What did you accomplish today?

Doctor: "This is never easy to bring up for me but I have to. You smell like pot. A lot. I just want to make sure the baby is not around the smoke".

Me: turns bright red, mumbles, "huh? what? uh.....the baby doesn't smoke. I mean isn't around smoke, i mean..."


When My boy was born a few months back I was going in the hospital smelling like a straight whore .....douching myself with sanitizer and cologne after smoking ,,,trying to cover the smell so the doctors wouldn't smell
I'm guessing it flew into traffic since it was only a few feet away from a dead deer.
While it is sad that the eagle was killed, I can't help but take notice of the irony that the we humans get all worked up over certain animals dying and others, like the deer, we could give two shits less. In fact we're like fuck that deer so hard we'll eat that sum bitch.
When My boy was born a few months back I was going in the hospital smelling like a straight whore .....douching myself with sanitizer and cologne after smoking ,,,trying to cover the smell so the doctors wouldn't smell
I did that!

I've been trimming a bunch lately. There is trim all over my garage floor and I was stepping on it.

It was my SHOES dammit.:wall:

At least im in a legal state.
I did that!

I've been trimming a bunch lately. There is trim all over my garage floor and I was stepping on it.

It was my SHOES dammit.:wall:

At least im in a legal state.

Oh I thought you were smoking ....yeah trimming super dank before picking the kids up from school or going to a doc app is a no no bob ....don't worry I learned the same way .....years back picking my nephew up from school and I had to sign him out of his class ....I rush over to get him and first thing he says is ....uncle why is there a bunch of grass on your socks ..lol...rite in front of the fucking teacher ....obviously everyone who heard him say that looks down at my feet including me ......and there was literally pot leaves and bud trim all over stuck to my socks ....I just started tucking that shit and wiping at an incredible rate ......probably not the best reaction dusting trim off in a kindergarten class room ....lol....nothing ever came of it though ....that was before laws were lax here .....I'm laughing now ....so dumb .....
Oh I thought you were smoking ....yeah trimming super dank before picking the kids up from school or going to a doc app is a no no bob ....don't worry I learned the same way .....years back picking my nephew up from school and I had to sign him out of his class ....I rush over to get him and first thing he says is ....uncle why is there a bunch of grass on your socks ..lol...rite in front of the fucking teacher ....obviously everyone who heard him say that looks down at my feet including me ......and there was literally pot leaves and bud trim all over stuck to my socks ....I just started tucking that shit and wiping at an incredible rate ......probably not the best reaction dusting trim off in a kindergarten class room ....lol....nothing ever came of it though ....that was before laws were lax here .....I'm laughing now ....so dumb .....
I'm dying over here!

I've been called on it so many times. :(

I don't even smell it anymore. I try to cover it up but i swear it comes through my pores or something.

"Oh yeah. You ALWAYS reek like weed. I thought that was just like, common knowledge".- My brother in law.


I also break up bong loads and no matter what I do my thumbs and index fingers permanently smell.
I woke up. Jerked off. Talked to this girl i'm dating not quite on fucking level. Smoked a dab. Took a shower. Listened to music. Went for a blunt cruise with friend. Took Dab. Played Guitar. Talked to girl im dating. About to take another dab and go to bed.
Long day, but I got the garage ceiling ripped out to the I-beam. And Holy Fuck I can't believe I filled seven 55 gal. drum liners with old insulation. (I gently took out a tiny piece 1st looking for a company name stamp. Fiberglass and not asbestos so it was full speed ahead.)
Then I hauled everything over to the dumpster and jammed it the fuck in. I actually pulled yesterday's mattress back a foot or 2 to make more room. I get full use out of dumpsters ;-).

Tomorrow my electrician buddy will turn the old light fixture in an electrical outlet for the incoming electric garage door. Then he will drill holes to run the new line into my horitcultural closet since he has an angle drill that I'd love to have but would hardly ever use.

It's nice to have friends with tools. He'll drill straight holes in 10 minutes what would take me an hour with a regular drill, and they wouldn't be straight.

5 rolls of insulation ready after that.
I guess I'm back in the groove.

But only because it's warm out lately. I just can't work in the cold anymore.
