$toney Montana's Dutch Passion BLUEBERRY grow


Well-Known Member
I used molasses before, and even when it came time to cut the plants down, on all the plants, the cola's and many of the buds still had some new bud growth happening. but the trichs were ready so I def had to cut them down. Overall, I'm saying, that stuff works!


Well-Known Member
Molasses--you can find it on your grocer's shelf. :D
I put this up before but no answer black strap molasses ??? Amounts ,good or bad ?? I need some input please???

Here is the picture again...
Don't eat too much, it can make you fat. But, I just dip the tip of the spoon in and eat it off the spoon. I like it on my oatmeal.

To use for Mary, 1 tablespoon/gallon is a charm. :)

I fucking love molasses. :lol:
1 1/3 tblspn per gallon every other feeding after the 2nd or 3rd week into flowering... molasses is in my Earth Juice Catalyst... but I am going to give them a little dose of strait molasses this upcoming week :D
So you give 4 teaspoons? That little extra bit makes a difference? And, you're gonna put straight molasses directly onto the soil..?


Well-Known Member
I am gonna start to add the black strap after my next feeding(tommorow) and give it with my plain water because they say that the mollasses makes your plants uptake nutrients better and I do not want my babies taking any more in than they already do on feed day. They will be getting 1/2 TBL. of big bloom , 3/4 tsp. of grow big, 1 tsp. of tiger bloom, and 1/4 tsp. of beastie bloomz. This will be my last run of beastie bloomz and it will be on to the CHA CHING the finisher!!! I am using the fox farm schedule pictured below. So I will give mollasses probably in 4 days.



Well-Known Member
These are the plants that are in the back of the room and did not get any film time yesterday... haha



Well-Known Member
yeah blackstrap is great. i used 1 teaspoon per gal then move up to 2 teaspoons per gal near the end of harvest, also u can flush with blackstrap coz its organic.

what is that medium u are growing in? that stuff looks nice an strong an healthy. i wanna try it on my up coming grow. i am also getting blueberry.

I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil with 1/3 part perlite and a half cup of dolomite lime. It keeps my soil ph at 7 rock steady till finish.


Well-Known Member
very nice journal man, makes me wish i started more then one> good thing i got lucky and got a female. How old are ur plants looks close to mine, at a month. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member

how does this shit work

and when do yu exactly start to use it?
It's a mild fertilizer, and is so tasty, too! I started using it as soon as my girls were transplanted @ 1T/gal. It doesn't feed the plant so much as it feeds the microbes that help your plants take up nutrients, as well as encourage the growth of hair roots where nutrient uptake takes place. It also provides some micronutrients.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Seamaiden, It is very helpful in my understanding of Nutrients and plant growth.. Check out my girls!


Well-Known Member
molasses is just sugar. which is also what photosynthesis is doing. so basically feeding plants molasses is the same as feeding them energy.


Well-Known Member
These are the plants that are in the back of the room and did not get any film time yesterday... haha
:leaf::leaf: Nice crops my friend. I read the whole thread and your doing good. I use Fox Farm and i too love them. Im only 2nd week into 12/12 so only using open sesame now. Can't wait to see harvest pictures. :leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
lookin good for wat day your on, afew days theyll start fatten up nice.just ordered my other lite and fan,etc. using 5ft by 5ft garage i been insulating installing air con. heaters watnot. i need a bumper crop stoney.haha


Well-Known Member
very nice journal man, makes me wish i started more then one> good thing i got lucky and got a female. How old are ur plants looks close to mine, at a month. Keep up the good work.
Are you talking about a month into flowering??? I hope so? and if that is then yes they are now 23 days into flower.


Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf: Nice crops my friend. I read the whole thread and your doing good. I use Fox Farm and i too love them. Im only 2nd week into 12/12 so only using open sesame now. Can't wait to see harvest pictures. :leaf::leaf:

That open sesame works excellent !! Use it all three apps too.


Well-Known Member
Im all organic with Guano (DR.Hornby) Advanced Nutrients, I will be using the fox farm when I set up this 3x3 tray..Open sesame, Ha!!!


Well-Known Member
it seems around day 28 they stop growing and fill in good for 2 to3 weeks ,get heavy .youmay need some bamboo stakes if dont already.wen resin fills up the pods , it will get heavy.
my room smelt very skunky this morning i love it.:weed:i guess i will try the malasses thing.thanx.