
I was super fucked up bro

Kinda like right now. But i had just taken some dabs and been drinking all day. Just like right now actually, so pretty much the same :-D
Ya, I started drinking early, took a nap after too many dabs and shots of gin. woke up had coffee got more beer, ate pad thai while drinking beer.

I am again getting that good feeling back

Ya, I started drinking early, took a nap after too many dabs and shots of gin. woke up had coffee got more beer, ate pad thai while drinking beer.

I am again getting that good feeling back

Rite on. I've been a good boy lately. Don't start drinking til I'm done working. Today was around 3pm. Been celebrating with new boat parts ever since :-)
I attempted to hook up the new router yesterday but lost my internet for a while, had to put the old one back. They're sending out a tech on Tuesday or Wednesday. So hopefully by next weekend my connection will be fast enough to TC again.
LoL finally upgrading your router? I remember you telling me how slow it was not long ago over coffee.

Has anyone else have tc freeze up more then normal? It aint my internet and only started a couple weeks back
LoL finally upgrading your router? I remember you telling me how slow it was not long ago over coffee.

Has anyone else have tc freeze up more then normal? It aint my internet and only started a couple weeks back

Yeah, they finally sent me a new one but my service provider is having trouble connecting to it so they have to send a guy out. Gives me time to run a new line anyway.