Which process has the highest yield or return for creating concentrate?

Not arguing brother, it is a line in the sand. It is the half shittery part, where others will pay the price, that I take umbrage to.

The request for substance is just to prove my point!
Does the fda know your using their name to re assure people smoking butane oil is safe and translate their approval for something totally different to suit you?
How about the surgeon general?
Does whipped cream know you tell people there's butane in it even though you show no evidence for it.
Does areosol cooking spray know you tell people butane was taken out of it because of huffing and nothing to do with a litney of other concerns ? Where is your evidence to support that claim ?
Does your chem supplier know you just accused them in public forum of sending the federals to your class?
Common now you know better. As open and out there as you are in the gray legal area, you know the microscope your under. you should expect an agent at every class. They probably have a rotation. Fbi dea atf.
Our incoming AG is not going to be cannabis friendly. Id worry more about purchasing butane by the case or tank full than i would a few hundred mililiters of chloroform for an innocent scientific experiment or pursuit . Did we forget bush era already?
Sounds like you are blowing smoke to distract the ignorant from the obvious waving your arms saying its ok! Dont think just follow you.
Does everyone know that you are here because it is part of your job? Not just philanthropic
Im not pushing anything but learning discovery reasoning and thinking for ones self. Your the only one with anything to loose here thats why your so thretened by me. Im sorry if i cost you some butane customers
Does the fda know your using their name to re assure people smoking butane oil is safe and translate their approval for something totally different to suit you?
How about the surgeon general?
Does whipped cream know you tell people there's butane in it even though you show no evidence for it.
Does areosol cooking spray know you tell people butane was taken out of it because of huffing and nothing to do with a litney of other concerns ? Where is your evidence to support that claim ?
Does your chem supplier know you just accused them in public forum of sending the federals to your class?
Common now you know better. As open and out there as you are in the gray legal area, you know the microscope your under. you should expect an agent at every class. They probably have a rotation. Fbi dea atf.
Our incoming AG is not going to be cannabis friendly. Id worry more about purchasing butane by the case or tank full than i would a few hundred mililiters of chloroform for an innocent scientific experiment or pursuit . Did we forget bush era already?
Sounds like you are blowing smoke to distract the ignorant from the obvious waving your arms saying its ok! Dont think just follow you.
Does everyone know that you are here because it is part of your job? Not just philanthropic
Im not pushing anything but learning discovery reasoning and thinking for ones self. Your the only one with anything to loose here thats why your so thretened by me. Im sorry if i cost you some butane customers

So does this smoke screen mean that you can't supply the answers to my questions above, thus proving my point?
You said it first where's your proof you just pulled that out of thin air to soothe people's concerns because you had nothing. You could have at least corrected yourself and said sorry there's not butane in whipped cream that's nitrous oxide that people Huff out of that . Have you not a letter from the FDA authorizing you to use their approval for your products tek and business?
Where is your proof of your chemical supplier turning you in that's a pretty serious allegation especially in this industry.
Yes. That would be a haloform reaction. I wouldn't recommend it for a novice. Can get really nasty

It's pretty simple to keep under control provided you freeze the bleach. I still have some chloroform from the last time I performed the synthesis. I've been looking for the best solvent for cannabis.
It's pretty simple to keep under control provided you freeze the bleach. I still have some chloroform from the last time I performed the synthesis. I've been looking for the best solvent for cannabis.
Did you use sodium hypochlorite ?
Or calcium?
Store bought clorox or did you get something stronger?
You said it first where's your proof you just pulled that out of thin air to soothe people's concerns because you had nothing. You could have at least corrected yourself and said sorry there's not butane in whipped cream that's nitrous oxide that people Huff out of that . Have you not a letter from the FDA authorizing you to use their approval for your products tek and business?
Where is your proof of your chemical supplier turning you in that's a pretty serious allegation especially in this industry.

How long will you continue blowing smoke and avoiding proving to the audience that you are not who you claim to be?

You can end this whole debate instantly by simply answering those questions.

The longer you dance around it, the more deeply I become convinced that besides hiding behind some one else's name for gravitas, you got your edumacashun from Google.

If for a moment, I might draw your attention back to the intended purpose of this thread, which is to share useful information

I speak from experience, not web surfing, starting my extraction career about a decade ago, using ethanol. I've not only done the processes, I've designed and used my own equipment for the purpose, as well as tested commercial equipment by others.

I first simply boiled it, but after reading literature by author like D Gold and Michael Starks, I started refluxing ethanol. I no longer do that because so many better methods have come to light in the last decade.

Falling back on refluxing with a polar solvent and dealing with the losses associated with cleaning it up later, seems anachronistic from this perspective. I look forward to secret handshakes that resolve the issues I've brought up, because from this perspective, you aren't at the leading edge, but trailing a decade behind the current state of the art.

I invite you to share the intimate details of why that is a misconception on my part, instead of continuing the soap drama.
How long will you continue blowing smoke and avoiding proving to the audience that you are not who you claim to be?

You can end this whole debate instantly by simply answering those questions.

The longer you dance around it, the more deeply I become convinced that besides hiding behind some one else's name for gravitas, you got your edumacashun from Google.

