*** World record *** high-efficiency LED Plant grow light.
This revolution in led light is also used for Aquarium and Industrial Lighting.
- Take advantage of the waste heat from your LED-Lighting for production of hot water.
- Ideal for greenhouses, larger aquariums, industry and always where bigger demand for light and heat join the same place.
~ 60% of the electrical energy can be recovered and stored in form of hot water.
Efficacy gain 200% and more vs. comon aircooled led light lamps.
In case of COOLMAC-300 - a total consumption of 300W lamp power
enables to rewinn ~165 Watt stored as waste heat in the cooling water.
Operating the chips at junction temperature just a bit above the room temperature
gains further light efficiency of 5-10%
Different power levels (200-1200 watts) - The ability to select the desired spectrum of
3W, 10W, 30W or 50W.....> chips offer endless combinations to customize a kit.
Design your own individual LED light with your own sizes. Length: 50cm - 150cm
Width: 10cm - 100cm
Height: 4cm - 10cm
With optical lenses or without - this LED lamp is endless in terms of individuality.
The kit comes completely mounted but without connected drivers.
You have to solder the chips and connect the drivers to the cable.
After all connections are done - the lamp has to be filled with water
and can get started.
For the installation you need:
- Screwdriver, fork spanner 8mm, possibly cutting pliers and soldering iron + tin.
More Infos:
HEAT EXCHANGER 80L / 300W led lamp / 18h = 90L of hot(37°C) water.
- The electricity bill for my led lamp is payed by my savings in hot water.
*Coolmac watercooled led system* is so far the only way to rise efficacy a huge step forward.

light efficacy --> + 60% heat ---~~~> = ~85%

To run the led lamp(300W) without heat exchanger - you need a 40L water bucket and maybe a little room fontain to have ideal conditions in the grow room. air: 28°C water: 33°C RH: ~70%
next target will be a watercooled led lens - hunting the remaining 15-20% heat power, wich is still emitted by LES and the upper side of the chip.