Open Show and Tell 2017-18


Well-Known Member
I remember reading about Hitler and the USSR signing some bs to not invade eachother, then Hitler crossed on his word. But thats just as far as I could tolerate schooling. I do not respect that nazi prick, only thing a man has is his word.


Ya know, it's amazing how much history there is in Europe from WW
I remember reading about Hitler and the USSR signing some bs to not invade eachother, then Hitler crossed on his word. But thats just as far as I could tolerate schooling. I do not respect that nazi prick, only thing a man has is his word.
you are 100% correct sir.

"Do what you say and say what you mean."


Well-Known Member
I remember reading about Hitler and the USSR signing some bs to not invade eachother, then Hitler crossed on his word. But thats just as far as I could tolerate schooling. I do not respect that nazi prick, only thing a man has is his word.
1941 is when they went their separate ways. After splitting up Poland of course


It was all about the fronts hitler was making with the countries citys etc he was taking yeah ? Im still watching the nazi doco series effin mad bastard he was...
I love churchill
Churchill was a definite OG.

My favorite quotes from him are:

  1. You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

  2. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen
