What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3898338 View attachment 3898338 Ok honestlynlast post

Is one of you trolling me?

Who is this girl spitting venom with every message?
Did my boy tomtom hook me up with a potential egf?
Is it his legit wife?
Why does she hurt my feelz when I am being sexy nice?
Who is she?
Is it a troll a really cool person?
Apparently I was informed who she was but I was hammered and my pussy jokes made her feel i was ghey and insecure

I think thia chick is a faggot to be trithful

Would sexually harass

I may or may not have a bruised face

I got socked a few tomes

I socked back

Ahout out to robberies
What the fuck is going on?


Well-Known Member
So, with a 20ton press, you/we can squish at lower temps because of the psi.


I can squish out some serious budder at lower temps, or squish a bunch more shatter type at higher temps(220).
Way quicker at 220. But at the lower temps is waaaaaaay more terpy
Pics are some yummy looking yummy

Making le moist


Well-Known Member
I am calling s rsndom girl on the web.

She has a flufferbanf tontom ssys dhe is cute.

I am tryong to. Swoo swoo her..
I xsn swoo anyone