Just as I figured, all talk and no action. You have been up my ass and trolling me for years now, for no reason. Where I come from you don't write cheques with your mouth that your ass can't cash. Typical of a keyboard warrior, you watch a couple you tubes or chuck a couple beans in the ground, and figure your the cats ass, I've dealt with punks like you before, you run your mouth while hiding behind your screen. What a waste of skin.......Prove me wrong. Shut me up. I dare ya.....
almost 100% of the time my comments to you are...TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT and STOP BRAGGING about WHAT YOU THINK you know.

Wasn't trolling you more than I was trying to make you realize your own ways.
Think what you may, you do anyway.
I know you have grown for years and feel like you've been screwed out of a business plan. I guess its time to look for other ways to make some coin.,,,,
Its never been about money to me. Its only been about having AWESOME cheap smoke and later on in life...to save my own sorry ass
I'm sure there are things to learn from others, I do every day!
cheers growing ears.