Pueblo what part of the state is that ?You want expensive and over crowded? Denver metropolis area.
You want the same on a bit smaller scale? Colorado springs.
You want affordable small town feel with all the big city amenities? Pueblo. I love it in Pueblo. It's close enough to everything.
Where I'd go if I had the choice all over again? Grand junction area. Less crowded and absolutely amazing.
Well yea i def dont wana be over crowed but yea def considering it forshureI went to Pueblo once, pretty nice down there. Thought I was gonna pass out from lack of air. Had just moved here from sea level. Forgot to mention that was Denver up there I was describing.
There's a lot of people in those rural areas that hate pot with a fury that borders on the fanatical.When I took a Left on I70 and should of went right and ended up Bennett, way the fux out back of DIA. Looked nice, gotta be affordable.
Watkins or maybe Ft Lupton, would be cool if you are into small city farmish Midwest looking towns.. Have no clue if any of the counties allow mmj.
Leaving Arkansas is a good option. The place is a shithole. I can say that because I lived there for 3 years and experienced it myself.Kinda want to find something on the bottom of Colorado because my fam lives in texas im in arkansa right now just kinda looking for good options
Until the doc doing them retired, Trinidad had the world's highest rate of transsexuals per capita. I imagine it's gone down a bit in the intervening years but you may want to be careful picking up that cute cowgirl at the local watering hole.Trinidad cannabis scene is booming as it's the last stop before leaving, first stop upon entering Colorado. It's close to the southern border, would be an easy drive to Texas.
Until the doc doing them retired, Trinidad had the world's highest rate of transsexuals per capita. I imagine it's gone down a bit in the intervening years but you may want to be careful picking up that cute cowgirl at the local watering hole.
Yeah, I have a few of those laying around.FACT