Ever been robbed... and successfully got your things back?


Well-Known Member
One of my personal trucks got Broken into about a week ago.
I watched my neighbors security forage, 3 guys showed up at 230 am scoped it out then came back at 3 and jacked everything.
Finally posted on Facebook today offering a 500$ Reward for anyone who could help get my sub, amp, box, jacket, class ring, and my Girls purse back, or give information leading to an arrest.

I got a few different tips, then one guy that says he had info. He ended up telling me he know where he could buy my stuff back for 350$.
With the help of Facebook people and some local friends, I found out the guy that says he can get my stuff back is the guy who has my shit.
Duh right.

Proper actions are being taken, I don't care to say to much. But with the help of the locals, I know where this guy lives, where his mom lives, where his little accomplice brother lives, where his dad lives.. all different houses, mind you.
I also know all of their names, and what cars they drive.
They're pretty hardcore mexicans.. but who hasn't dealt with some sketchy mexicans before?
Anyway, I'm just curious how many people have been successful at retrieving their stolen goods after the fact, and how did you go about doing it?
I only see three ways to solve it... either continue to involve police and hope they get things taken care of..
which they won't..
handle it myself and hope it doesn't get bloody.. which it will...
Or do nothing and let these fucks get away with it... not happening.
I'm stuck trying to figure out how to resolve this without showing up at their house w 5 friends and 5 rifles...

stay smokin'
When I was about 14 over 3 1/2 decades ago living in a nice apartment with my fam in Doraville Ga. My 4 years younger brother got a go cart for Xmas. We didn't have a garage or anything so we kept it outside chained to the deck down stairs. Behind that were many acres of woods. Well, we didn't hear anything but, like on a Sunday we noticed the chain had been cut and the go cart was gone. My dad filed a police report but nothing.

The next day, Monday I decided to walk home from school and scope out for some go cart tracks. My friend walked with me but, didn't know why I decided to not take the bus home. As we were walking by this peewee baseball field on the other side of those woods behind our apartment I saw lots of fresh go cart tracks in some muddy area behind the ball field. Granted I did not know they were from our go cart but it was worth skoping out later since no one was out there riding at that time.

I went home and when my dad came home a little while later I told him about it. We jumped in the car to check it out. When we came up on the field we saw about 3 big older white boys, probably 16-19 standing around and a fourth riding the cart. It was the same as ours.

I told dad to slow down. And stopped at the ball field and let me out. Remember. I'm from the redneck world so. Wasn't really scared. He stopped the car about maybe 80-100 yards from the boys. I started off walking but they got spooked. So I took off running and reached down to grab a large branch on the ground. They took off into the woods and dad drove the car down to where they were. By that time the go cart stalled or something and the boy riding it jumped off and also ran into the woods. I got to the go cart and didn't chase them. They were bigger older and had the advantage of being hidden in the woods. When my dad pulled up we loaded up the cart and went back home and called the police. Nothing ever came of getting those boys but, we got the cart back so.

Anyway, several years later I joined the USMC and my brother got my genuine Yamaha moto bicycle complete with shocks I had purchased with my own money I had made working and cutting grass when I was 13-14. Yeah, my dumbass brother left that outside too. It got stolen.

Thieves come in all colors and genders. In this case these were 100% redneck white boys. In this case I am pretty sure they knew me from skoping out the cart before they stole which is why they got spooked and ran in the first place. Or maybe it because they knew they were thieves and me picking up that large stick while running toward them. Oh well. I haven't thought about that old story for decades until you shared your experience. Glad you got your stuff back and I totally dislike thieves and hope they do some time.


Well-Known Member
LoL hit gary where it hurts and steal his meat while it cooks on the grill.

He will be unable to do much out of pure shock.

