I'm not knocking CBD. That's what got me interested in growing. I too grow high CBD strains. I think it's an exciting field of research. I did however watch several videos from Hemp Remedies. I'd have to watch them again to be sure, but I think I felt that their claims and marketing went overboard, but I thought it would be worth $40 bucks or so to try their product. I personally found no value to their product. Without being able to test the levels myself I just wasn't convinced. I felt like they were just jumping on board the CBD Gold Rush with an inferior product.
Pop Naturals makes a Cannatonic co2 oil. In my opinion this is the real deal, albeit their product contains THC also so it's not right for everyone. To be honest that product kicked my butt and left me glued to my chair one evening
It was rather funny.
Say I had a hemp plant that was high in CBD, but very very low in THC. Call it 8% CBD and .2% THC. If I ingested the flower of this plant either by smoking or concentrate, should I expect to feel the affects? Would I feel more relaxed?. less sore etc? Or is it more like a supplement that would need to be taken consistently over a period of time? Consider coconut oil. This product is touted as a super food. It is supposed to do all kinds of amazing things for the body. I eat coconut oil, but I honestly don't feel the results in any way. I just trust the research.
I currently have flower that is supposed to be 6% THC and 6% CBD. I grew it myself. I don't have the resources to have it tested. When ingested the feeling is fine. There is little head high. I still haven't decided if it induces sleep or if it makes a person more alert. The jury is still out I would say.
Lots of research and experimentation to be done. I appreciate your comments, but still wouldn't recommend this particular product.