If for a moment, I might draw your attention back to the intended purpose of this thread, which is to share useful information

I speak from experience, not web surfing, starting my extraction career about a decade ago, using ethanol. I've not only done the processes, I've designed and used my own equipment for the purpose, as well as tested commercial equipment by others.

I first simply boiled it, but after reading literature by author like D Gold and Michael Starks, I started refluxing ethanol. I no longer do that because so many better methods have come to light in the last decade.

Falling back on refluxing with a polar solvent and dealing with the losses associated with cleaning it up later, seems anachronistic from this perspective. I look forward to secret handshakes that resolve the issues I've brought up, because from this perspective, you aren't at the leading edge, but trailing a decade behind the current state of the art.

I invite you to share the intimate details of why that is a misconception on my part, instead of continuing the soap drama.
Who do you want him to be?you think anyone who knows who gray wolf is thinks that gwpharms is him? you think he's trying to be GW while shitting on bho at the same time?how would that benefit him?
for every 100 posts about how great bho is,there is maybe 1 negative post.there should be more info on bho and whether or not it's safe for the home blaster.is butane safe?probably in a lab setting with people with the equipment and knowledge to do so.not for the guy wanting to make a quick buck off of all the outdoor trim he doesn't know what to do with.you have said yourself that some butane should be distilled.who is going to do that? I've seen firsthand the ridiculousness of what some blasters are doing and it scares me.I think some opposition to bho is a good thing.
Who do you want him to be?

The issue isn't who I want him to be, it is that he isn't GW Pharmaceutical.

you think anyone who knows who gray wolf is thinks that gwpharms is him? you think he's trying to be GW while shitting on bho at the same time?how would that benefit him?
I think he is trying to present the image of GW Pharmaceutical, one of the largest cannabis research labs in the world, not Graywolf. It benefits him by drawing from the reputation and gravitas of others.

for every 100 posts about how great bho is,there is maybe 1 negative post.there should be more info on bho and whether or not it's safe for the home blaster.is butane safe?

There are two issues with butane being debated. The first is the question of FDA approval for use in pharmaceutical and food stuff, and I submit that question has already been answered by FDA when they approved Butane as GRAS, or Generally Regarded As Safe. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2012-title21-vol3/pdf/CFR-2012-title21-vol3-sec184-1165.pdf

The second is that butane extraction does not automatically equate to "blasting", because many of the readers on this forum use closed loop. Properly designed and operated, a closed loop system is safe enough to be signed off and certified by fire safety professionals, so I rest my case on that issue as well. https://skunkpharmresearch.com/bho-extraction-equipment-certification/

probably in a lab setting with people with the equipment and knowledge to do so.not for the guy wanting to make a quick buck off of all the outdoor trim he doesn't know what to do with.you have said yourself that some butane should be distilled.who is going to do that? I've seen firsthand the ridiculousness of what some blasters are doing and it scares me.I think some opposition to bho is a good thing.

I submit that some truthful opposition to BHO might be a good thing, but unless its true, it only reinforces opposition.

More to the point, don't you think someone presenting themselves as an expert and recommending a process, should be able to share the details of that process?

It also misses the point that I started with and still do extract with ethanol. I think its great stuff, and frequently recommend it as a process, as evidenced by our site. I just think if you are going to use that process, that you should consider the progress made in the last decade.

Refluxing with alcohol may be the cats meow for full plant extractions, but not so much for vaporizing material.
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I submit that some truthful opposition to BHO might be a good thing, but unless its true, it only reinforces opposition.

More to the point, don't you think someone presenting themselves as an expert and recommending a process, should be able to share the details of that process?
pretty sure he has outlined his process since he joined the site.I think he makes very good points.we should all do some research on our own.read actual books,talk to others with different ideas,put a little leg work into it.not just Google concentrates and perform the first thing that pops up.butane extraction. fairly inexpensive and easy to do.yes I think closed loops are safer but cmon,you think a lot of people are using those? most posts about bho on here are from some noob who has some half assed setup put together.then they sell that garbage to someone.fine if you want to dab it yourself,just don't put that shit out to the public.
Im not claiming to be anyone. Lots of words start with gw. Its a big world.
Sorry my acronym confuses you and riu wouldn't allow my full spelling but i am confident that any noobs don't know of the uk based pharma company and i doubt said company could care less what goes on in this forum nor could stand to read any of it. So my name sounds like theirs and im telling people its a bad idea to blast butane through a tube in your back yard and smoke what comes out. im sure they will be very offended by that.
Your opinions are obviously bias because the gas man started coming around, stuck a can of puretane up your ass but he always leaves a 50 on the night stand on his way out so your good with that. Nobody else wanted to take it but you. Nobody is trying to convince you to give up your beloved fossil fuel. You dont like me speaking ill of it because its a thret to your business,
and people believe me because its common sense
I knew your process before indra posted it in 1999
pretty sure he has outlined his process since he joined the site.I think he makes very good points.we should all do some research on our own.read actual books,talk to others with different ideas,put a little leg work into it.not just Google concentrates and perform the first thing that pops up.butane extraction. fairly inexpensive and easy to do.yes I think closed loops are safer but cmon,you think a lot of people are using those? most posts about bho on here are from some noob who has some half assed setup put together.then they sell that garbage to someone.fine if you want to dab it yourself,just don't put that shit out to the public.
I'm 100% sure he didn't share in this thread when requested, after he offered it as the answer to threads question. You clearly don't understand the issues either, or you would stay out of this discussion.