One of those times sadly was not recovering the half cooked chicken on the grill that time I told you about

sad but it was hilarious


Well-Known Member
So someone actually stole your chicken off the grill?
Well it was actually my homie doin the cookin.
But ya, them fiends always peepin a lick

Went inside for a minute or some shit. Came back an no more chicken lol. Just put on the grill too a few minutes


Well-Known Member
You must be from up north.
It's just frustrating, I know where my shits at because these worthless ass people (because they're theives, not because they're Mexican) stole it and are trying to sell it back to me.
I know is wrong to have the urge to "handle" it, but I just feel like they dint deserve it and should get to see how it feels to have something forcefully removed from their possession (Not stealing because its mine).
As I said before in another thread, when someone really fucks me over, I just feel like it would be fair to burn their fuckin house down so they can see how it feels to get shit on.
It's stupid, but what I started this thread for was to get ideas for alternative actions, because I know it's wrong to wanna run up and point a gauge in their face.. but fuck it would feel good.
I just feel like if something doesn't get done quick im going to miss my chance to get 1000$+ worth of my shit back, Shit I had to work my ASS off to EARN.
You understand the thought process, no?
I have to add that these guys are tweakers, worthless drains on our society.
They are known theifs, add i learned today from many online sources that came forward trying to help, but they are all able to run free and continue on with their worthless lives...
Just frustrating

stay smokin'
Don't involve police that's just a snitch move, get it done yourself., I will agree to buy the goods back and them jack them up!! Make sure to have enough guns and company., Before going there use black tape to change the numbers and letters in car tags. Thats it. GL

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
A good friend stole from me when we were in high school. I fought him and 2 of his friends that day. Won. But the next week when his boys jumped me with baseball bats and golf clubs, I was ultimately the loser.

Got my quarter ounce back, but traded for a concussion and multiple stitches and a slightly hurt pride.

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
When I was about 14 over 3 1/2 decades ago living in a nice apartment with my fam in Doraville Ga. My 4 years younger brother got a go cart for Xmas. We didn't have a garage or anything so we kept it outside chained to the deck down stairs. Behind that were many acres of woods. Well, we didn't hear anything but, like on a Sunday we noticed the chain had been cut and the go cart was gone. My dad filed a police report but nothing.

The next day, Monday I decided to walk home from school and scope out for some go cart tracks. My friend walked with me but, didn't know why I decided to not take the bus home. As we were walking by this peewee baseball field on the other side of those woods behind our apartment I saw lots of fresh go cart tracks in some muddy area behind the ball field. Granted I did not know they were from our go cart but it was worth skoping out later since no one was out there riding at that time.

I went home and when my dad came home a little while later I told him about it. We jumped in the car to check it out. When we came up on the field we saw about 3 big older white boys, probably 16-19 standing around and a fourth riding the cart. It was the same as ours.

I told dad to slow down. And stopped at the ball field and let me out. Remember. I'm from the redneck world so. Wasn't really scared. He stopped the car about maybe 80-100 yards from the boys. I started off walking but they got spooked. So I took off running and reached down to grab a large branch on the ground. They took off into the woods and dad drove the car down to where they were. By that time the go cart stalled or something and the boy riding it jumped off and also ran into the woods. I got to the go cart and didn't chase them. They were bigger older and had the advantage of being hidden in the woods. When my dad pulled up we loaded up the cart and went back home and called the police. Nothing ever came of getting those boys but, we got the cart back so.

Anyway, several years later I joined the USMC and my brother got my genuine Yamaha moto bicycle complete with shocks I had purchased with my own money I had made working and cutting grass when I was 13-14. Yeah, my dumbass brother left that outside too. It got stolen.

Thieves come in all colors and genders. In this case these were 100% redneck white boys. In this case I am pretty sure they knew me from skoping out the cart before they stole which is why they got spooked and ran in the first place. Or maybe it because they knew they were thieves and me picking up that large stick while running toward them. Oh well. I haven't thought about that old story for decades until you shared your experience. Glad you got your stuff back and I totally dislike thieves and hope they do some time.
I'm positive you sucked all the older boys penises.
