getawaymountain 16/17 seeders

no we have been sick with a bad flu for a week now just coming out of it and are going thursday to miami then keys for a week i'm glad so i can be here for the 12-20 inches of snow coming then we are leaving
glad?? I told wifey iam done with shovel dig the boots out what ever u get wont last will chill now below 0 front door open in the sun
Getaway, the flu is crazy this year. Everyone in my family handed it around in January and February. Took forever to over it. Hope you guys are feeling better and have a good time in Florida.
we got a big blizzard coming today get pics when it gets here going to be busy here with 2 ft of snow and 55 knot winds on greenhouse watch haha who said spring was here ???
we got a big blizzard coming today get pics when it gets here going to be busy here with 2 ft of snow and 55 knot winds on greenhouse watch haha who said spring was here ???
we got a big blizzard coming today get pics when it gets here going to be busy here with 2 ft of snow and 55 knot winds on greenhouse watch haha who said spring was here ???
getting hit here too, hoping I don't get stuck at work again. Also hoping it's the last one if the year as in anxious to get this season started. Going south with the wife in April before the season. Gl with the greenhouse!