Everyone got ful power, agsil, aloe and coconut. Heavy watering.
Nothing to exciting. This week im starting our 2nd strain love dawg. Should be flipping these one to flower soon. Im not trying to max these ones out. Just looking for a mother.
Also i will be building a cloner as they look very easy to make and im a diy guy for some things...
So i have temp sensors installed in the grow rooms that track and log temps. This past week my temps have been hovering at 85-90. Honeslty not to bad considering it has been 80-90 outside.
But considering its not even summer yet when temps will hit 100 for weeks at a time i need to beef up the ventilation.
Im installing a 5000 btu window unit in each room. My current 12000btu unit is not doing much inaide my lung room.
I also got 2 temp controled outlets that are pretty bad ass and cheap.
I can set them to make the ac kick on at a temp and turn off at another for example. I can set them to turn on at 85 f and turn off at 80. They work for both cooling and heating. Comes with a probe and a digital read out right on it.
If these smaller acs work i will sell the bigg ac and try n get some cash back. If they dont work i will just have to use all 3 acs...