Just when I thought I had found the ultimate deal on a light I have been wanting for years (an Apache Tech AT600)...I happened onto a live chatroom feed from former forum member Growmau5 who put on the video cast with Vitaly from ChilLED grow lights.. It seems that Vitaly has been working on some Quantum Board designs, too...His, however, incorporate some blue and red mono diodes, too....supposedly achieving some crazy numbers like 2.7 umols per joule or something (Don't quote me on that, though...because I don't even know what that means!

) But, as badly as I had been wanting that ApacheTech, I started to think about the weight....all those fans...older technology....etc....but I just feel compelled to stay up on the newest and best stuff on the market,
So, yeah, I am onboard for the QB's...I just have to determine which design application is best for me.