Any Toad Owners?


Well-Known Member
colorado river toads look like good pets as they live for UP TO 36 years but commonly 5-15 years.
I have a few air pump and shit i guess id need a terrarium and rocks and stuff.

itd be neat to try and grow mycelium/mushrooms in a toad's terrarium...

i need a friend animal.....
to feed, stare at, take the vet, to milk for venom to then precipitate the DMT out of

let's have a talk

giphy (6).gif

oh and so this doesnt get moved to HS...ah...... penis


Well-Known Member
colorado river toads look like good pets as they live for UP TO 36 years but commonly 5-15 years.
I have a few air pump and shit i guess id need a terrarium and rocks and stuff.

itd be neat to try and grow mycelium/mushrooms in a toad's terrarium...

i need a friend animal.....
to feed, stare at, take the vet, to milk for venom to then precipitate the DMT out of

let's have a talk

View attachment 3915771

oh and so this doesnt get moved to HS...ah...... penis
Got any pics of the toad iv heard of them having dmt


Well-Known Member
You should keep your toads in a quiet area of your home, free of excessive human activity and noise. The toads will not do well if they are kept on top of a television or near stereo speakers, since they can be sensitive to sound vibrations. Also, you may not want to provide too much light for your Bufo alvarius as these toads are nocturnal and excessive light may cause them stress.

Toads may be kept in a large (20 gallon or more) aquarium, or similar sized plastic box. A tight fitting cover is essential because these toads are strong jumpers. A cheap and practical enclosure could be a large plastic storage bin with the lid modified by removing the larger part of the center and replacing it with fine mesh wire to allow for ventilation.

Toads like to burrow and hide during the day so a substrate in which they can burrow works out well. The substrate can be bark nuggets or smooth, large pebbles that cannot be easily ingested, cypress mulch, peat moss, or dried sphagnum moss. Do not use soil as a substrate. Pieces of large flat bark, drift wood or rocks can be placed in the cage for hiding spots as well. Or a few hide-logs and rock caves will allow the toads more privacy. The environment, with the exception of the water dish, should be dry. Plants, if added, should be kept in pots. Live plants can be stuck into the substrate still in their pots to make the cage look nicer and add hiding spots for the toads.

ok maybe i wont grow shrooms in there... maybe cacti and plants


Well-Known Member
Got any pics of the toad iv heard of them having dmt
im doing my research to see what they like before i bring one home. They look like easy care if i follow the instructions.

The venom (a milky looking substance) is strong enough to kill a dog or cat, and conceivably a person if enough is ingested. It can also severely irritate eyes and nasal linings. The venom is secreted from the glands if the toad is sufficiently stressed.


Well-Known Member
So what is the name of toad that has dmt ?
theyre being super vague because its just the care TEK for the toad. it is this type though.

There is a drug-use phenomenon that is often referred to by the popular title of "toad-licking." The toad involved is the Sonoran Desert Toad, also called the Colorado River Toad, and carries the binomial Bufo alvarius. It is not the closely related marine toad Bufo marinus, as some people have insisted, prompted by the early Olmec and Mayan iconography. Of course the licking myth is newspaper hype -- it is the venom that is active, and it is smoked. When the desert toad is stroked near the parotid glands in the neck region, there is the squirting out of this venom and when it is allowed to dry on a hard surface it takes on the texture of rubber cement. It contains up to 15% 5-MeO-DMT, as well as N-methyl-5-methoxytryptamine, 5-MeO-NMT andBufotenine, which have their own entries.


Well-Known Member
Yep. That's why one chooses toads. It's the venom's reaction in the colon that gets one so high. Beats licking them. Or so I've heard...

The Peruvian ass-toad...
i have heard women prefer this method because they can get a tape worm for free instead of ordering their diet powder to get the worm eggs.


Well-Known Member
im doing my research to see what they like before i bring one home. They look like easy care if i follow the instructions.

The venom (a milky looking substance) is strong enough to kill a dog or cat, and conceivably a person if enough is ingested. It can also severely irritate eyes and nasal linings. The venom is secreted from the glands if the toad is sufficiently stressed.
How will you stress your new toad?

Will you just lick him/her one time before bed to start out with?

I have some big desert tortoises ,they're pretty cool pets female has been in my family longer than me .......I'm jealous of that and when I'm having bad days il fart into where she's hybernating and yell bad names at her ......obviously I feel bad later and give her a treat .....the male is just a casualty of war ...he endures my gas attacks and name calling ,,,but since it's not directed at him ....he gets no treats or apologies .


