Quantum Boards Grow

great place to cut your teeth. He's been experimenting as long as I have. Made respect for his work

His e27 bulb grows are a great guide to show what you can do with easily available, cheap light from box stores. With proper circulation the plants can touch the diffusers with no ill effects.

New growers should grow under e27s before they buy anything else.
Dude , go to DIY for Quantum's, each led light is $75, heat sinks are 15ea, drivers are 60 to 100

I got that, I din't know if the boards can be bought somewhere else. Thank you for the response and information. The issue is I can build a cob light for less, not way less, just less.
This is a very interesting light for veg, and to be honest it could be for flower.
Those Octopots look cool. What size are you using in this grow?

I visited their website. They caution that airstones can cause pH spikes.

It sure looks like you've worked out the bugs. It would be great to learn some more about these pots and how you use them if you have the time.
Looks awesome cap mo
How is that light temp wise?
Is it comparable to a 4,6,1000watter?

Cool as a cucumber and in the ball park of a 600 in performance in my opinion.

Those Octopots look cool. What size are you using in this grow?

I visited their website. They caution that airstones can cause pH spikes.

It sure looks like you've worked out the bugs. It would be great to learn some more about these pots and how you use them if you have the time.

I use the large ones and most ph problems are caused by mixing different products and brands, can't remember the last time I checked it. Airstones just speed up the process of oxidation in some products and raise ph.
Have you tried growing without the airstones? Our well water is already 8.2+. On the other hand, I like the idea of keeping everything aerobic.

The website also says "don't use anything but our super-duper magic blend in the Hydro-Wick". Any thoughts?

OK, now I get it - the 3 gallon vs. 6 gallon refers to the reservoir, not the bag.
Here's an interesting read about increasing oxygen in hydro. I know I saw problems with a smaller bubble cloner many years ago, with straight tap water I had massive ph spikes after a few days and was constantly adjusting ph back down. Possibly because the res was so small combined with been in a hard water area.
Anyway the above posts made me look for some more info.