First Grow 100% (FEM) SuperGirl 2 Weeks old (PICS)


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow i have 1 (HPS) 250 Watt, 3 (CFL's) two are 75 Watt 5000k and to other is 50 Watt at 2500k, and i have 2 25 Watt shoplights at 6500k. Im using floro-grow and superthrive for when shes vegging and i got the floro-bloom and superthrive when i put her into flower.

Shes 2 Weeks old strain is 100% FEM supergirl from nirvina im only growin one at a time for now i want to get the hang of it before do something stupid and fuck up.

If anyone has advice speak up PLZ!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
congrats - you are the first noobie with more light than you need. you can use the 250 alone when the plant gets to be about 4 weeks. keep with the cfl's until then.

what medium are you growing in?

the baby looks healthy.


Well-Known Member
What you usin to grow with? Soil? looks like maybe hempy bucket with perlite as the medium? Possible hydro of some kind, not sure, but looks good so far.


Well-Known Member
gald to see a newb with some light.
you must have read up:D and I commend you for that.
you can use both of the GH grow n bloom in conjunction tho.
Do you have the micro? you will need that...

Is that straight perlite or some type of soiless mix?
Looks like soil with perlite overtop it so the soil doesn't dry out so much

I'll follow this grow


Well-Known Member
I just put the perlite over the soil so it dont dry it up as much and it reflects light really good i chang the perlite every week to keep it white. I dont got the micro when i bought the bloom and grow they were sold out but im planing on gettin it. You think i should just use the HPS at 4 weeks i think im going to use them for a lil bit more then that.

One question Should i top my plant or LST????


Well-Known Member
congrats - you are the first noobie with more light than you need. you can use the 250 alone when the plant gets to be about 4 weeks. keep with the cfl's until then.

what medium are you growing in?

the baby looks healthy.
I'm a newb and I've got a 400 watts MH and a 1000 watts HPS

any love?


Well-Known Member
I guessed it right it was soil with a layer of perlite:D.

You can give it the hps alone now but I'd give it like 5 more days just to get some more weak light and crank that hps on the top of the plants(not too close as you proly already know) and use the florous for side growth when it gets bigger:D.

I do use all 3 in conjunction grow, micro, n bloom at the seedling rate. GH is good shit;).
How much are you giving it? Like mL or Teaspoon wise?
If you don't already know you should feed every other water.

Have you thought about cloning?

LST do you not have enough height space?

PS NormaJean ha where's your journal?


Well-Known Member
I'm a newb and I've got a 400 watts MH and a 1000 watts HPS

any love?
sure,great job. just don't burn the house down. and what is a noobie doing growing a couple of pounds of stuff every other month? need help consumng all of that?


Well-Known Member
Im only using 1 tsp per gallon and i do switch up every other water i got plenty of room and i think im just goin to top it. And i dont know how to clone i could use the advice though.


Well-Known Member
Damn thats alot of info to give out but i'll throw out some of the info that comes with cloning.
There has to be a thread on here about it if not.. Google it.
Oh i use 1/4tsp for a while then bump up to 1tsp.

Cloning (if you using rockwool) just kinda configure it for soil
take a nice middle to lower branch on a 3-4 week old plant some do it at 2weeks but thats too young for me.
Use a clean razor and cut the at a 45degree angle.
Some do 90 first then cut at 45degree while in the water

have ya cloning solution ready if you using any, even shultz take root from walmart works.
dip the cutting in pH balanced water or distilled water
have the medium ready as well.

if using a cloning solution you would want to strip a very small layer off the stem of the clone/cutting so the cloning solutions is more exposed to the cutting.

dip into medium.

i know there are holes in this but it's just the idea of cloning and i rushed to type it.



Well-Known Member
sure,great job. just don't burn the house down. and what is a noobie doing growing a couple of pounds of stuff every other month? need help consumng all of that?
... I had the space and the labor... and then went what the hell with my "investment". This site really helped fuel my madness. I will need some help consuming it all... but right now I must focus on germination :p you gotta start somewhere you know...

Oh and I wanted to thank you for your always helpful input in my threads and in all those other people's thread.


Well-Known Member
post a link to ya journal NormaJean
There still nothing in my room... everything is set up...

I should be receiving 6-8 fully grown ultra haze to be put into flowering. I also received some seeds today from with which I intend to fill my veg room very soon.

I'll be sure to keep you all posted, I won't miss an opportunity to give back to riu...


Well-Known Member
There still nothing in my room... everything is set up...

I should be receiving 6-8 fully grown ultra haze to be put into flowering. I also received some seeds today from with which I intend to fill my veg room very soon.

I'll be sure to keep you all posted, I won't miss an opportunity to give back to riu...
lol -your eagerness is really showing - you can't wait for the seeds to grow while you have an empty flower room sitting around - so you buy fully vegged clones?


ps - thanks for the kind words


Well-Known Member
^^^ A friend of mine has those outside and tought they would have the time to flower before the ground freezes, it won't be the case so he's getting rid of them trought me.

I tought I could use the experience and the bud... :D


Well-Known Member
not nitrogen, i think. the story on threads here was they somehow influence the plant to be female. search for "banana" as a tag in the search engine.