doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

Saw that the spillway emergency runoff had experienced a "sink hole" in its concrete but that the weather had cleared and the lake was lowering and reducing the chance of a major breach. More weather due and then spring snow melt. Our thoughts and vibes are with all of you in the zone.
I feel a little safer if the history of Sacramento didn't include being completely washed away by floods & rebuilt 3 times....:roll:
the crew is headed for Hawaii today & I have to stay here to babysit clones....o_O
Well they got the right man for the job:weed:..They said at one time before whites came and damed everything up that Indians could take their TAMALS (boats) and trade with other tribes as far away as the Bakersfield area. That's a Hella lot a square miles of water. Olivehurst has a deserted shopping mall that was flooded due to a levy break many years ago...over 20 feet deep water...keep your powder dry...
Wishing you well jj and all affected
Lots of levees between JJ and Oroville. Hopefully they can hold back the water if the worst should happen. Sacramento has dealt with these issues for ever. It is known as the Tree City, some huge ones there, plenty of rivers and the flow of underground water is shallow so the older larger Oaks and Willow tree roots can suck it up even during drought conditions. Makes for massive oaks and willows.
Lots of levees between JJ and Oroville. Hopefully they can hold back the water if the worst should happen. Sacramento has dealt with these issues for ever. It is known as the Tree City, some huge ones there, plenty of rivers and the flow of underground water is shallow so the older larger Oaks and Willow tree roots can suck it up even during drought conditions. Makes for massive oaks and willows.
79,000 CFS from Keswick, 100,000 from Oroville, not even sure what Folsom is releasing right now. Gonna put major strain on all them levees down there for sure. The Army Core of engineers had been doing lots of work to the waterways right after the floods in New Orleans, hopefully they did enough!
79,000 CFS from Keswick, 100,000 from Oroville, not even sure what Folsom is releasing right now. Gonna put major strain on all them levees down there for sure. The Army Core of engineers had been doing lots of work to the waterways right after the floods in New Orleans, hopefully they did enough!
Thats some massive flows right there. Too bad they cannot redirect that to Southern California reservoirs. In this county we are lucky enough to have many man made resevoirs and adequate aquifers, so we do not buy Norcal water. Los Angeles ripped off Owen's Valley farmers for the entire Owens River system. Movie Chinatown gives a good history of it.
Thats some massive flows right there. Too bad they cannot redirect that to Southern California reservoirs. In this county we are lucky enough to have many man made resevoirs and adequate aquifers, so we do not buy Norcal water. Los Angeles ripped off Owen's Valley farmers for the entire Owens River system. Movie Chinatown gives a good history of it.
They should get rid of those cheesy Spray things and fill Owens lake with all the extra snow pack. La & San Francisco seem to have stole a lot of water way back when. They should build an Aqueduct behind the Cascades in Oregon to bring water to southern California LOL
They should get rid of those cheesy Spray things and fill Owens lake with all the extra snow pack. La & San Francisco seem to have stole a lot of water way back when. They should build an Aqueduct behind the Cascades in Oregon to bring water to southern California LOL
How about an underground pipeline from the Great Lakes? Hell, they got oil and gas lines running thousands of miles all over the globe. Why not get water from one of the largest bodies of fresh water on the planet? That could make the Sonoran and Mojave desserts bloom. They could grow metric tons of produce. Change that entire ecology to be sure. It would take a while to drain those lakes.
How about an underground pipeline from the Great Lakes? Hell, they got oil and gas lines running thousands of miles all over the globe. Why not get water from one of the largest bodies of fresh water on the planet? That could make the Sonoran and Mojave desserts bloom. They could grow metric tons of produce. Change that entire ecology to be sure. It would take a while to drain those lakes.
I've always thought the same thing. Makes perfect sense to me