Yes, I do know for a fact that closed loop systems are becoming wide spread, because I've helped set up manufacturers in at least five different countries. I'm also acutely aware that as our decades long efforts to legalize cannabis are realized, that regulation follows and it typically becomes a Class B felony to extract in an unlicensed facility, where only closed loop systems are allowed.

This forum is not just for stoners.

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Im not claiming to be anyone. Lots of words start with gw. Its a big world.
And yet your name doesn't and GW Pharmaceutical does, and uses gwpharma.com as their logo.

You have my permission to call yourself anything you like now that I made you aware of how it makes you look, and have reported it to GW Pharmaceutical so that they can deal with any issues they find troubling. If it is OK between ya'll two, and the forum understands you are not who you "may" appear to be, using a commercial labs name without their sanction.

Sorry my acronym confuses you and riu wouldn't allow my full spelling but i am confident that any noobs don't know of the uk based pharma company and i doubt said company could care less what goes on in this forum nor could stand to read any of it. So my name sounds like theirs and im telling people its a bad idea to blast butane through a tube in your back yard and smoke what comes out. im sure they will be very offended by that.

Your ASSumption that the readers are ignorant is a poor one, as is your excuse for needing to borrow a good name, instead of building your reputation over time.

Your opinions are obviously bias because the gas man started coming around, stuck a can of puretane up your ass but he always leaves a 50 on the night stand on his way out so your good with that. Nobody else wanted to take it but you.
Now this is exactly what I refer to as a personal attack, which is of course untrue, so I rest my case on you resorting to personal attacks because you have nothing else left. It is also a dead give away that you are not a precisive enough to be a technocrat, or you would bury me in data, rather than hyperbole and attacks on my character.

Nobody is trying to convince you to give up your beloved fossil fuel. You dont like me speaking ill of it because its a thret to your business,
and people believe me because its common sense
I knew your process before indra posted it in 1999

So you say, but like much of what you say, it isn't true, further putting the value of your input into perspective. If you had done our research, you would know I donated the Terpenator design to public domain for free and have set up companies here and abroad for free.

I am retired and have no business or axe to grind. All of the information on Skunk Pharm Research on both BHO and QWET were given away to the public for free.

Along with the designs for equipment and processes to extract with alcohol, dry sieve, bubble, vegetable and nut oils, and glycerin.

Soooo, I guess this is confirmation that you can't answer the process questions that I posed and I'm going to rest my case and end this conversation. Anyone paying attention, whose ignorance is not greater than their ability to perceive their ignorance, will have made up their mind one way or another by now.
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I have done gwpharms extraction method.have some orange peels in the soxhlet as I type right now.I took the information he put out in his other posts and bought and read books.I spent two months researching,and reading books before i tried extracting.not a lot of time really for something much more than making cannabis concentrates.I had zero experience before this.had to learn what size stopper for flasks from trial and error lol.the process he performs can be done.just not learned in 30minutes on a YouTube page.yes I'm a "babe in the woods" when it comes to non butane extractions,but not when it comes to smoking.I've had a relationship with cannabis for 25 years.the 4 hour high from this type of extraction is absolutely true for me.
Ignorant means uninformed.
Its only an insult if your stupid and dont know what it means.
Im trying to build no reputation on here. I could care less about that
No i dont really think the gas man sodimises you with a can of butane.
You know what i mean. Everyone here knows what that means. Except you apparently.
Man you are dense.
Dont play the ol public information company card. How many start ups have you launched? Says right on your site, you had to pay the bills somehow.
Your playing everyone here for stupid by throwing that out there. Better off saying nothing if what im saying is so outlandish.
I know your job what you are doing here and why you have to do it.
You have bussines axes to grind every day. Your grinding other axes elsewhere right now. You know what i mean.
You pay a monkey boy to monitor forums for you.
Why would i answer any process questions for you?
You did it wrong.
There. Thats why you dont like my method
Wrong techniques wrong equipment wrong materials wrong wrong wrong.
Ive said everything anyone needs to know about my method and how it works for me and they can learn the rest on their own
Have you figured out yet how i filter out microcarbon? I see you have been searching it.
There is no convincing you if i had mountains of indisputable evidence from god him or her self you would not accept it because it would violate some agreement or cobtract you have with one of your start ups.
You trash talk anything that didnt work for you so as to steer people to butane.
You just went with butane because it was the new fad that was pushed under your nose with the promise of lots of money and a solid spot in a proprietary niche.
All the good methods were already taken and patented. So you had to steel indras idea
So back to what's the elephant in the room you keep trying to hide under a rug

Does the fda know and approve of you using their name to tell people bho is safe and fda aprooved and waving their document around like a victory banner justifying extraction of cannabis oils with butane