Neighbors Complaining about smell....

Thankfully I've never had the police fuck me over on paper/record wise ....but I've had my fair share of over reacting police putting lasers on me then cuffing and stuffing me before the story was even told ...just to apologize and un cuff me minutes later .....thanks for the bruised wrists assholes....and usually it's one level headed cop in a dozen that has to chill his own guys out ...smh.....sorry that happen to you dude and it's sad how many stories exactly like yours there are .....and worse ....deadly worse .....the only cool cop I knew was an old school sheriff that worked my area growing up ....officer Vento ...he retired years ago ....but he wouldn't stress about dumb little shit and was happy if all I was doing was riding a dirt bike on the road as a kid .......cops nowadays would try the fuckin pit maneuver on a 15 year old riding a dirt bike in the street do I trust them I fear them in or around my legal grow YES...absolutely
I've been fucked over by them. Trumped up charges and all. I cant say more because of a non disclosure agreement. You know what that means.;-)
Depends on brand. In theory it makes no difference because its the same amount of surface area.

Read the instructions for your filter. Phresh says you can pull or push with their filters.

I rarely ever read anything that you post that I disagree with, but this is an exception. Most fan designs don't push air well , squirrel cage fans are about the best pushers but are noise. However I could be and probably
My garden is in Michigan in which I am fully compliant with state law with all regulations. I have a nosy neighbor who has been complaining about the smell of my plants going into his yard. He has been threatening to call law enforcement about the smell ( I respect his concern about the smell because if I did not like the smell I would want it gone as well) and I have taken many precautions to try to eliminate the smell. All exhaust is carbon filtered with the ONA gel put inside of it as extra measure. He is concerned about his kids smelling and becoming addicted to the smell as they grow older.

Now here's my concern.

1. I've never even seen these "kids" he has.
2. I recently went over and knocked on his door about 9pm to which I heard a vacuum pump going in his tri-level basement portion of his house. When he came outside to answer me if he smelled it or not he was suited up to the teeth with hazmat body suit. It was dark but I could see the indents around his mouth and nose of where a respirator was on.

Now for my questions

1. Do you think he's running some kind of lab with illegal substances and he is just threatening to call law enforcement because he doesn't want police near his spot ?
2. If the police show up to my door about a weed smell complaint what do they normally do/ask when they arrive (i.e. Can I just explain I'm a mmmp patient and they will leave)

I appreciate anyone's and all responses who is gone through having this same or similar scenario.

Thanks in advance hope to have this resolved without anything going awry.

I think your fan is to strong or your filter needs replaced/recharged.
I thought I was good but legal or not I'd rather avoid police.
yes as i heard it the are still doing civil forfeiture their in mi i vent mine out the chimney but the wind could still blow it around. sorry man if its really stinky what about double up on the carbon filter
1. Rec and growing are legal in Alaska but you cannot have any odor discernible from the exterior of the building.

2. I had a similar problem early in my growing career I battled however I only really noticed it during lights out (when my intake and out take fans were off). I finally figured out that my intake vent was passively exhausting when the fans were off so I installed 8" carbon filters on on both in and out - problem solved.

I rarely ever read anything that you post that I disagree with, but this is an exception. Most fan designs don't push air well , squirrel cage fans are about the best pushers but are noise. However I could be and probably

I think your fan is to strong or your filter needs replaced/recharged.
It makes little difference in efficiency pulling or pushing unless the filter is clogged or long runs.

I have done both. Once at the same time with two filters. Pulling through one and pushing out the other.

The question was push or pull through the filter. Fact is either is fine.
From thresh website.
Well you know I come from a family of service. I've seen both sides. The very good and the very bad. I'm sorry for your experience.
I've met and known a few cops.

It goes both ways. I was let go when I should have went to jail. It stands to reason the possibility of going to jail when innocent also happens.

Its actually happened more than once. One time I was charged with a class b felony when it should have been a misdemeanor. I told the cop he couldn't do that and his answer was "I can do what I want, I'm the police."
Ok ok you guys rights cops kill people left and right. Every day every night....

On the flip side this is becuz this is all you fucking hear and see. What about all the times cops are respectful and do their job? Dont blanket a whole group people becuz you only read and hear about the bad one.

This makes you no better then them.
Why do they automatically treat every citizen like a possible criminal, even though the majority of interactions with the public are peaceful? Maybe if they didn't start throwing that blanket over the general public , this anti police backlash wouldn't have happened.
OP - sounds to me like your neighbor smelled weed constanly and figured it could only be from a grow or a stash house, thinks that if he acts annoyed you might get scared and offer up some cash.
You fucked up by admitting you grow, should have said it was a OZ you picked up from the dispensary or something and had left it out.

If youre in a legal state, stay in compliance until you see what he does next and dont act afraid or tense or hes gonna think youre not legal and may try to extort you
1. Rec and growing are legal in Alaska but you cannot have any odor discernible from the exterior of the building.

2. I had a similar problem early in my growing career I battled however I only really noticed it during lights out (when my intake and out take fans were off). I finally figured out that my intake vent was passively exhausting when the fans were off so I installed 8" carbon filters on on both in and out - problem solved.

Since you installed them in and out did that compromise your fans or did you upsize the filter so more exchange was allowed ?