Major Problem! Please Help


Well-Known Member
I have 5 all together and the 2 biggest ones are under attack by spider mites, ive been killing every visible one i see and i've been spraying with insecticide peppermint & garlic soap spray. Its into its 6th week flowering so the buds are dense. I just checked them early this morning and i noticed that the tip of a couple of branches were looking different compared to the rest. There were a few leaves coming out of the buds that were dead and starting to shrivel. I pulled them off and where the stem meets the branch was a little larva/catapillar of some sort. I had to remove the top of the cola on these branches cause it did so much damage. and i noticed little brownish gritty dots/specs in the center of the bud that was left on the branch. What are these dots and WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!? I am a NooB at this so any advice please! should i harvest early???


Well-Known Member
You might run down to a plant shop and look into some harmless (to humans) pyrethrum based insect bomb? If you do, and have fish, and care, be sure you protect them well for a couple of days. A little pyrethrum in the water will kill. MaMa killed Roger last week when I bombed a couple outdoor plants I was bringing indoors. I used this product, which I got thru the mail. I don't think you have that kind of time.
PCO fogger


Well-Known Member
Yeah, dr doom bug bombs ....I know theyre safe to use, but IM not sure if theyll leave some sortve nastiy tasting residue. After you do the bomb you should clean all the leaves with something to kill the eggs like SMC.


Well-Known Member
yeah there all outside grown. you have any idea what the dots in the bud is??? or what the green larva looking fuckers are? i dont even want to smoke that shit it looks that bad.


Well-Known Member
Oh their outdoor, that changes everything. The little dots I imagine are where the mites are sucking away at your leaves. Im not sure how youre going to be able to get rid of mites outdoors, other than spraying with something safe very often.


Active Member
the larva is a bad sign, I've seen this on outdoor grows a couple times and both instances the plants were overun and killed before harvest. Not to say all hope is lost just my experience. Any chance you can clip the infested areas and bring them indoors


Well-Known Member
Well, one thing you can do outdoors is spray the F out of your plant, with pressure. Many pest insects can be temporarily dealt with similarly.

Note: Bomb residue not a big concern if used early enough. I would advise against using after one month of pistils being visible.
Just a guess.


Well-Known Member
Naw, im not bringing them inside. Its hard enough keeping it safe outside. I envy growers who can control there own environment, inside growing is a HOLE different ballpark. One day i will have to try it when i can get away with it. But the Dots are inside the center of the buds from where i ripped off the tip of the cola. DO yall think I should harvest early to just try to save what i already have???

Here is a pic of the biggest plant's top cola now yesterday. I wanted to go for another 2 weeks, but i'm thinking about starting the flushing process today and harvest in a week because of this problem.



New Member
buy end all at home depot or garden center safe till the last 2 weeks spray at half the strength it tells you too and spray just before the lights go off, or ul burn them a bit. Spray the undersides of leaves every 5 days 3 times and they will b gone.


Well-Known Member
it would drown all the bugs, but you'd probably still be smoking a bunch of dead mites and eggs...Im sure we all have though, whethere we knew it or not.


Well-Known Member
Its really close around the time i want to harvest tho. am i going to be cutting myself short on quality by a lot if i harvest in a week?


Well-Known Member
harvesting early definitely cuts back on quality depending on how early you do it. If most of the trichs are cloudy, then Id say go ahead and harvest them, but by the looks of the pic you should have atleast a couple weeks left. If anything try to wait atleast another week or so or until more of the hairs turn red.


Well-Known Member
yeah i've noticed in the pass week that most all the pistils have started changing colors and showing signs of maturing. im gonna keep a close eye on them and try to put off harvesting as late a possible


Active Member
dude alright look. those brown dots that are in your buds are shit depostits left from catipillars. i usually call them THC worms because upon inspecting them you can see them munching away at pistils and thc thrichromes(the stuff that gets you high).They burrow themselves into the center of the buds so its hard to spot them but sporadic drying of certain buds and leaves is a tell tail sign that THC worms are around. as your plant matures the worms will get larger and increase in number. i have hand picked them off my bud because i would trust no chemical to spray on the bud that i smoke. these catipillars will kill yor bud or greatly reduce thc within so take care of it.


Well-Known Member
why would i want to water cure it??? how would that fix my problem? just wondering
Worse case would mean lots of failed spraying w/shit, to me? If I needed that plant, I might try and clean it up before putting it inside me. Thus, the water cure idea.


Well-Known Member
Re:PCO Fogger from post above. I saw live mites 8 nights after bombing. I suspect my moving the plant inside and the resulting hps heat must've accelerated the egg hatch.
Either that or the stuff didn't work, which I can imagine, being pyrethrum?