Carolina Dream'n
Well-Known Member
Phew. Were do I start.Hey guys I'm from Florida and have been doing my thing here for a few years and currently am setting up to move to Oregon/Josephine County. I just started talking to an investor that is considering financing the venture keeping my fingers crossed
So this is what I am planning:
60,000 Sq Ft EFU Property with 3 phase power and unlimited power
13 - 100x30 "Emerald Kingdom" Automated Light Dep System each with
- 32,000 Watt HID Lighting
- Two 36" Exhaust Vented exhaust fans on Temp Control
- Eight 12" Circulating Fans on Temp Control
- Six 14" Can Max Fans "Fresh Air Intakes" on Temp Control
- One 31,000 BTU Thermal Heater on Temp Control
- Two 210 Pint Dehum on Humi Control
- Nine 325 Gallon Tanks "Plumbed In Tantem" 2,925 Gallons
- One 1 Hp Water Pump for Drip
5 - 40x8 Shipping Containers "Drying Rooms" insulated and each with
- 9,000 BTU Mitsubishi Mini Spilt Cooling/Heating Units
- Two Pedestal Fans
- One 70 Pint Dehum on Humi Control
- Custom Screen Drying Trays
Growing Inside Each 12 0f 13 Greenhouses:
- Two Hundred Fifty 10 Gallon Smart Pots "Not Sure Of Strains"
- Vegging For 2 Months 24/0
- Feeding 4 Times Daliy Every 6 Hrs for 10 mins
Growing Inside 13 Greenhouse:
This is going to be my baby greenhouse for clones so I can have a harvest every 4 months
Going to Use House & Garden Full Line " I have used them for a while and love it but they are pricey especially for a grow this size"
I'm so stoked about this hoping that guy goes through with it Its going to take a pile of money for this venture but we are talking returns in the six figures and I get to do something I love and sleep at night lol.
Thanks for reading guys
1. Do you realie the size of a crew you will need to run that many greenhouses?
2. 32-1000 watts isn't close enough to cover that space efficiently. If buying new why would you even use 1000s in a greenhouse. 315's bruh.
3. Two 36 inch fans won't even come close to cooling that big of a greenhouse.
4. People don't really use inline fans as intakes. Very energy inefficient.
5. Heater isn't big enough. 3000sq ft won't work on less than 3 tons.
6. Go with 3 dehumidifiers. Fail safe if one fails you still have 2 running.
7. Research commercial agriculture. They are not linking IbC totes together. Get a storage tank and inline dosers.
8. Would go with much more than a 1hp pump for irration as you'll prob move things around in 1-2 inch pipe before dropping down for drip.
9. Mini split for drying container isn't large enough. Put a 9 on both the front and the back.
10. A little 70 pint ain't gonna do a damn thing for a 40 ft container full of drying bud.
11. 250 plants per greenhouse, 13 greenhouses. 3250 plants...
Oregon medical program only allows 96 plants per site, with special permits, unless grandfathered in, which you are not.
If recreational you better get way more money from an investor for your rec licensing.
12. House and Garden will cost you an arm and a leg to use. Learn about simple salts. Same shit. No water.
13. Do you realize the cost of vegging 24/0 in a commercial operation. Literally throwing away money.
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