1st Grow - Indoor sealed room(skunk #1).


Well-Known Member
just reread the entire thread and realized i just kept posting..'you'll get a decent harvest yet' like a true stoner :weed: but its really great seeing your progression and since i've just had some heat issues i kno they'll bounce back yay, lookin forward to seein the last month of flower as i'm about 2 weeks behind i'll be watching closely.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure how longs left??? according to the packet, the seeds were in, i have between 7 and 32 days of flowering left ... im also unsure whether to start flushing soon or wait a bit ..looking at the white hairs i have left i must have a couple of weeks left now..but i cud do with some advice


Well-Known Member
Look at the trichomes to tell whether to harvest or wait. You said you read fdds harvest and curing 101, right? You need to decide whether to harvest when the trichs are either cloudy with some amber or mostly amber. They start to change fast so you need to know when the strain ends to approximate when the change will occur. Some people ramp down the strenth of the nutes (decrease N) and lessen the light time too.

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
Aloha I just read your post nice job great save. you should get a 60x scope at radio shack for like 15 bucks and look at your plants it will blow your mind follow what green thumb said with the trichomes. I go with light amber and a slow dry. don't rush it you will be much happier.


Well-Known Member
changed 2 of my rubbish CFl's for some better 2700K
1300 Lm...

Yeah i need a microscope really.. i'll see if i can pick one up this weekend.

a few more pics...



Well-Known Member
I've found someone else growing skunk # 1, they used a 400 watt HPS... this is day 45

That main cola's huge compared to mine :oops:

It was harvested 8 days later yielding 2.60 oz

Congrats to the grower but i'm Gutted as i cant see my plants getting anyway near this grow :( :cuss::-(


Well-Known Member
Got hold of a Electricity cost and usage calculator yesterday for £9.99 ran it for 24 hours and my cost is .89p a day ($1.55ish) would have been more a day tho when i was using my MH i think.

bought a 100X magnifying today for a deep sea diver....

The results are hard to see it's like looking at the stars, ive seen some good looking shots of Trichs using 100x on here but mine suck balls..... i can see trichs but cant tell if there clear or cloudy certainly arn't amber tho..

EDIT: i took the leaves off the outside of the plant not sure if that matters so gonna try again tomorrow taking one from a bud site.
get a bigger hps u can get nuggs like that.. running a hps 12 hours a day does not cost much for me a 400 cost $30 dollars a month at 18 cents kwh.. so a 150 shouldnt be more than 15 dollars extra


Well-Known Member
can't remember exactly but it was about 16 inch i think..i was waiting for the isometric growth as suggested by someone on here... they would have been about 10 inch if they hdn't have stretch so god dam much.

wyteberrywidow get a bigger hps u can get nuggs like that.. running a hps 12 hours a day does not cost much for me a 400 cost $30 dollars a month at 18 cents kwh.. so a 150 shouldnt be more than 15 dollars extra
yeah you're right but down scaling for my next grow.. just the 150 and a couple of CFL's in a fridge


Well-Known Member
I was hoping to keep flowering for another 20ish days giving a big feed in 5 days or so and then start flushing, but it seems waters taking longer to be used so i have given them what might be there last nutes tonight.... come Saturday if the soil is still moist i'll start to flush.


Well-Known Member
So when i got home from work tonight they have drooped for some reason?? Did water the other day but the soil was damp/dry not wet tonight..

I pulled them out to re-stake them and tied the buds up nearer the light..

flopping about all over the place..

batteries ran out on my camera and so i could not take pics of them tied just got them back in the warmth asap.

Here they are back in.. showing more bud sites to the light... i should have done this a few weeks ago..

i have one which i could not bring myself to photo as it's just pathetic ..most definitely the runt of the pack.