Well-Known Member
How will you stress your new toad?

Will you just lick him/her one time before bed to start out with?

I have some big desert tortoises ,they're pretty cool pets female has been in my family longer than me .......I'm jealous of that and when I'm having bad days il fart into where she's hybernating and yell bad names at her ......obviously I feel bad later and give her a treat .....the male is just a casualty of war ...he endures my gas attacks and name calling ,,,but since it's not directed at him ....he gets no treats or apologies .
as any good pet owner would. from what i have read, the venom should be smoked but will give a good massive headache along with the trip. So i figured disolve it in basified naphtha and freeze to precipitate the 5-MEO-DMT out.. As far as stressing goes... idk ill probably make it watch hentai porn until it's creaming, then yell at it for being gay


Well-Known Member
5-MeO-DMT is Not "DMT"
Differentiation is Wise
v1.0 - Nov 2009
Erowid Extracts #17

Citation: Erowid Crew. "5-MeO-DMT is Not 'DMT': Differentiation is Wise." Erowid Extracts. Nov 2009;17:16.

5-MeO-DMT and DMT may have similar names, but they are two different chemicals that should not be confused. 5-MeO-DMT is not a form of DMT. "DMT" is the common name for the chemical N,N-DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine). 5-MeO-DMT is a related chemical (5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) that is active at much lower doses and has quite distinct effects. News stories and online discussions sometimes refer to 5-MeO-DMT as "DMT", but this shorthand can cause serious problems and should not be used.

5-MeO-DMT is known for its presence in the secretions of the Bufo alvarius toad, but also occurs in dozens of plants (notably among Anadenanthera, Phalaris, and Virola species) and at least one Amanita mushroom. In plants, it is often present in combination with N,N-DMT and other related chemicals.

DMT, the better known and arguably more sought-after of the two, was immortalized through Terence McKenna's "self-transforming machine elves" and produces more colorful visuals than 5-MeO-DMT. While enjoyed by some for its sensual elements, 5-MeO-DMT has a reputation for being extremely intense.

The practice of shortening 5-MeO-DMT to "DMT" is dangerous, since some users report powerful effects from as little as 5 mg of vaporized 5-MeO-DMT, whereas four to six times as much is required for strong effects with N,N-DMT. At higher doses, 5-MeO-DMT can exert a strong cardiac response, induce semi-conscious convulsing, or produce shocking mental effects, sometimes with lasting impact. Indeed, an entire book--Darkness Shining Wild, by Robert A. Masters--has been published dealing with an extended mental crisis brought on by an overdose of 5-MeO-DMT.

The error of confusing 5-MeO-DMT with DMT is all too common, and even appeared in the original cover art and catalog text for a book that is focused entirely on 5-MeO-DMT! Designed by the publisher, the cover initially included "DMT" in the title. After receiving emails from both the book's author and an Erowid representative, the publisher corrected the errors before going to print.

Erowid has received reports of several cases where people were offered "DMT" but were given 5-MeO-DMT instead, much to their ontological dismay. This can also result from an error in attention. Many people have read about the fantastic McKenna-esque effects of smoked DMT; if offered 5-MeO-DMT, they may be primed to hear only the familiar "DMT" portion.

Because of this potential confusion, drug geeks should avoid using "DMT" as shorthand for 5-MeO-DMT, and should also stress that 5-MeO-DMT and N,N-DMT are different substances when either comes up as a topic for discussion. A person acquiring either substance should make absolutely sure that the vendor can clearly identify which of the two they are selling. Those who find themselves in the situation of providing either 5-MeO-DMT or N,N-DMT to another person should be absolutely certain that the recipient is clear on the difference.

5-MeO-DMT Headed for Schedule I
On August 21, 2009 the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) published a notice in the Federal Register proposing to place 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) and its salts into Schedule I in the United States. This will almost certainly lead to 5-MeO-DMT becoming illegal to buy, sell, or possess without a license.

5-MeO-DMT has been in use since at least the 1970s in the United States, although, according to the DEA's justification of the scheduling proposal, only 23 federal cases related to the substance were filed in the ten-year period of 1999 through 2008. A separate analysis, based on forensic laboratory data, registered 23 federal, state, and local cases between 2004 and the present.

The proposal does not mention plant or animal sources of the chemical, and its effect on the legality of pet toads or plant species is unclear. It remains to be seen whether this legal control will reduce availability of 5-MeO-DMT or whether it could draw attention to this relatively unpopular substance, and potentially increase use.