way. There are around 1200 cannabis grows.per year raided by the police. In Amsterdam they hired 2 full time employees just to take the grow rooms apart. Even if you are below 5, essentially you are still not allowed to grow under lights.

That sucks, but I am from even worse part of EU (one of newer members) where if they caught you with 0.1g in pocket it was a felony and it was in your permanent record....

Not on the brighter subject - What about Czech republic? I heard they made everything legal for personal use (even hard stuff)
Any info about commercial growth?
That sucks, but I am from even worse part of EU (one of newer members) where if they caught you with 0.1g in pocket it was a felony and it was in your permanent record....

Not on the brighter subject - What about Czech republic? I heard they made everything legal for personal use (even hard stuff)
Any info about commercial growth?
I heard they have weed shops in Prague. Not sure of legalities there though. Seems like Albania I'd the place to grow in Europe.
I heard they have weed shops in Prague. Not sure of legalities there though. Seems like Albania I'd the place to grow in Europe.

From first hand I know that for Albania you need to be connected with... their syndicate (I'm not so found of that)

So looks like in Europe we are still fucked...
There's a lot of swings and roundabouts like @DST said. If you wanna break the rules then get to know them first.

The difference between getting caught with a kg of weed compared to hash is enormous. Importing drugs v homegrown.

I could list the amount of weed clubs that have closed in recent years also.
There's a lot of swings and roundabouts like @DST said. If you wanna break the rules then get to know them first.

The difference between getting caught with a kg of weed compared to hash is enormous. Importing drugs v homegrown.

I could list the amount of weed clubs that have closed in recent years also.

So was it ever "semi-legal"? Why all the false stories I heard on different locations and from different people?
So was it ever "semi-legal"? Why all the false stories I heard on different locations and from different people?
It's a grey area still. That's the loophole.

I'll tell you a quick story though, when I was in London for Xmas, a (bit too close for comfort) grow house got robbed.

The good neighbours called the police, who then caught thieves in the street with 20kg of weed.

The growers said they didn't know anything about it! The thieves got sent to prison for 20kgs! The house still got investigated, which at that point only had cuttings. A big club covered it, saying it was for them. Police went to the club and confiscated everything.

Welcome to Spain! :)

Ps only 15 kg would be taken to court probs! Corrupt.
It's a grey area still. That's the loophole.

I'll tell you a quick story though, when I was in London for Xmas, a (bit too close for comfort) grow house got robbed.

The good neighbours called the police, who then caught thieves in the street with 20kg of weed.

The growers said they didn't know anything about it! The thieves got sent to prison for 20kgs! The house still got investigated, which at that point only had cuttings. A big club covered it, saying it was for them. Police went to the club and confiscated everything.

Welcome to Spain! :)

Ps only 15 kg would be taken to court probs! Corrupt.

Just interested - what are the fines / jail time for that 15/20 kg?
Is it just slap on the wrist or some serious jail time?
I heard you need to pay 5% for protection - would this still happen than?
Just interested - what are the fines / jail time for that 15/20 kg?
Is it just slap on the wrist or some serious jail time?
I heard you need to pay 5% for protection - would this still happen than?
Just interested - what are the fines / jail time for that 15/20 kg?
Is it just slap on the wrist or some serious jail time?
I heard you need to pay 5% for protection - would this still happen than?
you don't get caught with 15/20 kg-ever! No matter who you are out here.
Afaik: growing for personal use is not policed but not quite legal, and personal (at least up until recently) could be up to 80 grs a month. You can grow out of public view on private property. The smoking clubs are kind of an extention of this: you cant "buy" the weed, youre giving an "aportation" to the nice people who are "helping" you grow your personal weed.
BUT: anything that could indicate youre planning to traffic your weed they can smack down on: little baggies, having scales, large cash amounts etc Law in spain is really relative, get a good lawyer and you can get off with most stuff. Police in Spain are some of the worst worldwide, if they catch you they are likely to try to give you an on the spot fine without paper work (ie robb you) and take your weed and smoke it themselves. But i also had friends getting caught on the street rolling and after long discusions they were fined w paper work, cops took their weed but let them have the joint they were rolling jist to be nice!?!?!
If youre thinking of going to spain to grow weed professionally, i wouldnt do it. Selling to smoking clubs or anyone else you get max 3 euros a gram for wholesale, its real hard to make a decent profit. Also anywhere worth living you will have heat problems come aummer time. If your hoping to grow personal while living in spain, sure, will work fine. If you wanna know if you can continue with your "gangsta" hobby of growing a bit of weed on the side for extra cash while working, that will work aswell as long as you are a bit carefull: avoid having a 12-12 signature on your power bill, bags, cash etc. You can quite safely argue that 2 m2 is personal use as long as it doesnt look like your doing multiple grows a year. Hope it helps
Afaik: growing for personal use is not policed but not quite legal, and personal (at least up until recently) could be up to 80 grs a month. You can grow out of public view on private property. The smoking clubs are kind of an extention of this: you cant "buy" the weed, youre giving an "aportation" to the nice people who are "helping" you grow your personal weed.
BUT: anything that could indicate youre planning to traffic your weed they can smack down on: little baggies, having scales, large cash amounts etc Law in spain is really relative, get a good lawyer and you can get off with most stuff. Police in Spain are some of the worst worldwide, if they catch you they are likely to try to give you an on the spot fine without paper work (ie robb you) and take your weed and smoke it themselves. But i also had friends getting caught on the street rolling and after long discusions they were fined w paper work, cops took their weed but let them have the joint they were rolling jist to be nice!?!?!
If youre thinking of going to spain to grow weed professionally, i wouldnt do it. Selling to smoking clubs or anyone else you get max 3 euros a gram for wholesale, its real hard to make a decent profit. Also anywhere worth living you will have heat problems come aummer time. If your hoping to grow personal while living in spain, sure, will work fine. If you wanna know if you can continue with your "gangsta" hobby of growing a bit of weed on the side for extra cash while working, that will work aswell as long as you are a bit carefull: avoid having a 12-12 signature on your power bill, bags, cash etc. You can quite safely argue that 2 m2 is personal use as long as it doesnt look like your doing multiple grows a year. Hope it helps
Oooops, this a long dead thread, im still thinking 2017...