What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I did a bunch of boring work related shit. Now I'm playing Just Cause 3 and it's super duper amazing to the max radical. 15 out of 10. would recommend.
Just cause is fucking bad ass dude. I played that shit for like 3 months and i don't like playing most open world long ass games anymore. Could play that game all day long though

Have you hopped into the fighter jet yet?


Well-Known Member
I had quite the experience with an officer of the law .......I guess he felt seeing me drink out of a white foam cup was suspicion enough to pull me over .....boy did I have fun with his ass .....of course I didn't end up with any citations or trouble ....but it was sure fun making him dance around his reasoning for pulling me over in the first place ......tried to get my phone recording so I could have audio and possible video of the situation .....but my fucking memory was full after 12 seconds of recording ......I was very excited and then very pissed after the traffic stop because I thought I was guna have a priceless audio/video recording to share .....but it stopped before he even got to my window .......his reason for stopping me was because he saw me take a drink out of a foam cup .......o_O

It was a cup of water from my fucking house that I got on my way to work .......of course he danced around with tinted window issues after I basically asked for his supervisor and told him I'm recording the whole thing ......which I wasn't ((FUCK!!))......so be careful drinking water out of foam cups in Cali .......new recruits feel that's a necessary reason to pull someone over ....


Well-Known Member
Well I'm headed off to one of the family farms to check on things .....since I got pulled over for drinking out of a normal cup ....I decided I'm guna put my water in a 40oz mickeys bottle to be less conspicuous .....if that doesn't work,a 3ft bong should .....sadly,neither of these seem to fit in my cup holders.......good morning guys/gals ........remember to share the word penis with a stranger


Well-Known Member
Well I'm headed off to one of the family farms to check on things .....since I got pulled over for drinking out of a normal cup ....I decided I'm guna put my water in a 40oz mickeys bottle to be less conspicuous .....if that doesn't work,a 3ft bong should .....sadly,neither of these seem to fit in my cup holders.......good morning guys/gals ........remember to share the word penis with a stranger
Pull the label off before you leave! I'd hate to to see you get an open container ticket.

Edit: Penis


Well-Known Member
Ripping out a chimney that's from the early 60s.. it's brick so when I took the job I thought.. cool easy money.... Nope. Ripped off the face.. more brick.. ripped off next layer.. more brick. Then I hit the Jack pot.. a fucking lawnmower deck and soda bottles.. in the chimney.
IMG_20170330_115222.jpg IMG_20170330_115227.jpg IMG_20170330_115243.jpg IMG_20170330_115259.jpg

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Ripping out a chimney that's from the early 60s.. it's brick so when I took the job I thought.. cool easy money.... Nope. Ripped off the face.. more brick.. ripped off next layer.. more brick. Then I hit the Jack pot.. a fucking lawnmower deck and soda bottles.. in the chimney.
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Hmm... they don't make em like they used to.
I mean, who didn't have a lawnmower deck & soda bottles in their chimney back in the day? :dunce: