Quantums Overhead in Vertical Grow!

Western medicine is framed up in some books written 100 fucking years ago, and the important parts are erased or looked over because we as a species are fucking stupid!
The world is made to think it should "vote" for these dumb motherfuckers for these "offices" so they can tabulate our votes to make decisions.....Do you honestly believe decisions are being tabulated by votes? What a scam. Reason number 1 I never voted for anything, people don't get what they want, its what they are given!
not as unrealistic as you think tty. Leaders in the sense of having people govern is not the same leadership as I give to my family for instance...People can fucking lead themselves!!!! And dont get me started on western medicine where doctors are given these books which remain the "real truth" and thats what those dumb motherfuckers follow.....
So far today you've questioned the necessity of roads, leaders and medicine.

I drove to get my appendix out and I got subsidized health care for it, that leaders acting in my best interest made sure was available.

So we're just gonna have to agree to disagree on this.

Pol Pot tried to force an entire nation to go back to agrarianism. It didn't work out too well. The Nazi party tried to do the same, even having manual laborers building the first parts of the Autobahn. That was not successful, either. There are many more examples.

Like it or not, we are stuck with the modern world- which by and large works very well for most people most of the time. Agitating for a better world is fine, but turning our backs on modern progress isn't the way to do that.
Im not talking about any of that SHIT you wrote above....people can govern themselves, dont need any of those "forms" you listed to do it for them
If this is what you call modern progress they got you duped like everyone else bud
Modern progress turned something that would have killed me into an easy overnight stay at the hospital. I'm just not willing to agree with you or anyone else who wants to toss the whole idea of modern medicine overboard.

Have a look around your apartment; name something- including the building itself- that did NOT arrive by truck? Sorry, your babies don't count; the original seeds were shipped to you, as was the water system to deliver moisture and certainly the soil and the nutes.

I don't think rejecting modernity is progress on any front. I do agree with those who feel it can and must be managed better.
i wish you were right, but you can't get two people to agree to a damn thing. get a third person involved and someone will end up with a fat lip. personal psychology is one thing, crowd psychology is a very different thing. a group of people will not respond to a stimulus in the same way a single person will. they'll look to the strongest person in the group and follow their lead. if that doesn't seem right to you, that you haven't been looking for leadership, perhaps you've been that strong person in the group.
if there's no leader in the group, people will tend to follow whoever takes action, even if its stupid action. it relieves them of personal responsibility.
Im not talking about any of that SHIT you wrote above....people can govern themselves, dont need any of those "forms" you listed to do it for them
I think a fundamental shift occurred when we began allowing corporations and shadow money to bribe politicians through their campaign funds.

There is no reason to believe the shift wouldn't reverse itself if we outlawed the practice in whole cloth, such that exactly NO blandishments of any sort many pass from corporation to political actor.

When we properly incentivize our leadership to act in our best interest, we can accomplish great things. The simple fact is that on a world wide scale, our leaders are incentivized by money, not votes.

This is a change We the People can make happen. Surely no one else will do it for us.
i wish you were right, but you can't get two people to agree to a damn thing. get a third person involved and someone will end up with a fat lip. personal psychology is one thing, crowd psychology is a very different thing. a group of people will not respond to a stimulus in the same way a single person will. they'll look to the strongest person in the group and follow their lead. if that doesn't seem right to you, that you haven't been looking for leadership, perhaps you've been that strong person in the group.
if there's no leader in the group, people will tend to follow whoever takes action, even if its stupid action. it relieves them of personal responsibility.
I think the skill and fine art of civil debate has been lost in the general population by and large, between defunding public schools and the advent of violent video games and Internet trolling. The combative nature and tone of many news and infotainment channels is also an important factor.

I think this is highly intentional; how better to control a population than by splitting it in half and setting them against each other, while obstructing every avenue for discussion?

So yeah, I think you're right.
@ttystikk I'm not saying we go back to the stone ages and walk the Earth, but the "systems" in place for us are truly fucked dude, you know that. The things which are given to us are truly what we are given, not what we need, as people, as humanity, etc etc. I dont think Western medicine as a whole is flawed, but the way it is constructed is and also by WHO it is constructed. I don't like that everything revolves around money, that really drives me. Anyway, thats why I perceive things like I do. I also have the same unique perspective (like yourself) because I have travelled and lived in so many different countries (and many of them don't operate like the West).
People have lost this skill because now people are trained to look at the tv or even moreso now the "smart phone". People are taught they need big houses, big cars, put up those fences at those big houses. Separation. We are taught to be competitive from an early age so chaos is ingrained very early; yes competition is chaos I believe.
@ttystikk I'm not saying we go back to the stone ages and walk the Earth, but the "systems" in place for us are truly fucked dude, you know that. The things which are given to us are truly what we are given, not what we need, as people, as humanity, etc etc. I dont think Western medicine as a whole is flawed, but the way it is constructed is and also by WHO it is constructed. I don't like that everything revolves around money, that really drives me. Anyway, thats why I perceive things like I do. I also have the same unique perspective (like yourself) because I have travelled and lived in so many different countries (and many of them don't operate like the West).
Right. Our epidemic of corporate financed political corruption has really fucked this country and many like us up pretty badly.

