The Doctors go through so many other drugs before they get to MMJ that it's not funny. I think you being a younger person they aren't just gonna give you a card for that. Remember it's their livelihood too. The feds watch how many cards are given and by what Doctor. It's just not that easy, Ohh I have a pain in the form of a leg cramp every now and then I better get a smoke free card, Not gonna happen. The fact is, it has to be a chronic pain that can't be medically treated with drugs. we here in Montana have it now too and yes I have a condition that I do get a card, but it's real hard to bring it up to the doctor, because I need my pain meds and I don't want them to think I'm here for just the pot. Besides I really want it for the legal grow, as a caregiver. I smoke it every now and then I make hash I likes the hash!! But anyway, When you go in there you can't have your pants hangin to you ass crack and say Dude hook me up. That ain't gonna happen. Even if you have to play it out for a while it might be worth it to play the game for soem time. Just don't really take the effoxor and prozac and that shit. Tell them you can't take those sfter you have them a week or two, then tell them you can't sleep and eating is an issue too. Then you should be good to ask about it. It really isn't a prescription for it, it's just a paper that says they agree that it could help you. Then we in Monatana have to pay 50 bucks to get your card then we have to name our care giver, ( the grower) It's all too wierd to give peoples names but once it;s all above board you make damn sure you stay legal, No bullshitting around getting it from and illegal sorce and if you grow for yourself you get 6 plants growing and an ounce dry, Now if you are just someones care giver, you have 6 plants for each patient and an ounce of dry and you can have multiple patients and it'a all legal. And you didn't have to get the card from the Doctor. That's all here tho don't know much about the laws in Cali. or Oregon but thats what's up in MT Good luck to you!