Liberals on the attack of recreational marijuana.

Enjoy your Trump years.
I'm a prosperous white guy. I'm going to be fine. I want to live in a country where people have enough to eat, a place to live, equal rights and good prospects for the future. With Trump in charge, I don't see that and want to stop him and change the direction he's driving this country. Mine is a 1st world problem. Because I'm going to be OK, but I'm concerned for others and the long term damage to our democracy.

You on the other hand voted for the sucker. Have you taken a look at the cuts he's planning to make in the social safety net? Are some of them coming your way? Why don't you get that tattoo to present to Trump when he comes by for his regular shagging of you?
I'm a prosperous white guy. I'm going to be fine. I want to live in a country where people have enough to eat, a place to live, equal rights and good prospects for the future. With Trump in charge, I don't see that and want to stop him and change the direction he's driving this country. Mine is a 1st world problem. Because I'm going to be OK, but I'm concerned for others and the long term damage to our democracy.

You on the other hand voted for the sucker. Have you taken a look at the cuts he's planning to make in the social safety net? Are some of them coming your way? Why don't you get that tattoo to present to Trump when he comes by for his regular shagging of you?

Homelessness became a "crisis" in my city during the Obama years. You didn't seem to care though, so whatever.

I hope Trump cuts everything. I'm not scared like you are. I can survive anything.
Homelessness became a "crisis" in my city during the Obama years. You didn't seem to care though, so whatever.

I hope Trump cuts everything. I'm not scared like you are. I can survive anything.
Congress allocates the funds. Something in the constitution says something like that.

I laugh at you right wingers trying to tie Trump's shitty misdeeds to Obama. You must be feeling the butt hurt bad after getting that tattoo for your maximum leader's love.
It's absolutely hilarious how you contort your pretzel logic to justify your choice to vote for Trump. Trump is a shitty leader who lied to you about medical and never even mentioned states self regulating the rec market. And you voted for him. What a shitty choice that was.

Plenty of people warned you that Trump was a liar and going to throttle the nascent legal MJ market but you wouldn't believe it. OK, so pay the piper. Admit you were wrong and that Hillary would have been a better president than Trump.

Judge leaders by their acts not their words.

How is that "listen to his heart not his words" going for you? LOL
Hillary never told a lie I got to remember this.
Congress allocates the funds. Something in the constitution says something like that.

I laugh at you right wingers trying to tie Trump's shitty misdeeds to Obama. You must be feeling the butt hurt bad after getting that tattoo for your maximum leader's love.
Trump just became president he has plenty of time to make America great again.
Hillary never told a lie I got to remember this.
You stayed quite under Obama while constantly being lied to.

obama never lied his ass off like trump does. the vast majority of what obama said was true beyond dispute.

you can only say the same thing about 4% of what trump says.

good luck building that false equivalency and defending the guy who lies to your face needlessly and endlessly.
obama never lied his ass off like trump does. the vast majority of what obama said was true beyond dispute.

you can only say the same thing about 4% of what trump says.

good luck building that false equivalency and defending the guy who lies to your face needlessly and endlessly.
You think he really ended the Iraq and Afghan wars? No, but he did start a whole lot more war.
Hillary never told a lie I got to remember this.

And according to you, Trump said he'd support state regulation of a legal recreational MJ market.

That makes two claims of yours that never happened. Along with the Bowling Green massacre and that incredible surge in violence in Sweden. Voting for Rump has put you into an alternative facts universe.
Obama even kept the Patriot Act going and did not close guantanamo bay. Some pretty big lies but what do liberals care about rights?

And according to you, Trump said he'd support state regulation of a legal recreational MJ market.

That makes two claims of yours that never happened. Along with the Bowling Green massacre and that incredible surge in violence in Sweden. Voting for Rump has put you into an alternative facts universe.
He did say it should be left to the states. Big pharma just has more pull than the people.
Trump just became president he has plenty of time to make America great again.
When will a viable Trumpcare plan be available for review? ....crickets.....

He said the day he takes office he'd repeal Obamacare. I guess that wasn't what was in his heart. (snicker)