Removing the money connection from politics is the only solution, otherwise we end up in a system of aristocracy, where billionaire heiresses who don't know fuck all about education end up being nominated for the post, ahead of people who have spent their lives in the field and have a solid grasp of the challenges. To name one example from the current headlines.

Or Rex Tillerson, the former Exxon Mobil CEO now the Secretary Of State. Wow, the message there is unmistakeable.

Corruption is fucking our country and or planet up. The American people on left and right are saying the same things, just unable to talk to each other through the bullshit smokescreen carefully created by our media.
Right. Our epidemic of corporate financed political corruption has really fucked this country and many like us up pretty badly.

Removing the money connection from politics is the only solution, otherwise we end up in a system of aristocracy..."
I agree and definitely think term limits would go a long way towards helping that. The president is limited to 2 terms, why not everyone else? The 2nd thing that may help is forbidding politicians from going into lobbying or anything that even smells like lobbying after serving in office. There are so many who "serve" in office, and then serve companies who want them to influence laws and regulations in their favor. Some call it "crony capitalism." I just call it "cronyism." It's nothing but corruption and shouldn't be allowed in a free market economy.
I'm sure others may disagree with me, but just my 2c.

No matter, I just agree @Hazethemaze, I'm ready to watch you bounce back!! Revenge is a dish best served cold!
I agree and definitely think term limits would go a long way towards helping that. The president is limited to 2 terms, why not everyone else? The 2nd thing that may help is forbidding politicians from going into lobbying or anything that even smells like lobbying after serving in office. There are so many who "serve" in office, and then serve companies who want them to influence laws and regulations in their favor. Some call it "crony capitalism." I just call it "cronyism." It's nothing but corruption and shouldn't be allowed in a free market economy.
I'm sure others may disagree with me, but just my 2c.

No matter, I just agree @Hazethemaze, I'm ready to watch you bounce back!! Revenge is a dish best served cold!
These are good ideas. One that I think drives to the heart of the problem is corporate campaign finance reform, aka elimination. This is needs to be outlawed completely, because it has quite simply wrecked our Democratic process.
I agree and definitely think term limits would go a long way towards helping that. The president is limited to 2 terms, why not everyone else? The 2nd thing that may help is forbidding politicians from going into lobbying or anything that even smells like lobbying after serving in office. There are so many who "serve" in office, and then serve companies who want them to influence laws and regulations in their favor. Some call it "crony capitalism." I just call it "cronyism." It's nothing but corruption and shouldn't be allowed in a free market economy.
I'm sure others may disagree with me, but just my 2c.

No matter, I just agree @Hazethemaze, I'm ready to watch you bounce back!! Revenge is a dish best served cold!
Here they are barred from lobbying for 5 years after office but there are loopholes of course lol. You may hope for a one year probation period for all new presidents as well lol. Looks like you guys are in for a very interesting future lol.
I think the skill and fine art of civil debate has been lost in the general population by and large, between defunding public schools and the advent of violent video games and Internet trolling. The combative nature and tone of many news and infotainment channels is also an important factor.

I think this is highly intentional; how better to control a population than by splitting it in half and setting them against each other, while obstructing every avenue for discussion?

So yeah, I think you're right.
the only reason we have social programs and labor laws to protect the people is because government is afraid of revolution and are letting us keep just enough of the wealth we produce to prevent it. a study of politics in the 30's when corporations lost some of the power they had in this country will show that.governments will always serve the rich at the expense of the people.a close friend was unable to get the cancer surgery and treatment she needed until she qualified for medicaid under the affordable care act. now the politicians are trying to take that right to health care away from us and replace it with the "right to die" for low income people who can't afford healthcare.the only way the government will act in the best interest of the people is if they are afraid of the people.I can afford health insurance and do not need government assistance of any kind.I will collect social security when im old enough because I already paid for that benefit but I feel we have a moral obligation to help those less fortunate than ourselfs.the rich can take care of themselves and need no help.
Here they are barred from lobbying for 5 years after office but there are loopholes of course lol. You may hope for a one year probation period for all new presidents as well lol. Looks like you guys are in for a very interesting future lol.
With the largest and deadliest military ever seen in history (to fight who exactly?!?!) I'm afraid you're coming along for the ride too, like it or not.
the only reason we have social programs and labor laws to protect the people is because government is afraid of revolution and are letting us keep just enough of the wealth we produce to prevent it. a study of politics in the 30's when corporations lost some of the power they had in this country will show that.governments will always serve the rich at the expense of the people.a close friend was unable to get the cancer surgery and treatment she needed until she qualified for medicaid under the affordable care act. now the politicians are trying to take that right to health care away from us and replace it with the "right to die" for low income people who can't afford healthcare.the only way the government will act in the best interest of the people is if they are afraid of the people.I can afford health insurance and do not need government assistance of any kind.I will collect social security when im old enough because I already paid for that benefit but I feel we have a moral obligation to help those less fortunate than ourselfs.the rich can take care of themselves and need no help.
The rich certainly need no help but that isn't stopping them from helping themselves to our prosperity anyway.

This must end.